brindosch d3f45e7ae5
Feat: SSDP discovery for hyperion-remote (#602)
* Auto stash before merge of "log" and "hyperion-project/master"

* resolve merge tool mess
2019-08-17 09:44:57 +02:00

100 lines
3.4 KiB

// QT includes
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QImage>
#include <flatbufserver/FlatBufferConnection.h>
#include "AmlogicWrapper.h"
#include "HyperionConfig.h"
#include <commandline/Parser.h>
// ssdp discover
#include <ssdp/SSDPDiscover.h>
using namespace commandline;
// save the image as screenshot
void saveScreenshot(QString filename, const Image<ColorRgb> & image)
// store as PNG
QImage pngImage((const uint8_t *) image.memptr(), image.width(), image.height(), 3*image.width(), QImage::Format_RGB888);
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
<< "hyperion-aml:" << std::endl
<< "\tVersion : " << HYPERION_VERSION << " (" << HYPERION_BUILD_ID << ")" << std::endl
<< "\tbuild time: " << __DATE__ << " " << __TIME__ << std::endl;
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
// create the option parser and initialize all parser
Parser parser("AmLogic capture application for Hyperion. Will automatically search a Hyperion server if -a option isn't used. Please note that if you have more than one server running it's more or less random which one will be used.");
IntOption & argWidth = parser.add<IntOption> (0x0, "width", "Width of the captured image [default: %1]", "160", 160, 4096);
IntOption & argHeight = parser.add<IntOption> (0x0, "height", "Height of the captured image [default: %1]", "160", 160, 4096);
BooleanOption & argScreenshot = parser.add<BooleanOption>(0x0, "screenshot", "Take a single screenshot, save it to file and quit");
Option & argAddress = parser.add<Option> ('a', "address", "Set the address of the hyperion server [default: %1]", "");
IntOption & argPriority = parser.add<IntOption> ('p', "priority", "Use the provided priority channel (suggested 100-199) [default: %1]", "150");
BooleanOption & argSkipReply = parser.add<BooleanOption>(0x0, "skip-reply", "Do not receive and check reply messages from Hyperion");
BooleanOption & argHelp = parser.add<BooleanOption>('h', "help", "Show this help message and exit");
// parse all options
// check if we need to display the usage. exit if we do.
if (parser.isSet(argHelp))
AmlogicWrapper amlWrapper(argWidth.getInt(parser), argHeight.getInt(parser));
if (parser.isSet(argScreenshot))
// Capture a single screenshot and finish
const Image<ColorRgb> & screenshot = amlWrapper.getScreenshot();
saveScreenshot("screenshot.png", screenshot);
// server searching by ssdp
QString address = argAddress.value(parser);
if(argAddress.value(parser) == "")
SSDPDiscover discover;
address = discover.getFirstService(STY_FLATBUFSERVER);
address = argAddress.value(parser);
// Create the Flabuf-connection
FlatBufferConnection flatbuf("AML Standalone", address, argPriority.getInt(parser), parser.isSet(argSkipReply));
// Connect the screen capturing to flatbuf connection processing
QObject::connect(&amlWrapper, SIGNAL(sig_screenshot(const Image<ColorRgb> &)), &flatbuf, SLOT(setImage(Image<ColorRgb>)));
// Start the capturing
// Start the application
catch (const std::runtime_error & e)
// An error occured. Display error and quit
Error(Logger::getInstance("AMLOGIC"), "%s", e.what());
return -1;
return 0;