redPanther 2beccb0912 Webui: extend led hardware config + connection lost page (#226)
* split content and js
tune leds config

* implement connection lost page

* split js/html in huebridge

* add js action for connection lost

* extend led config
make connection loss nicer

* tune led code
add menu entry for grabber

* more tuning of webui

* switch back to botstrap textarea
add v4l to components

* add icon

* extend schema for jsoneditor

* implement ledcolors streaming with 4fps

* implement component state
2016-09-07 20:10:37 +02:00

72 lines
2.7 KiB

<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-12">
<h1 class="page-header" lang="en" data-lang-token="main_menu_component_token">Effects</h1>
<div class="introd">
<h4 lang="en" data-lang-token="remote_components_intro">The components remote enables you to disable and enable certain components of Hyperion during runtime. Keep in mind this persist just until the next reboot! To enable/disable components permament, use the configuration section.</h4>
<div class="col-lg-12">
<div id="componentsbutton">
function Enum() {
for (var i in arguments)
this[arguments[i]] = i;
$('#componentsbutton').append('<button type="button" class="btn btn-success" onclick="requestSetComponentState(\''+arguments[i]+'\',true)"><i class="fa fa-play"></i></button> '+arguments[i]+'<br />');
$('#componentsbutton').append('<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" onclick="requestSetComponentState(\''+arguments[i]+'\',false)"><i class="fa fa-play"></i></button> '+arguments[i]+'<br />');
function updateComponents(event) {
if ($('#componentsbutton').length == 0)
components = event.response.info.components;
// create buttons
for ( idx=0; idx<components.length;idx++)
//components_html += '<tr><td>'+(components[idx].title)+'</td><td><i class="fa fa-circle component-'+(components[idx].enabled?"on":"off")+'"></i></td></tr>';
enable_style = (components[idx].enabled? "btn-success" : "btn-danger");
enable_icon = (components[idx].enabled? "fa-play" : "fa-stop");
comp_name = components[idx].name;
comp_btn_id = "comp_btn_"+comp_name;
// create btn if not there
if ($("#"+comp_btn_id).length == 0)
d='<p><button type="button" id="'+comp_btn_id+'" class="btn '+enable_style
+'" onclick="requestSetComponentState(\''+comp_name+'\','+(!components[idx].enabled)
+')"><i id="'+comp_btn_id+'_icon" class="fa '+enable_icon+'"></i></button> '+components[idx].title+'</p>';
else // already create, update state
setClassByBool( $('#'+comp_btn_id) , components[idx].enabled, "btn-danger", "btn-success" );
setClassByBool( $('#'+comp_btn_id+"_icon"), components[idx].enabled, "fa-stop" , "fa-play" );
$(document).ready(function() {