2017-02-08 14:31:42 +01:00

76 lines
1.8 KiB

import hyperion
import time
from datetime import datetime
def myRange(index, margin):
return [i % hyperion.ledCount for i in range(index-margin, index+margin+1)]
""" Define some variables """
sleepTime = 1
markers = [0, 13, 25, 38]
ledCount = hyperion.ledCount
offset = hyperion.args.get('offset', 0)
hourMargin = hyperion.args.get('hour-margin', 2)
minuteMargin = hyperion.args.get('minute-margin', 1)
secondMargin = hyperion.args.get('second-margin', 0)
hourColor = hyperion.args.get('hour-color', (255,0,0))
minuteColor = hyperion.args.get('minute-color', (0,255,0))
secondColor = hyperion.args.get('second-color', (0,0,255))
""" The effect loop """
while not hyperion.abort():
""" The algorithm to calculate the change in color """
led_data = bytearray()
now = datetime.now()
h = now.hour
m = now.minute
s = now.second
led_hour = ((h*4 + h//3%2 + h//6) + offset) % ledCount
led_minute = ((m*ledCount)/60 + offset) % ledCount
minute = m/60. * ledCount
minute_low = int(minute)
g1 = round((1-(minute-minute_low))*255)
led_minute = int(minute + offset) % ledCount
second = s/60. * ledCount
second_low = int(second)
b1 = round((1-(second-second_low))*255)
led_second = int(second + offset) % ledCount
hourRange = myRange(led_hour, hourMargin)
minuteRange = myRange(led_minute, minuteMargin)
secondRange = myRange(led_second, secondMargin)
for i in range(ledCount):
blend = [0, 0, 0]
if i in markers:
blend = [255, 255, 255]
if i in hourRange:
blend = hourColor
if i in minuteRange:
blend = minuteColor
if i in secondRange:
blend = secondColor
led_data += bytearray((int(blend[0]), int(blend[1]), int(blend[2])))
""" send the data to hyperion """
""" sleep for a while """
timediff = (datetime.now()-now).microseconds/1000000.