LordGrey 160c5d0b3a
UI and Web updates (#1421)
* Stop Web-Capture when priority changes

* Remote control UI: Treat duration=0 as endless

* Stop Web-Capture on non-Image events changes

* LED Matrix Layout - Support vertical cabling direction

* Additional Yeelight models

* Treat http headers case insensitive

* Update change log

* Treat http headers case insensitive (consider Qt version)

* API - Consider provided format when setImage

* UI - Support Boblight configuration per LED instance

* Support multiple Boblight clients with different priorities

* Update changelog

* Simplify isGUI rules allowing for QT only builds

* Sysinfo: Fix indents

* LED-Devices: Show warning, if get properties failed

* Qt-Grabber: Fixed position handling of multiple monitors

* LED layout: Remove indention limitations

* Yeelight: Test YLTD003

* hyperion-remote: Provide image filename to muxer/UI

* Refactor PriorityMuxer and related

* Temp: Build under Windows 2019

* Yeelight: Remove YLTD003 as it is not working without additional changes

* Test Windows-latest with out removing redistributables/new MSVC

* correct workflows

* correct CI script

* Build Windows with Qt 5.15.2

* Priority Muxer: Updates after testing

* Fix Typo

* Update BGHandler

* QTGrabber - Reactivate windows code to avoid cursor issues

* Emit prioritiesChanged when autoselect was changed by user

Co-authored-by: Paulchen Panther <Paulchen-Panter@protonmail.com>
2022-02-22 20:58:59 +01:00

421 lines
14 KiB

#pragma once
// hyperion includes
#include <utils/Logger.h>
#include <utils/Components.h>
#include <hyperion/Hyperion.h>
#include <hyperion/HyperionIManager.h>
// auth manager
#include <hyperion/AuthManager.h>
#include <utils/ColorRgb.h>
#include <utils/ColorSys.h>
// qt includes
#include <QString>
class QTimer;
class JsonCB;
class HyperionIManager;
const QString NO_AUTH = "No Authorization";
/// @brief API for Hyperion to be inherted from a child class with specific protocol implementations
/// Workflow:
/// 1. create the class
/// 2. connect the forceClose signal, as the api might to close the connection for security reasons
/// 3. call Initialize()
/// 4. proceed as usual
class API : public QObject
#include <api/apiStructs.h>
// workaround Q_ARG std::map template issues
typedef std::map<int, registerData> MapRegister;
typedef QMap<QString, AuthManager::AuthDefinition> MapAuthDefs;
/// Constructor
///@ param The parent Logger
/// @param localConnection Is this a local network connection? Use utils/NetOrigin to check that
/// @param parent Parent QObject
API(Logger *log, bool localConnection, QObject *parent);
/// @brief Initialize the API
/// This call is REQUIRED!
void init();
/// @brief Set a single color
/// @param[in] priority The priority of the written color
/// @param[in] ledColor The color to write to the leds
/// @param[in] timeout_ms The time the leds are set to the given color [ms]
/// @param[in] origin The setter
void setColor(int priority, const std::vector<uint8_t> &ledColors, int timeout_ms = -1, const QString &origin = "API", hyperion::Components callerComp = hyperion::COMP_INVALID);
/// @brief Set a image
/// @param[in] data The command data
/// @param[in] comp The component that should be used
/// @param[out] replyMsg The replyMsg on failure
/// @param callerComp The HYPERION COMPONENT that calls this function! e.g. PROT/FLATBUF
/// @return True on success
bool setImage(ImageCmdData &data, hyperion::Components comp, QString &replyMsg, hyperion::Components callerComp = hyperion::COMP_INVALID);
/// @brief Clear a priority in the Muxer, if -1 all priorities are cleared
/// @param priority The priority to clear
/// @param replyMsg the message on failure
/// @param callerComp The HYPERION COMPONENT that calls this function! e.g. PROT/FLATBUF
/// @return True on success
bool clearPriority(int priority, QString &replyMsg, hyperion::Components callerComp = hyperion::COMP_INVALID);
/// @brief Set a new component state
/// @param comp The component name
/// @param compState The new state of the comp
/// @param replyMsg The reply on failure
/// @param callerComp The HYPERION COMPONENT that calls this function! e.g. PROT/FLATBUF
/// @ return True on success
bool setComponentState(const QString &comp, bool &compState, QString &replyMsg, hyperion::Components callerComp = hyperion::COMP_INVALID);
/// @brief Set a ledToImageMapping type
/// @param type mapping type string
/// @param callerComp The HYPERION COMPONENT that calls this function! e.g. PROT/FLATBUF
void setLedMappingType(int type, hyperion::Components callerComp = hyperion::COMP_INVALID);
/// @brief Set the 2D/3D modes type
/// @param mode The VideoMode
/// @param callerComp The HYPERION COMPONENT that calls this function! e.g. PROT/FLATBUF
void setVideoMode(VideoMode mode, hyperion::Components callerComp = hyperion::COMP_INVALID);
/// @brief Set an effect
/// @param dat The effect data
/// @param callerComp The HYPERION COMPONENT that calls this function! e.g. PROT/FLATBUF
/// REQUIRED dat fields: effectName, priority, duration, origin
/// @return True on success else false
bool setEffect(const EffectCmdData &dat, hyperion::Components callerComp = hyperion::COMP_INVALID);
/// @brief Set source auto select enabled or disabled
/// @param sate The new state
/// @param callerComp The HYPERION COMPONENT that calls this function! e.g. PROT/FLATBUF
void setSourceAutoSelect(bool state, hyperion::Components callerComp = hyperion::COMP_INVALID);
/// @brief Set the visible priority to given priority
/// @param priority The priority to set
/// @param callerComp The HYPERION COMPONENT that calls this function! e.g. PROT/FLATBUF
void setVisiblePriority(int priority, hyperion::Components callerComp = hyperion::COMP_INVALID);
/// @brief Register a input or update the meta data of a previous register call
/// ATTENTION: Check unregisterInput() method description !!!
/// @param[in] priority The priority of the channel
/// @param[in] component The component of the channel
/// @param[in] origin Who set the channel (CustomString@IP)
/// @param[in] owner Specific owner string, might be empty
/// @param[in] callerComp The component that call this (e.g. PROTO/FLAT)
void registerInput(int priority, hyperion::Components component, const QString &origin, const QString &owner, hyperion::Components callerComp);
/// @brief Revoke a registerInput() call by priority. We maintain all registered priorities in this scope
/// ATTENTION: This is MANDATORY if you change (priority change) or stop(clear/timeout) DURING lifetime. If this class destructs it's not needed
/// @param priority The priority to unregister
void unregisterInput(int priority);
/// @brief Handle the instance switching
/// @param inst The requested instance
/// @return True on success else false
bool setHyperionInstance(quint8 inst);
/// @brief Get all contrable components and their state
std::map<hyperion::Components, bool> getAllComponents();
/// @brief Check if Hyperion ist enabled
/// @return True when enabled else false
bool isHyperionEnabled();
/// @brief Get all instances data
/// @return The instance data
QVector<QVariantMap> getAllInstanceData();
/// @brief Start instance
/// @param index The instance index
/// @param tan The tan
/// @return True on success else false
bool startInstance(quint8 index, int tan = 0);
/// @brief Stop instance
/// @param index The instance index
void stopInstance(quint8 index);
/// @brief Delete instance. Requires ADMIN ACCESS
/// @param index The instance index
/// @param replyMsg The reply Msg
/// @return False with reply
bool deleteInstance(quint8 index, QString &replyMsg);
/// @brief Create instance. Requires ADMIN ACCESS
/// @param name With given name
/// @return False with reply
QString createInstance(const QString &name);
/// @brief Rename an instance. Requires ADMIN ACCESS
/// @param index The instance index
/// @param name With given name
/// @return False with reply
QString setInstanceName(quint8 index, const QString &name);
/// @brief Delete an effect. Requires ADMIN ACCESS
/// @param name The effect name
/// @return True on success else false
QString deleteEffect(const QString &name);
/// @brief Delete an effect. Requires ADMIN ACCESS
/// @param name The effect name
/// @return True on success else false
QString saveEffect(const QJsonObject &data);
/// @brief Save settings object. Requires ADMIN ACCESS
/// @param data The data object
bool saveSettings(const QJsonObject &data);
/// @brief Restore settings object. Requires ADMIN ACCESS
/// @param data The data object
bool restoreSettings(const QJsonObject &data);
/// @brief Test if we are authorized to use the interface
/// @return The result
bool isAuthorized() { return _authorized; };
/// @brief Test if we are authorized to use the admin interface
/// @return The result
bool isAdminAuthorized() { return _adminAuthorized; };
/// @brief Update the Password of Hyperion. Requires ADMIN ACCESS
/// @param password Old password
/// @param newPassword New password
/// @return True on success else false
bool updateHyperionPassword(const QString &password, const QString &newPassword);
/// @brief Get a new token from AuthManager. Requires ADMIN ACCESS
/// @param comment The comment of the request
/// @param def The final definition
/// @return Empty string on success else error message
QString createToken(const QString &comment, AuthManager::AuthDefinition &def);
/// @brief Rename a token by given id. Requires ADMIN ACCESS
/// @param id The id of the token
/// @param comment The new comment
/// @return Empty string on success else error message
QString renameToken(const QString &id, const QString &comment);
/// @brief Delete a token by given id. Requires ADMIN ACCESS
/// @param id The id of the token
/// @return Empty string on success else error message
QString deleteToken(const QString &id);
/// @brief Set a new token request
/// @param comment The comment
/// @param id The id
/// @param tan The tan
void setNewTokenRequest(const QString &comment, const QString &id, const int &tan);
/// @brief Cancel new token request
/// @param comment The comment
/// @param id The id
void cancelNewTokenRequest(const QString &comment, const QString &id);
/// @brief Handle a pending token request. Requires ADMIN ACCESS
/// @param id The id fo the request
/// @param accept True when it should be accepted, else false
/// @return True on success
bool handlePendingTokenRequest(const QString &id, bool accept);
/// @brief Get the current List of Tokens. Requires ADMIN ACCESS
/// @param def returns the defintions
/// @return True on success
bool getTokenList(QVector<AuthManager::AuthDefinition> &def);
/// @brief Get all current pending token requests. Requires ADMIN ACCESS
/// @return True on success
bool getPendingTokenRequests(QVector<AuthManager::AuthDefinition> &map);
/// @brief Is User Token Authorized. On success this will grant acces to API and ADMIN API
/// @param userToken The user Token
/// @return True on succes
bool isUserTokenAuthorized(const QString &userToken);
/// @brief Get the current User Token (session token). Requires ADMIN ACCESS
/// @param userToken The user Token
/// @return True on success
bool getUserToken(QString &userToken);
/// @brief Is a token authorized. On success this will grant acces to the API (NOT ADMIN API)
/// @param token The user Token
/// @return True on success
bool isTokenAuthorized(const QString &token);
/// @brief Is User authorized. On success this will grant acces to the API and ADMIN API
/// @param password The password of the User
/// @return True if authorized
bool isUserAuthorized(const QString &password);
/// @brief Test if Hyperion has the default PW
/// @return The result
bool hasHyperionDefaultPw();
/// @brief Logout revokes all authorizations
void logout();
/// Reflect auth status of this client
bool _authorized;
bool _adminAuthorized;
/// Is this a local connection
bool _localConnection;
AuthManager *_authManager;
HyperionIManager *_instanceManager;
Logger *_log;
Hyperion *_hyperion;
/// @brief The API might decide to block connections for security reasons, this emitter should close the socket
void forceClose();
/// @brief Emits whenever a new Token request is pending. This signal is just active when ADMIN ACCESS has been granted
/// @param id The id of the request
/// @param comment The comment of the request; If the commen is EMPTY the request has been revoked by the caller. So remove it from the pending list
void onPendingTokenRequest(const QString &id, const QString &comment);
/// @brief Handle emits from AuthManager of accepted/denied/timeouts token request, just if QObject matches with this instance it will emit.
/// @param success If true the request was accepted else false and no token was created
/// @param token The new token that is now valid
/// @param comment The comment that was part of the request
/// @param id The id that was part of the request
/// @param tan The tan that was part of the request
void onTokenResponse(bool success, const QString &token, const QString &comment, const QString &id, const int &tan);
/// @brief Handle emits from HyperionIManager of startInstance request, just if QObject matches with this instance it will emit.
/// @param tan The tan that was part of the request
void onStartInstanceResponse(const int &tan);
private slots:
/// @brief Is called whenever a Hyperion instance wants the current register list
/// @param callerInstance The instance should be returned in the answer call
void requestActiveRegister(QObject *callerInstance);
void stopDataConnectionss();
// Contains all active register call data
std::map<int, registerData> _activeRegisters;
// current instance index
quint8 _currInstanceIndex;