LordGrey 160c5d0b3a
UI and Web updates (#1421)
* Stop Web-Capture when priority changes

* Remote control UI: Treat duration=0 as endless

* Stop Web-Capture on non-Image events changes

* LED Matrix Layout - Support vertical cabling direction

* Additional Yeelight models

* Treat http headers case insensitive

* Update change log

* Treat http headers case insensitive (consider Qt version)

* API - Consider provided format when setImage

* UI - Support Boblight configuration per LED instance

* Support multiple Boblight clients with different priorities

* Update changelog

* Simplify isGUI rules allowing for QT only builds

* Sysinfo: Fix indents

* LED-Devices: Show warning, if get properties failed

* Qt-Grabber: Fixed position handling of multiple monitors

* LED layout: Remove indention limitations

* Yeelight: Test YLTD003

* hyperion-remote: Provide image filename to muxer/UI

* Refactor PriorityMuxer and related

* Temp: Build under Windows 2019

* Yeelight: Remove YLTD003 as it is not working without additional changes

* Test Windows-latest with out removing redistributables/new MSVC

* correct workflows

* correct CI script

* Build Windows with Qt 5.15.2

* Priority Muxer: Updates after testing

* Fix Typo

* Update BGHandler

* QTGrabber - Reactivate windows code to avoid cursor issues

* Emit prioritiesChanged when autoselect was changed by user

Co-authored-by: Paulchen Panther <Paulchen-Panter@protonmail.com>
2022-02-22 20:58:59 +01:00

235 lines
7.1 KiB

// Python includes
#include <Python.h>
#undef B0
// Qt includes
#include <QResource>
// hyperion util includes
#include <utils/jsonschema/QJsonSchemaChecker.h>
#include <utils/JsonUtils.h>
#include <utils/Components.h>
// effect engine includes
#include <effectengine/EffectEngine.h>
#include <effectengine/Effect.h>
#include <effectengine/EffectModule.h>
#include <effectengine/EffectFileHandler.h>
#include "HyperionConfig.h"
EffectEngine::EffectEngine(Hyperion * hyperion)
: _hyperion(hyperion)
, _log(nullptr)
, _effectFileHandler(EffectFileHandler::getInstance())
QString subComponent = hyperion->property("instance").toString();
_log= Logger::getInstance("EFFECTENGINE", subComponent);
// connect the Hyperion channel clear feedback
connect(_hyperion, &Hyperion::channelCleared, this, &EffectEngine::channelCleared);
connect(_hyperion, &Hyperion::allChannelsCleared, this, &EffectEngine::allChannelsCleared);
// get notifications about refreshed effect list
connect(_effectFileHandler, &EffectFileHandler::effectListChanged, this, &EffectEngine::handleUpdatedEffectList);
// register smooth cfgs and fill available effects
for (Effect * effect : _activeEffects)
delete effect;
QString EffectEngine::saveEffect(const QJsonObject& obj)
return _effectFileHandler->saveEffect(obj);
QString EffectEngine::deleteEffect(const QString& effectName)
return _effectFileHandler->deleteEffect(effectName);
std::list<ActiveEffectDefinition> EffectEngine::getActiveEffects() const
std::list<ActiveEffectDefinition> availableActiveEffects;
for (Effect * effect : _activeEffects)
ActiveEffectDefinition activeEffectDefinition;
activeEffectDefinition.script = effect->getScript();
activeEffectDefinition.name = effect->getName();
activeEffectDefinition.priority = effect->getPriority();
activeEffectDefinition.timeout = effect->getTimeout();
activeEffectDefinition.args = effect->getArgs();
return availableActiveEffects;
std::list<EffectSchema> EffectEngine::getEffectSchemas() const
return _effectFileHandler->getEffectSchemas();
void EffectEngine::cacheRunningEffects()
for (Effect * effect : _activeEffects)
ActiveEffectDefinition activeEffectDefinition;
activeEffectDefinition.script = effect->getScript();
activeEffectDefinition.name = effect->getName();
activeEffectDefinition.priority = effect->getPriority();
activeEffectDefinition.timeout = effect->getTimeout();
activeEffectDefinition.args = effect->getArgs();
void EffectEngine::startCachedEffects()
for (const auto & def : _cachedActiveEffects)
// the smooth cfg AND origin are ignored for this start!
runEffect(def.name, def.args, def.priority, def.timeout, def.script);
void EffectEngine::handleUpdatedEffectList()
unsigned id = 2;
for (auto def : _effectFileHandler->getEffects())
// add smoothing configs to Hyperion
if (def.args["smoothing-custom-settings"].toBool())
def.smoothCfg = _hyperion->updateSmoothingConfig(
0 );
//Debug( _log, "Customs Settings: Update effect %s, script %s, file %s, smoothCfg [%u]", QSTRING_CSTR(def.name), QSTRING_CSTR(def.script), QSTRING_CSTR(def.file), def.smoothCfg);
def.smoothCfg = _hyperion->updateSmoothingConfig(id);
//Debug( _log, "Default Settings: Update effect %s, script %s, file %s, smoothCfg [%u]", QSTRING_CSTR(def.name), QSTRING_CSTR(def.script), QSTRING_CSTR(def.file), def.smoothCfg);
emit effectListUpdated();
int EffectEngine::runEffect(const QString &effectName, int priority, int timeout, const QString &origin)
return runEffect(effectName, QJsonObject(), priority, timeout, "", origin);
int EffectEngine::runEffect(const QString &effectName, const QJsonObject &args, int priority, int timeout, const QString &pythonScript, const QString &origin, unsigned smoothCfg, const QString &imageData)
if (pythonScript.isEmpty())
const EffectDefinition *effectDefinition = nullptr;
for (const EffectDefinition &e : _availableEffects)
if (e.name == effectName)
effectDefinition = &e;
if (effectDefinition == nullptr)
// no such effect
Error(_log, "Effect \"%s\" not found", QSTRING_CSTR(effectName));
return -1;
Info( _log, "Run effect \"%s\" on channel %d", QSTRING_CSTR(effectName), priority);
return runEffectScript(effectDefinition->script, effectName, (args.isEmpty() ? effectDefinition->args : args), priority, timeout, origin, effectDefinition->smoothCfg);
Info( _log, "Run effect \"%s\" on channel %d", QSTRING_CSTR(effectName), priority);
return runEffectScript(pythonScript, effectName, args, priority, timeout, origin, smoothCfg, imageData);
int EffectEngine::runEffectScript(const QString &script, const QString &name, const QJsonObject &args, int priority, int timeout, const QString &origin, unsigned smoothCfg, const QString &imageData)
// clear current effect on the channel
// create the effect
Effect *effect = new Effect(_hyperion, priority, timeout, script, name, args, imageData);
connect(effect, &Effect::setInput, _hyperion, &Hyperion::setInput, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(effect, &Effect::setInputImage, _hyperion, &Hyperion::setInputImage, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(effect, &QThread::finished, this, &EffectEngine::effectFinished);
connect(_hyperion, &Hyperion::finished, effect, &Effect::requestInterruption, Qt::DirectConnection);
// start the effect
Debug(_log, "Start the effect: name [%s], smoothCfg [%u]", QSTRING_CSTR(name), smoothCfg);
_hyperion->registerInput(priority, hyperion::COMP_EFFECT, origin, name ,smoothCfg);
return 0;
void EffectEngine::channelCleared(int priority)
for (Effect * effect : _activeEffects)
if (effect->getPriority() == priority && !effect->isInterruptionRequested())
void EffectEngine::allChannelsCleared()
for (Effect * effect : _activeEffects)
if (effect->getPriority() != PriorityMuxer::BG_PRIORITY && !effect->isInterruptionRequested())
void EffectEngine::effectFinished()
Effect* effect = qobject_cast<Effect*>(sender());
if (!effect->isInterruptionRequested())
// effect stopped by itself. Clear the channel
Info( _log, "Effect [%s] finished", QSTRING_CSTR(effect->getName()));
for (auto effectIt = _activeEffects.begin(); effectIt != _activeEffects.end(); ++effectIt)
if (*effectIt == effect)
// cleanup the effect