Paulchen-Panther cacfbada7a
The WebUI remote page has been rearranged
Set interuption flag to running effects when hyperion emits finished signal
Protobuffer, Flatbuffer and Boblight connection priority check to avoid unwanted program behavior

Signed-off-by: Paulchen-Panther <Paulchen-Panter@protonmail.com>
2019-08-03 19:14:52 +02:00

162 lines
3.7 KiB

#pragma once
// util
#include <utils/Logger.h>
#include <utils/Image.h>
#include <utils/ColorRgb.h>
#include <utils/Components.h>
// protobuffer PROTO
#include "message.pb.h"
class QTcpSocket;
class QTimer;
namespace proto {
class HyperionRequest;
/// The Connection object created by a ProtoServer when a new connection is established
class ProtoClientConnection : public QObject
/// @brief Construct the client
/// @param socket The socket
/// @param timeout The timeout when a client is automatically disconnected and the priority unregistered
/// @param parent The parent
explicit ProtoClientConnection(QTcpSocket* socket, const int &timeout, QObject *parent);
/// @brief forward register data to HyperionDaemon
void registerGlobalInput(const int priority, const hyperion::Components& component, const QString& origin = "ProtoBuffer", const QString& owner = "", unsigned smooth_cfg = 0);
/// @brief Forward clear command to HyperionDaemon
void clearGlobalInput(const int priority);
/// @brief Forward clearAll command to HyperionDaemon
void clearAllGlobalInput(bool forceClearAll=false);
/// @brief forward prepared image to HyperionDaemon
const bool setGlobalInputImage(const int priority, const Image<ColorRgb>& image, const int timeout_ms, const bool& clearEffect = false);
/// @brief Forward requested color
void setGlobalInputColor(const int priority, const ColorRgb &ledColor, const int timeout_ms, const QString& origin = "ProtoBuffer" ,bool clearEffects = true);
/// @brief Emits whenever the client disconnected
void clientDisconnected();
public slots:
/// @brief Requests a registration from the client
void registationRequired(const int priority) { if (_priority == priority) _priority = -1; };
/// @brief close the socket and call disconnected()
void forceClose();
private slots:
/// @brief Is called whenever the socket got new data to read
void readyRead();
/// @brief Is called when the socket closed the connection, also requests thread exit
void disconnected();
/// Handle an incoming Proto message
/// @param message the incoming message as string
void handleMessage(const proto::HyperionRequest &message);
/// Handle an incoming Proto Color message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleColorCommand(const proto::ColorRequest & message);
/// Handle an incoming Proto Image message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleImageCommand(const proto::ImageRequest & message);
/// Handle an incoming Proto Clear message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleClearCommand(const proto::ClearRequest & message);
/// Handle an incoming Proto Clearall message
void handleClearallCommand();
/// Handle an incoming Proto message of unknown type
void handleNotImplemented();
/// Send a message to the connected client
/// @param message The Proto message to send
void sendMessage(const google::protobuf::Message &message);
/// Send a standard reply indicating success
void sendSuccessReply();
/// Send an error message back to the client
/// @param error String describing the error
void sendErrorReply(const std::string & error);
/// The TCP-Socket that is connected tot the Proto-client
QTcpSocket* _socket;
/// address of client
const QString _clientAddress;
int _timeout;
int _priority;
/// The buffer used for reading data from the socket
QByteArray _receiveBuffer;