mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
* Stop Web-Capture when priority changes * Remote control UI: Treat duration=0 as endless * Stop Web-Capture on non-Image events changes * LED Matrix Layout - Support vertical cabling direction * Additional Yeelight models * Treat http headers case insensitive * Update change log * Treat http headers case insensitive (consider Qt version) * API - Consider provided format when setImage * UI - Support Boblight configuration per LED instance * Support multiple Boblight clients with different priorities * Update changelog * Simplify isGUI rules allowing for QT only builds * Sysinfo: Fix indents * LED-Devices: Show warning, if get properties failed * Qt-Grabber: Fixed position handling of multiple monitors * LED layout: Remove indention limitations * Yeelight: Test YLTD003 * hyperion-remote: Provide image filename to muxer/UI * Refactor PriorityMuxer and related * Temp: Build under Windows 2019 * Yeelight: Remove YLTD003 as it is not working without additional changes * Test Windows-latest with out removing redistributables/new MSVC * correct workflows * correct CI script * Build Windows with Qt 5.15.2 * Priority Muxer: Updates after testing * Fix Typo * Update BGHandler * QTGrabber - Reactivate windows code to avoid cursor issues * Emit prioritiesChanged when autoselect was changed by user Co-authored-by: Paulchen Panther <Paulchen-Panter@protonmail.com>
176 lines
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176 lines
7.9 KiB
$(document).ready(function () {
function updateComponents() {
var instances_html = '<div class="col-md-6 col-xxl-4 currentInstance-"><div class="panel panel-default">';
instances_html += '<div class="panel-heading panel-instance">';
instances_html += '<div class="dropdown">';
instances_html += '<a id="active_instance_dropdown" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#" style="text-decoration:none;display:flex;align-items:center;">';
instances_html += '<div id="active_instance_friendly_name"></div>';
instances_html += '<div id="btn_hypinstanceswitch" style="white-space:nowrap;"><span class="mdi mdi-lightbulb-group mdi-24px" style="margin-right:0;margin-left:5px;"></span><span class="mdi mdi-menu-down mdi-24px"></span></div>';
instances_html += '</a><ul id="hyp_inst_listing" class="dropdown-menu dropdown-alerts" style="cursor:pointer;"></ul>';
instances_html += '</div></div>';
instances_html += '<div class="panel-body">';
instances_html += '<table class="table borderless">';
instances_html += '<thead><tr><th style="vertical-align:middle"><i class="mdi mdi-lightbulb-on fa-fw"></i>';
instances_html += '<span>' + $.i18n('dashboard_componentbox_label_status') + '</span></th>';
var components = window.comps;
var hyperion_enabled = true;
components.forEach(function (obj) {
if (obj.name == "ALL") {
hyperion_enabled = obj.enabled;
var instBtn = '<span style="display:block; margin:3px"><input id="instanceButton"'
+ (hyperion_enabled ? "checked" : "") + ' type="checkbox" data-toggle="toggle" data-size="small" data-onstyle="success" data-on="'
+ $.i18n('general_btn_on') + '" data-off="'
+ $.i18n('general_btn_off') + '"></span>';
instances_html += '<th style="width:1px;text-align:right">' + instBtn + '</th></tr></thead></table>';
instances_html += '<table class="table borderless">';
instances_html += '<thead><tr><th colspan="3">';
instances_html += '<i class="fa fa-info-circle fa-fw"></i>';
instances_html += '<span>' + $.i18n('dashboard_infobox_label_title') + '</span>';
instances_html += '</th></tr></thead>';
instances_html += '<tbody>';
instances_html += '<tr><td></td><td>' + $.i18n('conf_leds_contr_label_contrtype') + '</td>';
instances_html += '<td style="text-align:right; padding-right:0">';
instances_html += '<span>' + window.serverConfig.device.type + '</span>';
instances_html += '<a class="fa fa-cog fa-fw" onclick="SwitchToMenuItem(\'MenuItemLeds\')" style="text-decoration:none;cursor:pointer"></a>';
instances_html += '</td></tr>';
instances_html += '</tbody></table>';
instances_html += '<table class="table first_cell_borderless">';
instances_html += '<thead><tr><th colspan="3">';
instances_html += '<i class="fa fa-eye fa-fw"></i>';
instances_html += '<span>' + $.i18n('dashboard_componentbox_label_title') + '</span>';
instances_html += '</th></tr></thead>';
var componentBtn = "";
var instance_components = "";
for (var idx = 0; idx < components.length; idx++) {
if (components[idx].name != "ALL") {
if ((components[idx].name === "FORWARDER" && window.currentHyperionInstance != 0) ||
(components[idx].name === "GRABBER" && !window.serverConfig.framegrabber.enable) ||
(components[idx].name === "V4L" && !window.serverConfig.grabberV4L2.enable))
var comp_enabled = components[idx].enabled ? "checked" : "";
const general_comp = "general_comp_" + components[idx].name;
componentBtn = '<input ' +
'id="' + general_comp + '" ' + comp_enabled +
' type="checkbox" ' +
'data-toggle="toggle" ' +
'data-size="mini" ' +
'data-onstyle="success" ' +
'data-on="' + $.i18n('general_btn_on') + '" ' +
'data-off="' + $.i18n('general_btn_off') + '">';
instance_components += '<tr><td></td><td>' + $.i18n('general_comp_' + components[idx].name) + '</td><td style="text-align:right">' + componentBtn + '</td></tr>';
instances_html += '<tbody>' + instance_components + '</tbody></table>';
instances_html += '</div></div></div>';
$('#instanceButton').change(e => {
requestSetComponentState('ALL', e.currentTarget.checked);
for (var idx = 0; idx < components.length; idx++) {
if (components[idx].name != "ALL") {
$("#general_comp_" + components[idx].name).bootstrapToggle();
$("#general_comp_" + components[idx].name).bootstrapToggle(hyperion_enabled ? "enable" : "disable");
$("#general_comp_" + components[idx].name).change(e => {
requestSetComponentState(e.currentTarget.id.split('_')[2], e.currentTarget.checked);
// add more info
var screenGrabberAvailable = (window.serverInfo.grabbers.screen.available.length !== 0);
var videoGrabberAvailable = (window.serverInfo.grabbers.video.available.length !== 0);
if (screenGrabberAvailable || videoGrabberAvailable) {
if (screenGrabberAvailable) {
var screenGrabber = window.serverConfig.framegrabber.enable ? $.i18n('general_enabled') : $.i18n('general_disabled');
} else {
if (videoGrabberAvailable) {
var videoGrabber = window.serverConfig.grabberV4L2.enable ? $.i18n('general_enabled') : $.i18n('general_disabled');
} else {
} else {
if (jQuery.inArray("flatbuffer", window.serverInfo.services) !== -1) {
var fbPort = window.serverConfig.flatbufServer.enable ? window.serverConfig.flatbufServer.port : $.i18n('general_disabled');
} else {
if (jQuery.inArray("protobuffer", window.serverInfo.services) !== -1) {
var pbPort = window.serverConfig.protoServer.enable ? window.serverConfig.protoServer.port : $.i18n('general_disabled');
} else {
if (jQuery.inArray("boblight", window.serverInfo.services) !== -1) {
var boblightPort = window.serverConfig.boblightServer.enable ? window.serverConfig.boblightServer.port : $.i18n('general_disabled');
} else {
var jsonPort = window.serverConfig.jsonServer.port;
var wsPorts = window.serverConfig.webConfig.port + ' | ' + window.serverConfig.webConfig.sslPort;
getReleases(function (callback) {
if (callback) {
if (semverLite.gt(window.latestVersion.tag_name, window.currentVersion))
$('#versioninforesult').html('<div class="bs-callout bs-callout-warning" style="margin:0px"><a target="_blank" href="' + window.latestVersion.html_url + '">' + $.i18n('dashboard_infobox_message_updatewarning', window.latestVersion.tag_name) + '</a></div>');
$('#versioninforesult').html('<div class="bs-callout bs-callout-info" style="margin:0px">' + $.i18n('dashboard_infobox_message_updatesuccess') + '</div>');
//interval update
$(window.hyperion).on("components-updated", updateComponents);
if (window.showOptHelp)
createHintH("intro", $.i18n('dashboard_label_intro'), "dash_intro");