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synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
* Handle Exceptions in main & Pythoninit * Have SSDPDiscover generic again * Have SSDPDiscover generic again * Change Info- to Debug logs as technical service messages * Nanoleaf - When switched on, ensure UDP mode * Include SQL Database in Cross-Compile instructions * Fix Clazy (QT code checker) and clang Warnings * Stop LedDevice:write for disabled device * Nanoleaf: Fix uint printfs * NanoLeaf: Fix indents to tabs * NanoLeaf - Add debug verbosity switches * Device switchability support, FileDevice with timestamp support * Nanoleaf Light Panels now support External Control V2 * Enhance LedDeviceFile by Timestamp + fix readyness * Stop color stream, if LedDevice disabled * Nanoleaf - remove switchability
160 lines
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160 lines
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#include <leddevice/LedDeviceWrapper.h>
#include <leddevice/LedDevice.h>
#include <leddevice/LedDeviceFactory.h>
// following file is auto generated by cmake! it contains all available leddevice headers
#include "LedDevice_headers.h"
// util
#include <hyperion/Hyperion.h>
#include <utils/JsonUtils.h>
// qt
#include <QThread>
#include <QDir>
LedDeviceRegistry LedDeviceWrapper::_ledDeviceMap = LedDeviceRegistry();
LedDeviceWrapper::LedDeviceWrapper(Hyperion* hyperion)
: QObject(hyperion)
, _hyperion(hyperion)
, _ledDevice(nullptr)
, _enabled(true)
// prepare the device constrcutor map
#define REGISTER(className) LedDeviceWrapper::addToDeviceMap(QString(#className).toLower(), LedDevice##className::construct);
// the REGISTER() calls are autogenerated by cmake.
#include "LedDevice_register.cpp"
_hyperion->setNewComponentState(hyperion::COMP_LEDDEVICE, true);
void LedDeviceWrapper::createLedDevice(const QJsonObject& config)
if(_ledDevice != nullptr)
// create thread and device
QThread* thread = new QThread(this);
_ledDevice = LedDeviceFactory::construct(config);
// setup thread management
connect(thread, &QThread::started, _ledDevice, &LedDevice::start);
connect(thread, &QThread::finished, thread, &QThread::deleteLater);
connect(thread, &QThread::finished, _ledDevice, &LedDevice::deleteLater);
// further signals
connect(this, &LedDeviceWrapper::write, _ledDevice, &LedDevice::write, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(_hyperion->getMuxerInstance(), &PriorityMuxer::visiblePriorityChanged, _ledDevice, &LedDevice::visiblePriorityChanged, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(_ledDevice, &LedDevice::enableStateChanged, this, &LedDeviceWrapper::handleInternalEnableState, Qt::QueuedConnection);
// start the thread
const QJsonObject LedDeviceWrapper::getLedDeviceSchemas()
// make sure the resources are loaded (they may be left out after static linking)
// read the json schema from the resource
QDir d(":/leddevices/");
QStringList l = d.entryList();
QJsonObject result, schemaJson;
for(QString &item : l)
QString schemaPath(QString(":/leddevices/")+item);
QString devName = item.remove("schema-");
QString data;
if(!FileUtils::readFile(schemaPath, data, Logger::getInstance("LedDevice")))
throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: Schema not found: " + item.toStdString());
QJsonObject schema;
if(!JsonUtils::parse(schemaPath, data, schema, Logger::getInstance("LedDevice")))
throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: Json schema wrong of file: " + item.toStdString());
schemaJson = schema;
schemaJson["title"] = QString("edt_dev_spec_header_title");
result[devName] = schemaJson;
return result;
int LedDeviceWrapper::addToDeviceMap(QString name, LedDeviceCreateFuncType funcPtr)
return 0;
const LedDeviceRegistry& LedDeviceWrapper::getDeviceMap()
return _ledDeviceMap;
int LedDeviceWrapper::getLatchTime()
return _ledDevice->getLatchTime();
const QString & LedDeviceWrapper::getActiveDeviceType()
return _ledDevice->getActiveDeviceType();
const QString & LedDeviceWrapper::getColorOrder()
return _ledDevice->getColorOrder();
void LedDeviceWrapper::handleComponentState(const hyperion::Components component, const bool state)
if(component == hyperion::COMP_LEDDEVICE)
_hyperion->setNewComponentState(hyperion::COMP_LEDDEVICE, _ledDevice->componentState());
_enabled = state;
void LedDeviceWrapper::handleInternalEnableState(bool newState)
_hyperion->setNewComponentState(hyperion::COMP_LEDDEVICE, newState);
_enabled = newState;
void LedDeviceWrapper::stopDeviceThread()
// turns the leds off
// get current thread
QThread* oldThread = _ledDevice->thread();
disconnect(oldThread, 0, 0, 0);
delete oldThread;
disconnect(_ledDevice, 0, 0, 0);
delete _ledDevice;
_ledDevice = nullptr;