mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
* Handle Exceptions in main & Pythoninit * Have SSDPDiscover generic again * Have SSDPDiscover generic again * Change Info- to Debug logs as technical service messages * Nanoleaf - When switched on, ensure UDP mode * Include SQL Database in Cross-Compile instructions * Fix Clazy (QT code checker) and clang Warnings * Stop LedDevice:write for disabled device * Nanoleaf: Fix uint printfs * NanoLeaf: Fix indents to tabs * NanoLeaf - Add debug verbosity switches * Device switchability support, FileDevice with timestamp support * Nanoleaf Light Panels now support External Control V2 * Enhance LedDeviceFile by Timestamp + fix readyness * Stop color stream, if LedDevice disabled * Nanoleaf - remove switchability
599 lines
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599 lines
17 KiB
// STL includes
#include <exception>
#include <sstream>
#include <unistd.h>
// QT includes
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QThread>
// hyperion include
#include <hyperion/Hyperion.h>
#include <hyperion/MessageForwarder.h>
#include <hyperion/ImageProcessor.h>
#include <hyperion/ColorAdjustment.h>
// utils
#include <utils/hyperion.h>
#include <utils/GlobalSignals.h>
// Leddevice includes
#include <leddevice/LedDeviceWrapper.h>
#include <hyperion/MultiColorAdjustment.h>
#include "LinearColorSmoothing.h"
// effect engine includes
#include <effectengine/EffectEngine.h>
// settingsManagaer
#include <hyperion/SettingsManager.h>
// BGEffectHandler
#include <hyperion/BGEffectHandler.h>
// CaptureControl (Daemon capture)
#include <hyperion/CaptureCont.h>
// Boblight
#include <boblightserver/BoblightServer.h>
Hyperion::Hyperion(const quint8& instance)
: QObject()
, _instIndex(instance)
, _settingsManager(new SettingsManager(instance, this))
, _componentRegister(this)
, _ledString(hyperion::createLedString(getSetting(settings::LEDS).array(), hyperion::createColorOrder(getSetting(settings::DEVICE).object())))
, _imageProcessor(new ImageProcessor(_ledString, this))
, _muxer(_ledString.leds().size())
, _raw2ledAdjustment(hyperion::createLedColorsAdjustment(_ledString.leds().size(), getSetting(settings::COLOR).object()))
, _effectEngine(nullptr)
, _messageForwarder(nullptr)
, _log(Logger::getInstance("HYPERION"))
, _hwLedCount()
, _ledGridSize(hyperion::getLedLayoutGridSize(getSetting(settings::LEDS).array()))
, _prevCompId(hyperion::COMP_INVALID)
, _ledBuffer(_ledString.leds().size(), ColorRgb::BLACK)
void Hyperion::start()
// forward settings changed to Hyperion
connect(_settingsManager, &SettingsManager::settingsChanged, this, &Hyperion::settingsChanged);
// get newVideoMode from HyperionIManager
connect(this, &Hyperion::newVideoMode, this, &Hyperion::handleNewVideoMode);
if (!_raw2ledAdjustment->verifyAdjustments())
Warning(_log, "At least one led has no color calibration, please add all leds from your led layout to an 'LED index' field!");
// handle hwLedCount
_hwLedCount = qMax(unsigned(getSetting(settings::DEVICE).object()["hardwareLedCount"].toInt(getLedCount())), getLedCount());
// init colororder vector
for (Led& led : _ledString.leds())
// connect Hyperion::update with Muxer visible priority changes as muxer updates independent
connect(&_muxer, &PriorityMuxer::visiblePriorityChanged, this, &Hyperion::update);
// listens for ComponentRegister changes of COMP_ALL to perform core enable/disable actions
connect(&_componentRegister, &ComponentRegister::updatedComponentState, this, &Hyperion::updatedComponentState);
// listen for settings updates of this instance (LEDS & COLOR)
connect(_settingsManager, &SettingsManager::settingsChanged, this, &Hyperion::handleSettingsUpdate);
// set color correction activity state
const QJsonObject color = getSetting(settings::COLOR).object();
// initialize leddevices
QJsonObject ledDevice = getSetting(settings::DEVICE).object();
ledDevice["currentLedCount"] = int(_hwLedCount); // Inject led count info
_ledDeviceWrapper = new LedDeviceWrapper(this);
connect(this, &Hyperion::componentStateChanged, _ledDeviceWrapper, &LedDeviceWrapper::handleComponentState);
connect(this, &Hyperion::ledDeviceData, _ledDeviceWrapper, &LedDeviceWrapper::write);
// smoothing
_deviceSmooth = new LinearColorSmoothing(getSetting(settings::SMOOTHING), this);
connect(this, &Hyperion::settingsChanged, _deviceSmooth, &LinearColorSmoothing::handleSettingsUpdate);
// create the message forwarder only on main instance
if (_instIndex == 0)
_messageForwarder = new MessageForwarder(this);
// create the effect engine; needs to be initialized after smoothing!
_effectEngine = new EffectEngine(this);
connect(_effectEngine, &EffectEngine::effectListUpdated, this, &Hyperion::effectListUpdated);
// initial startup effect
hyperion::handleInitialEffect(this, getSetting(settings::FGEFFECT).object());
// handle background effect
_BGEffectHandler = new BGEffectHandler(this);
// create the Daemon capture interface
_captureCont = new CaptureCont(this);
// forwards global signals to the corresponding slots
connect(GlobalSignals::getInstance(), &GlobalSignals::registerGlobalInput, this, &Hyperion::registerInput);
connect(GlobalSignals::getInstance(), &GlobalSignals::clearGlobalInput, this, &Hyperion::clear);
connect(GlobalSignals::getInstance(), &GlobalSignals::clearAllGlobalInput, this, &Hyperion::clearall);
connect(GlobalSignals::getInstance(), &GlobalSignals::setGlobalColor, this, &Hyperion::setColor);
connect(GlobalSignals::getInstance(), &GlobalSignals::setGlobalImage, this, &Hyperion::setInputImage);
// if there is no startup / background eff and no sending capture interface we probably want to push once BLACK (as PrioMuxer won't emit a prioritiy change)
// boblight, can't live in global scope as it depends on layout
_boblightServer = new BoblightServer(this, getSetting(settings::BOBLSERVER));
connect(this, &Hyperion::settingsChanged, _boblightServer, &BoblightServer::handleSettingsUpdate);
// instance inited
emit started();
// enter thread event loop
void Hyperion::stop()
emit finished();
void Hyperion::freeObjects(bool emitCloseSignal)
// switch off all leds
if (emitCloseSignal)
emit closing();
// delete components on exit of hyperion core
delete _boblightServer;
delete _captureCont;
delete _effectEngine;
delete _raw2ledAdjustment;
delete _messageForwarder;
delete _settingsManager;
delete _ledDeviceWrapper;
void Hyperion::handleSettingsUpdate(const settings::type& type, const QJsonDocument& config)
if(type == settings::COLOR)
const QJsonObject obj = config.object();
// change in color recreate ledAdjustments
delete _raw2ledAdjustment;
_raw2ledAdjustment = hyperion::createLedColorsAdjustment(_ledString.leds().size(), obj);
if (!_raw2ledAdjustment->verifyAdjustments())
Warning(_log, "At least one led has no color calibration, please add all leds from your led layout to an 'LED index' field!");
else if(type == settings::LEDS)
QMutexLocker lock(&_changes);
const QJsonArray leds = config.array();
// stop and cache all running effects, as effects depend heavily on ledlayout
// ledstring, img processor, muxer, ledGridSize (eff engine image based effects), _ledBuffer and ByteOrder of ledstring
_ledString = hyperion::createLedString(leds, hyperion::createColorOrder(getSetting(settings::DEVICE).object()));
_ledGridSize = hyperion::getLedLayoutGridSize(leds);
std::vector<ColorRgb> color(_ledString.leds().size(), ColorRgb{0,0,0});
_ledBuffer = color;
for (Led& led : _ledString.leds())
// handle hwLedCount update
_hwLedCount = qMax(unsigned(getSetting(settings::DEVICE).object()["hardwareLedCount"].toInt(getLedCount())), getLedCount());
// change in leds are also reflected in adjustment
delete _raw2ledAdjustment;
_raw2ledAdjustment = hyperion::createLedColorsAdjustment(_ledString.leds().size(), getSetting(settings::COLOR).object());
// start cached effects
else if(type == settings::DEVICE)
QMutexLocker lock(&_changes);
QJsonObject dev = config.object();
// handle hwLedCount update
_hwLedCount = qMax(unsigned(dev["hardwareLedCount"].toInt(getLedCount())), getLedCount());
// force ledString update, if device ByteOrder changed
if(_ledDeviceWrapper->getColorOrder() != dev["colorOrder"].toString("rgb"))
_ledString = hyperion::createLedString(getSetting(settings::LEDS).array(), hyperion::createColorOrder(dev));
for (Led& led : _ledString.leds())
// do always reinit until the led devices can handle dynamic changes
dev["currentLedCount"] = int(_hwLedCount); // Inject led count info
// update once to push single color sets / adjustments/ ledlayout resizes and update ledBuffer color
QJsonDocument Hyperion::getSetting(const settings::type& type)
return _settingsManager->getSetting(type);
bool Hyperion::saveSettings(QJsonObject config, const bool& correct)
return _settingsManager->saveSettings(config, correct);
int Hyperion::getLatchTime() const
return _ledDeviceWrapper->getLatchTime();
unsigned Hyperion::addSmoothingConfig(int settlingTime_ms, double ledUpdateFrequency_hz, unsigned updateDelay)
return _deviceSmooth->addConfig(settlingTime_ms, ledUpdateFrequency_hz, updateDelay);
unsigned Hyperion::getLedCount() const
return _ledString.leds().size();
void Hyperion::setSourceAutoSelectEnabled(bool enabled)
bool Hyperion::setCurrentSourcePriority(int priority )
return _muxer.setPriority(priority);
bool Hyperion::sourceAutoSelectEnabled()
return _muxer.isSourceAutoSelectEnabled();
void Hyperion::setNewComponentState(const hyperion::Components& component, const bool& state)
_componentRegister.componentStateChanged(component, state);
void Hyperion::setComponentState(const hyperion::Components component, const bool state)
emit componentStateChanged(component, state);
void Hyperion::registerInput(const int priority, const hyperion::Components& component, const QString& origin, const QString& owner, unsigned smooth_cfg)
_muxer.registerInput(priority, component, origin, owner, smooth_cfg);
bool Hyperion::setInput(const int priority, const std::vector<ColorRgb>& ledColors, int timeout_ms, const bool& clearEffect)
if(_muxer.setInput(priority, ledColors, timeout_ms))
// clear effect if this call does not come from an effect
// if this priority is visible, update immediately
if(priority == _muxer.getCurrentPriority())
return true;
return false;
bool Hyperion::setInputImage(const int priority, const Image<ColorRgb>& image, int64_t timeout_ms, const bool& clearEffect)
if (!_muxer.hasPriority(priority))
emit GlobalSignals::getInstance()->globalRegRequired(priority);
return false;
if(_muxer.setInputImage(priority, image, timeout_ms))
// clear effect if this call does not come from an effect
// if this priority is visible, update immediately
if(priority == _muxer.getCurrentPriority())
return true;
return false;
bool Hyperion::setInputInactive(const quint8& priority)
return _muxer.setInputInactive(priority);
void Hyperion::setColor(const int priority, const ColorRgb &color, const int timeout_ms, const QString& origin, bool clearEffects)
// clear effect if this call does not come from an effect
// create led vector from single color
std::vector<ColorRgb> ledColors(_ledString.leds().size(), color);
if (getPriorityInfo(priority).componentId != hyperion::COMP_COLOR)
// register color
registerInput(priority, hyperion::COMP_COLOR, origin);
// write color to muxer & queuePush
setInput(priority, ledColors, timeout_ms);
if(timeout_ms <= 0)
const QStringList & Hyperion::getAdjustmentIds() const
return _raw2ledAdjustment->getAdjustmentIds();
ColorAdjustment * Hyperion::getAdjustment(const QString& id)
return _raw2ledAdjustment->getAdjustment(id);
void Hyperion::adjustmentsUpdated()
emit adjustmentChanged();
bool Hyperion::clear(const int priority)
// send clear signal to the effect engine
// (outside the check so the effect gets cleared even when the effect is not sending colors)
return true;
return false;
void Hyperion::clearall(bool forceClearAll)
// send clearall signal to the effect engine
int Hyperion::getCurrentPriority() const
return _muxer.getCurrentPriority();
bool Hyperion::isCurrentPriority(const int priority) const
return getCurrentPriority() == priority;
QList<int> Hyperion::getActivePriorities() const
return _muxer.getPriorities();
const Hyperion::InputInfo Hyperion::getPriorityInfo(const int priority) const
return _muxer.getInputInfo(priority);
bool Hyperion::saveEffect(const QJsonObject& obj, QString& resultMsg)
return _effectEngine->saveEffect(obj, resultMsg);
bool Hyperion::deleteEffect(const QString& effectName, QString& resultMsg)
return _effectEngine->deleteEffect(effectName, resultMsg);
const std::list<EffectDefinition> & Hyperion::getEffects() const
return _effectEngine->getEffects();
const std::list<ActiveEffectDefinition> & Hyperion::getActiveEffects()
return _effectEngine->getActiveEffects();
const std::list<EffectSchema> & Hyperion::getEffectSchemas()
return _effectEngine->getEffectSchemas();
const QJsonObject& Hyperion::getQJsonConfig()
return _settingsManager->getSettings();
int Hyperion::setEffect(const QString &effectName, int priority, int timeout, const QString & origin)
return _effectEngine->runEffect(effectName, priority, timeout, origin);
int Hyperion::setEffect(const QString &effectName, const QJsonObject &args, int priority, int timeout, const QString &pythonScript, const QString &origin, const QString &imageData)
return _effectEngine->runEffect(effectName, args, priority, timeout, pythonScript, origin, 0, imageData);
void Hyperion::setLedMappingType(const int& mappingType)
if(mappingType != _imageProcessor->getUserLedMappingType())
emit imageToLedsMappingChanged(mappingType);
const int & Hyperion::getLedMappingType()
return _imageProcessor->getUserLedMappingType();
void Hyperion::setVideoMode(const VideoMode& mode)
emit videoMode(mode);
const VideoMode & Hyperion::getCurrentVideoMode()
return _currVideoMode;
const QString & Hyperion::getActiveDeviceType()
return _ledDeviceWrapper->getActiveDeviceType();
void Hyperion::updatedComponentState(const hyperion::Components comp, const bool state)
QMutexLocker lock(&_changes);
// evaluate comp change
if (comp != _prevCompId)
_imageProcessor->setBlackbarDetectDisable((_prevCompId == hyperion::COMP_EFFECT));
_imageProcessor->setHardLedMappingType((_prevCompId == hyperion::COMP_EFFECT) ? 0 : -1);
_prevCompId = comp;
_raw2ledAdjustment->setBacklightEnabled((_prevCompId != hyperion::COMP_COLOR && _prevCompId != hyperion::COMP_EFFECT));
void Hyperion::update()
QMutexLocker lock(&_changes);
// Obtain the current priority channel
int priority = _muxer.getCurrentPriority();
const PriorityMuxer::InputInfo priorityInfo = _muxer.getInputInfo(priority);
// copy image & process OR copy ledColors from muxer
Image<ColorRgb> image = priorityInfo.image;
if(image.size() > 3)
emit currentImage(image);
_ledBuffer = _imageProcessor->process(image);
_ledBuffer = priorityInfo.ledColors;
// emit rawLedColors before transform
emit rawLedColors(_ledBuffer);
int i = 0;
for (ColorRgb& color : _ledBuffer)
// correct the color byte order
switch (_ledStringColorOrder.at(i))
// leave as it is
std::swap(color.red, color.blue);
std::swap(color.green, color.blue);
std::swap(color.red, color.green);
std::swap(color.red, color.green);
std::swap(color.green, color.blue);
std::swap(color.red, color.blue);
std::swap(color.green, color.blue);
// fill additional hw leds with black
if ( _hwLedCount > _ledBuffer.size() )
_ledBuffer.resize(_hwLedCount, ColorRgb::BLACK);
// Write the data to the device
if (_ledDeviceWrapper->enabled())
// feed smoothing in pause mode to maintain a smooth transistion back to smooth mode
if (_deviceSmooth->enabled() || _deviceSmooth->pause())
// Smoothing is disabled
if (! _deviceSmooth->enabled())
emit ledDeviceData(_ledBuffer);
// LEDDevice is disabled
//Debug(_log, "LEDDevice is disabled - no update required");