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synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
* Update CMakeLists.txt * Update Hyperion.h * Update LedDevice.h * Update LedDeviceFactory.h * Update Hyperion.cpp * Update LedString.cpp * Update JsonClientConnection.cpp * Update LedDeviceAdalight.cpp * Update LedDeviceAdalight.h * Update LedDeviceAPA102.cpp * Update LedDeviceAdalightApa102.h * Update LedDeviceAdalightApa102.cpp * Update LedDeviceAPA102.h * Update LedDeviceAtmo.cpp * Update LedDeviceAtmo.h * Update LedDeviceAtmoOrb.cpp * Update LedDeviceAtmoOrb.h * Update LedDeviceDMX.cpp * Update LedDeviceDMX.h * Update LedDeviceFactory.cpp * Update LedDeviceFadeCandy.cpp * Update LedDeviceFadeCandy.h * Update LedDeviceFile.cpp * Update LedDeviceFile.h * Update LedDeviceHyperionUsbasp.cpp * Update LedDeviceHyperionUsbasp.h * Update LedDeviceLightpack.cpp * Update LedDeviceLightpack.h * Update LedDeviceLpd6803.cpp * Update LedDeviceLpd6803.h * Update LedDeviceLpd8806.cpp * Update LedDeviceLpd8806.h * Update LedDeviceMultiLightpack.cpp * Update LedDeviceMultiLightpack.h * Update LedDeviceP9813.cpp * Update LedDeviceP9813.h * Update LedDevicePaintpack.cpp * Update LedDevicePaintpack.h * Update LedDevicePhilipsHue.cpp * Update LedDevicePhilipsHue.h * Update LedDevicePiBlaster.cpp * Update LedDevicePiBlaster.h * Update LedDeviceRawHID.cpp * Update LedDeviceRawHID.h * Update LedDeviceSedu.cpp * Update LedDeviceSedu.h * Update LedDeviceSk6812SPI.cpp * Update LedDeviceSk6812SPI.h * Update LedDeviceTinkerforge.cpp * Update LedDeviceTinkerforge.h * Update LedDeviceTpm2.cpp * Update LedDeviceTpm2.h * Update LedDeviceTpm2net.cpp * Update LedDeviceTpm2net.h * Update LedDeviceUdpE131.cpp * Update LedDeviceUdpE131.h * Update LedDeviceUdpH801.cpp * Update LedDeviceUdpH801.h * Update LedDeviceUdpRaw.cpp * Update LedDeviceUdpRaw.h * Update LedDeviceWs2801.cpp * Update LedDeviceWs2801.h * Update LedDeviceWS2812b.cpp * Update LedDeviceWS2812b.h * Update LedDeviceWs2812SPI.cpp * Update LedDeviceWs2812SPI.h * Update LedDeviceWS281x.cpp * Update LedDeviceWS281x.h * Update ProviderHID.cpp * Update ProviderHID.h * Update ProviderRs232.cpp * Update ProviderRs232.h * Update ProviderSpi.cpp * Update ProviderSpi.h * Update ProviderUdp.cpp * Update ProviderUdp.h * Update LedDevice.cpp * Update CMakeLists.txt * Update hyperiond.cpp * Update hyperiond.h * Update TestSpi.cpp * Delete AUTHORS * Delete CMakeLists.txt * Delete LICENSE * Delete json_batchallocator.h * Delete json_internalarray.inl * Delete json_internalmap.inl * Delete json_reader.cpp * Delete json_tool.h * Delete json_value.cpp * Delete json_valueiterator.inl * Delete json_writer.cpp * Delete sconscript * Delete autolink.h * Delete config.h * Delete features.h * Delete forwards.h * Delete json.h * Delete reader.h * Delete value.h * Delete writer.h
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#pragma once
// stl includes
#include <cstdint>
// libusb include
#include <libusb.h>
// Hyperion includes
#include <leddevice/LedDevice.h>
/// LedDevice implementation for a lightpack device (http://code.google.com/p/light-pack/)
class LedDeviceLightpack : public LedDevice
/// Constructs the LedDeviceLightpack
/// @param serialNumber serial output device
LedDeviceLightpack(const std::string & serialNumber = "");
/// Constructs specific LedDevice
/// @param deviceConfig json device config
LedDeviceLightpack(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig);
/// Sets configuration
/// @param deviceConfig the json device config
/// @return true if success
bool init(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig);
/// constructs leddevice
static LedDevice* construct(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig);
/// Destructor of the LedDevice; closes the output device if it is open
virtual ~LedDeviceLightpack();
/// Opens and configures the output device
/// @return Zero on succes else negative
int open();
/// Writes the RGB-Color values to the leds.
/// @param[in] ledValues Array of RGB values
/// @param[in] size The number of RGB values
/// @return Zero on success else negative
int write(const ColorRgb * ledValues, int size);
/// Switch the leds off
/// @return Zero on success else negative
virtual int switchOff();
/// Get the serial of the Lightpack
const std::string & getSerialNumber() const;
/// Get the number of leds
int getLedCount() const;
/// Writes the RGB-Color values to the leds.
/// @param[in] ledValues The RGB-color per led
/// @return Zero on success else negative
virtual int write(const std::vector<ColorRgb>& ledValues);
/// Test if the device is a (or the) lightpack we are looking for
/// @return Zero on succes else negative
int testAndOpen(libusb_device * device, const std::string & requestedSerialNumber);
/// write bytes to the device
int writeBytes(uint8_t *data, int size);
/// Disable the internal smoothing on the Lightpack device
int disableSmoothing();
struct Version
int majorVersion;
int minorVersion;
static libusb_device_handle * openDevice(libusb_device * device);
static std::string getString(libusb_device * device, int stringDescriptorIndex);
/// libusb context
libusb_context * _libusbContext;
/// libusb device handle
libusb_device_handle * _deviceHandle;
/// harware bus number
int _busNumber;
/// hardware address number
int _addressNumber;
/// device serial number
std::string _serialNumber;
/// firmware version of the device
Version _firmwareVersion;
/// the number of bits per channel
int _bitsPerChannel;
/// count of real hardware leds
int _hwLedCount;