Paulchen Panther 08dfec20c5 Adding the possibility to test new Effects ... (#282)
* Update effects_configurator.html

* Update content_effectsconfigurator.js

* Update hyperion.js

* Update de.json

* Add argument QString "pythonScript" to runEffect function

* Update Hyperion.h

* Update EffectEngine.cpp

* Update Hyperion.cpp

* Update JsonClientConnection.cpp

* Update schema-effect.json
2016-10-30 22:59:45 +01:00

389 lines
12 KiB

#pragma once
// stl includes
#include <list>
#include <map>
// QT includes
#include <QObject>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QSize>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonValue>
#include <QJsonArray>
// hyperion-utils includes
#include <utils/Image.h>
#include <utils/ColorRgb.h>
#include <utils/Logger.h>
#include <utils/Components.h>
// Hyperion includes
#include <hyperion/LedString.h>
#include <hyperion/PriorityMuxer.h>
#include <hyperion/ColorTransform.h>
#include <hyperion/ColorAdjustment.h>
#include <hyperion/MessageForwarder.h>
#include <hyperion/ComponentRegister.h>
// Effect engine includes
#include <effectengine/EffectDefinition.h>
#include <effectengine/ActiveEffectDefinition.h>
#include <effectengine/EffectSchema.h>
// KodiVideoChecker includes
#include <kodivideochecker/KODIVideoChecker.h>
// Forward class declaration
class LedDevice;
class LinearColorSmoothing;
class ColorTransform;
class EffectEngine;
class HsvTransform;
class HslTransform;
class RgbChannelTransform;
class RgbChannelAdjustment;
class MultiColorTransform;
class MultiColorAdjustment;
class KODIVideoChecker;
/// The main class of Hyperion. This gives other 'users' access to the attached LedDevice through
/// the priority muxer.
class Hyperion : public QObject
/// Type definition of the info structure used by the priority muxer
typedef PriorityMuxer::InputInfo InputInfo;
typedef std::map<std::string,int> PriorityRegister;
/// RGB-Color channel enumeration
enum RgbChannel
/// Enumeration of the possible color (color-channel) transforms
enum Transform
/// Destructor; cleans up resources
/// free all alocated objects, should be called only from constructor or before restarting hyperion
void freeObjects();
static Hyperion* initInstance(const QJsonObject& qjsonConfig, const std::string configFile);
static Hyperion* getInstance();
/// Returns the number of attached leds
unsigned getLedCount() const;
QSize getLedGridSize() const { return _ledGridSize; }
/// Returns the current priority
/// @return The current priority
int getCurrentPriority() const;
/// Returns a list of active priorities
/// @return The list with priorities
QList<int> getActivePriorities() const;
/// Returns the information of a specific priorrity channel
/// @param[in] priority The priority channel
/// @return The information of the given
/// @throw std::runtime_error when the priority channel does not exist
const InputInfo& getPriorityInfo(const int priority) const;
/// Get the list of available effects
/// @return The list of available effects
const std::list<EffectDefinition> &getEffects() const;
/// Get the list of active effects
/// @return The list of active effects
const std::list<ActiveEffectDefinition> &getActiveEffects();
/// Get the list of available effect schema files
/// @return The list of available effect schema files
const std::list<EffectSchema> &getEffectSchemas();
/// gets the current json config object
/// @return json config
const QJsonObject& getQJsonConfig() { return _qjsonConfig; };
/// get filename of configfile
/// @return the current config filename
std::string getConfigFileName() { return _configFile; };
/// register a input source to a priority channel
/// @param name uniq name of input source
/// @param priority priority channel
void registerPriority(const std::string name, const int priority);
/// unregister a input source to a priority channel
/// @param name uniq name of input source
void unRegisterPriority(const std::string name);
/// gets current priority register
/// @return the priority register
const PriorityRegister& getPriorityRegister() { return _priorityRegister; }
/// enable/disable automatic/priorized source selection
/// @param enabled the state
void setSourceAutoSelectEnabled(bool enabled);
/// set current input source to visible
/// @param priority the priority channel which should be vidible
/// @return true if success, false on error
bool setCurrentSourcePriority(int priority );
/// gets current state of automatic/priorized source selection
/// @return the state
bool sourceAutoSelectEnabled() { return _sourceAutoSelectEnabled; };
/// Enable/Disable components during runtime
/// @param state The state of the component [true | false]
void setComponentState(const hyperion::Components component, const bool state);
ComponentRegister& getComponentRegister() { return _componentRegister; };
bool configModified();
public slots:
/// Writes a single color to all the leds for the given time and priority
/// @param[in] priority The priority of the written color
/// @param[in] ledColor The color to write to the leds
/// @param[in] timeout_ms The time the leds are set to the given color [ms]
void setColor(int priority, const ColorRgb &ledColor, const int timeout_ms, bool clearEffects = true);
/// Writes the given colors to all leds for the given time and priority
/// @param[in] priority The priority of the written colors
/// @param[in] ledColors The colors to write to the leds
/// @param[in] timeout_ms The time the leds are set to the given colors [ms]
void setColors(int priority, const std::vector<ColorRgb> &ledColors, const int timeout_ms, bool clearEffects = true, hyperion::Components component=hyperion::COMP_INVALID);
/// Returns the list with unique transform identifiers
/// @return The list with transform identifiers
const std::vector<std::string> & getTransformIds() const;
/// Returns the list with unique adjustment identifiers
/// @return The list with adjustment identifiers
const std::vector<std::string> & getAdjustmentIds() const;
/// Returns the ColorTransform with the given identifier
/// @return The transform with the given identifier (or nullptr if the identifier does not exist)
ColorTransform * getTransform(const std::string& id);
/// Returns the ColorAdjustment with the given identifier
/// @return The adjustment with the given identifier (or nullptr if the identifier does not exist)
ColorAdjustment * getAdjustment(const std::string& id);
/// Returns MessageForwarder Object
/// @return instance of message forwarder object
MessageForwarder * getForwarder();
/// Tell Hyperion that the transforms have changed and the leds need to be updated
void transformsUpdated();
/// Tell Hyperion that the corrections have changed and the leds need to be updated
void adjustmentsUpdated();
/// Clears the given priority channel. This will switch the led-colors to the colors of the next
/// lower priority channel (or off if no more channels are set)
/// @param[in] priority The priority channel
void clear(int priority);
/// Clears all priority channels. This will switch the leds off until a new priority is written.
void clearall();
/// Run the specified effect on the given priority channel and optionally specify a timeout
/// @param effectName Name of the effec to run
/// @param priority The priority channel of the effect
/// @param timeout The timeout of the effect (after the timout, the effect will be cleared)
int setEffect(const QString & effectName, int priority, int timeout = -1);
/// Run the specified effect on the given priority channel and optionally specify a timeout
/// @param effectName Name of the effec to run
/// @param args arguments of the effect script
/// @param priority The priority channel of the effect
/// @param timeout The timeout of the effect (after the timout, the effect will be cleared)
int setEffect(const QString & effectName, const QJsonObject & args, int priority, int timeout = -1, QString pythonScript = "");
static Hyperion *_hyperion;
static ColorOrder createColorOrder(const QJsonObject & deviceConfig);
* Construct the 'led-string' with the integration area definition per led and the color
* ordering of the RGB channels
* @param ledsConfig The configuration of the led areas
* @param deviceOrder The default RGB channel ordering
* @return The constructed ledstring
static LedString createLedString(const QJsonValue & ledsConfig, const ColorOrder deviceOrder);
static LedString createLedStringClone(const QJsonValue & ledsConfig, const ColorOrder deviceOrder);
static MultiColorTransform * createLedColorsTransform(const unsigned ledCnt, const QJsonObject & colorTransformConfig);
static MultiColorAdjustment * createLedColorsAdjustment(const unsigned ledCnt, const QJsonObject & colorAdjustmentConfig);
static ColorTransform * createColorTransform(const QJsonObject & transformConfig);
static ColorAdjustment * createColorAdjustment(const QJsonObject & adjustmentConfig);
static HsvTransform * createHsvTransform(const QJsonObject & hsvConfig);
static HslTransform * createHslTransform(const QJsonObject & hslConfig);
static RgbChannelTransform * createRgbChannelTransform(const QJsonObject& colorConfig);
static RgbChannelAdjustment * createRgbChannelCorrection(const QJsonObject& colorConfig);
static RgbChannelAdjustment * createRgbChannelAdjustment(const QJsonObject& colorConfig, const RgbChannel color);
static LinearColorSmoothing * createColorSmoothing(const QJsonObject & smoothingConfig, LedDevice* leddevice);
static MessageForwarder * createMessageForwarder(const QJsonObject & forwarderConfig);
static QSize getLedLayoutGridSize(const QJsonValue& ledsConfig);
/// Signal which is emitted when a priority channel is actively cleared
/// This signal will not be emitted when a priority channel time out
void channelCleared(int priority);
/// Signal which is emitted when all priority channels are actively cleared
/// This signal will not be emitted when a priority channel time out
void allChannelsCleared();
void componentStateChanged(const hyperion::Components component, bool enabled);
private slots:
/// Updates the priority muxer with the current time and (re)writes the led color with applied
/// transforms.
void update();
/// Constructs the Hyperion instance based on the given Json configuration
/// @param[in] qjsonConfig The Json configuration
Hyperion(const QJsonObject& qjsonConfig, const std::string configFile);
/// The specifiation of the led frame construction and picture integration
LedString _ledString;
/// specifiation of cloned leds
LedString _ledStringClone;
std::vector<ColorOrder> _ledStringColorOrder;
/// The priority muxer
PriorityMuxer _muxer;
/// The transformation from raw colors to led colors
MultiColorTransform * _raw2ledTransform;
/// The adjustment from raw colors to led colors
MultiColorAdjustment * _raw2ledAdjustment;
/// The actual LedDevice
LedDevice * _device;
/// The smoothing LedDevice
LinearColorSmoothing * _deviceSmooth;
/// Effect engine
EffectEngine * _effectEngine;
// proto and json Message forwarder
MessageForwarder * _messageForwarder;
// json configuration
const QJsonObject& _qjsonConfig;
// the name of config file
std::string _configFile;
/// The timer for handling priority channel timeouts
QTimer _timer;
/// buffer for leds
std::vector<ColorRgb> _ledBuffer;
/// Logger instance
Logger * _log;
/// count of hardware leds
unsigned _hwLedCount;
ComponentRegister _componentRegister;
/// register of input sources and it's prio channel
PriorityRegister _priorityRegister;
/// flag for v4l color correction
bool _colorAdjustmentV4Lonly;
/// flag for v4l color correction
bool _colorTransformV4Lonly;
/// flag for color transform enable
bool _transformEnabled;
/// flag for color adjustment enable
bool _adjustmentEnabled;
/// flag indicates state for autoselection of input source
bool _sourceAutoSelectEnabled;
/// holds the current priority channel that is manualy selected
int _currentSourcePriority;
QByteArray _configHash;
QSize _ledGridSize;