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#pragma once
// hyperion
#include <db/DBManager.h>
#include <QCryptographicHash>
// qt
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QUuid>
/// @brief Authentication table interface
class AuthTable : public DBManager
/// construct wrapper with auth table
AuthTable(const QString& rootPath = "", QObject* parent = nullptr, bool readonlyMode = false)
: DBManager(parent)
// Init Hyperion database usage
// init Auth table
// create table columns
createTable(QStringList()<<"user TEXT"<<"password BLOB"<<"token BLOB"<<"salt BLOB"<<"comment TEXT"<<"id TEXT"<<"created_at TEXT"<<"last_use TEXT");
/// @brief Create a user record, if called on a existing user the auth is recreated
/// @param[in] user The username
/// @param[in] pw The password
/// @return true on success else false
inline bool createUser(const QString& user, const QString& pw)
// new salt
QByteArray salt = QCryptographicHash::hash(QUuid::createUuid().toByteArray(), QCryptographicHash::Sha512).toHex();
QVariantMap map;
map["user"] = user;
map["salt"] = salt;
map["password"] = hashPasswordWithSalt(pw,salt);
map["created_at"] = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString(Qt::ISODate);
VectorPair cond;
return createRecord(cond, map);
/// @brief Test if user record exists
/// @param[in] user The user id
/// @return true on success else false
inline bool userExist(const QString& user)
VectorPair cond;
return recordExists(cond);
/// @brief Test if a user is authorized for access with given pw.
/// @param user The user name
/// @param pw The password
/// @return True on success else false
inline bool isUserAuthorized(const QString& user, const QString& pw)
if(userExist(user) && (calcPasswordHashOfUser(user, pw) == getPasswordHashOfUser(user)))
return true;
return false;
/// @brief Test if a user token is authorized for access.
/// @param usr The user name
/// @param token The token
/// @return True on success else false
inline bool isUserTokenAuthorized(const QString& usr, const QString& token)
if(getUserToken(usr) == token.toUtf8())
return true;
return false;
/// @brief Update token of a user. It's an alternate login path which is replaced on startup. This token is NOT hashed(!)
/// @param user The user name
/// @return True on success else false
inline bool setUserToken(const QString& user)
QVariantMap map;
map["token"] = QCryptographicHash::hash(QUuid::createUuid().toByteArray(), QCryptographicHash::Sha512).toHex();
VectorPair cond;
cond.append(CPair("user", user));
return updateRecord(cond, map);
/// @brief Get token of a user. This token is NOT hashed(!)
/// @param user The user name
/// @return The token
inline const QByteArray getUserToken(const QString& user)
QVariantMap results;
VectorPair cond;
cond.append(CPair("user", user));
getRecord(cond, results, QStringList()<<"token");
return results["token"].toByteArray();
/// @brief update password of given user. The user should be tested (isUserAuthorized) to verify this change
/// @param user The user name
/// @param newPw The new password to set
/// @return True on success else false
inline bool updateUserPassword(const QString& user, const QString& newPw)
QVariantMap map;
map["password"] = calcPasswordHashOfUser(user, newPw);
VectorPair cond;
cond.append(CPair("user", user));
return updateRecord(cond, map);
/// @brief Reset password of Hyperion user !DANGER! Used in Hyperion main.cpp
/// @return True on success else false
inline bool resetHyperionUser()
QVariantMap map;
map["password"] = calcPasswordHashOfUser("Hyperion", "hyperion");
VectorPair cond;
cond.append(CPair("user", "Hyperion"));
return updateRecord(cond, map);
/// @brief Update 'last_use' column entry for the corresponding user
/// @param[in] user The user to search for
inline void updateUserUsed(const QString& user)
QVariantMap map;
map["last_use"] = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString(Qt::ISODate);
VectorPair cond;
cond.append(CPair("user", user));
updateRecord(cond, map);
/// @brief Test if token record exists, updates last_use on success
/// @param[in] token The token id
/// @return true on success else false
inline bool tokenExist(const QString& token)
QVariantMap map;
map["last_use"] = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString(Qt::ISODate);
VectorPair cond;
cond.append(CPair("token", hashToken(token)));
// update it
return true;
return false;
/// @brief Create a new token record with comment
/// @param[in] token The token id as plaintext
/// @param[in] comment The comment for the token (eg a human readable identifier)
/// @param[in] id The id for the token
/// @return true on success else false
inline bool createToken(const QString& token, const QString& comment, const QString& id)
QVariantMap map;
map["comment"] = comment;
map["id"] = idExist(id) ? QUuid::createUuid().toString().remove("{").remove("}").left(5) : id;
map["created_at"] = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString(Qt::ISODate);
VectorPair cond;
cond.append(CPair("token", hashToken(token)));
return createRecord(cond, map);
/// @brief Delete token record by id
/// @param[in] id The token id
/// @return true on success else false
inline bool deleteToken(const QString& id)
VectorPair cond;
cond.append(CPair("id", id));
return deleteRecord(cond);
/// @brief Rename token record by id
/// @param[in] id The token id
/// @param[in] comment The new comment
/// @return true on success else false
inline bool renameToken(const QString &id, const QString &comment)
QVariantMap map;
map["comment"] = comment;
VectorPair cond;
cond.append(CPair("id", id));
return updateRecord(cond, map);
/// @brief Get all 'comment', 'last_use' and 'id' column entries
/// @return A vector of all lists
inline const QVector<QVariantMap> getTokenList()
QVector<QVariantMap> results;
getRecords(results, QStringList() << "comment" << "id" << "last_use");
return results;
/// @brief Test if id exists
/// @param[in] id The id
/// @return true on success else false
inline bool idExist(const QString& id)
VectorPair cond;
cond.append(CPair("id", id));
return recordExists(cond);
/// @brief Get the passwort hash of a user from db
/// @param user The user name
/// @return password as hash
inline const QByteArray getPasswordHashOfUser(const QString& user)
QVariantMap results;
VectorPair cond;
cond.append(CPair("user", user));
getRecord(cond, results, QStringList()<<"password");
return results["password"].toByteArray();
/// @brief Calc the password hash of a user based on user name and password
/// @param user The user name
/// @param pw The password
/// @return The calced password hash
inline const QByteArray calcPasswordHashOfUser(const QString& user, const QString& pw)
// get salt
QVariantMap results;
VectorPair cond;
cond.append(CPair("user", user));
getRecord(cond, results, QStringList()<<"salt");
// calc
return hashPasswordWithSalt(pw,results["salt"].toByteArray());
/// @brief Create a password hash of plaintex password + salt
/// @param pw The plaintext password
/// @param salt The salt
/// @return The password hash with salt
inline const QByteArray hashPasswordWithSalt(const QString& pw, const QByteArray& salt)
return QCryptographicHash::hash(pw.toUtf8().append(salt), QCryptographicHash::Sha512).toHex();
/// @brief Create a token hash
/// @param token The plaintext token
/// @return The token hash
inline const QByteArray hashToken(const QString& token)
return QCryptographicHash::hash(token.toUtf8(), QCryptographicHash::Sha512).toHex();