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synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
* Update CMakeLists.txt * Update Hyperion.h * Update LedDevice.h * Update LedDeviceFactory.h * Update Hyperion.cpp * Update LedString.cpp * Update JsonClientConnection.cpp * Update LedDeviceAdalight.cpp * Update LedDeviceAdalight.h * Update LedDeviceAPA102.cpp * Update LedDeviceAdalightApa102.h * Update LedDeviceAdalightApa102.cpp * Update LedDeviceAPA102.h * Update LedDeviceAtmo.cpp * Update LedDeviceAtmo.h * Update LedDeviceAtmoOrb.cpp * Update LedDeviceAtmoOrb.h * Update LedDeviceDMX.cpp * Update LedDeviceDMX.h * Update LedDeviceFactory.cpp * Update LedDeviceFadeCandy.cpp * Update LedDeviceFadeCandy.h * Update LedDeviceFile.cpp * Update LedDeviceFile.h * Update LedDeviceHyperionUsbasp.cpp * Update LedDeviceHyperionUsbasp.h * Update LedDeviceLightpack.cpp * Update LedDeviceLightpack.h * Update LedDeviceLpd6803.cpp * Update LedDeviceLpd6803.h * Update LedDeviceLpd8806.cpp * Update LedDeviceLpd8806.h * Update LedDeviceMultiLightpack.cpp * Update LedDeviceMultiLightpack.h * Update LedDeviceP9813.cpp * Update LedDeviceP9813.h * Update LedDevicePaintpack.cpp * Update LedDevicePaintpack.h * Update LedDevicePhilipsHue.cpp * Update LedDevicePhilipsHue.h * Update LedDevicePiBlaster.cpp * Update LedDevicePiBlaster.h * Update LedDeviceRawHID.cpp * Update LedDeviceRawHID.h * Update LedDeviceSedu.cpp * Update LedDeviceSedu.h * Update LedDeviceSk6812SPI.cpp * Update LedDeviceSk6812SPI.h * Update LedDeviceTinkerforge.cpp * Update LedDeviceTinkerforge.h * Update LedDeviceTpm2.cpp * Update LedDeviceTpm2.h * Update LedDeviceTpm2net.cpp * Update LedDeviceTpm2net.h * Update LedDeviceUdpE131.cpp * Update LedDeviceUdpE131.h * Update LedDeviceUdpH801.cpp * Update LedDeviceUdpH801.h * Update LedDeviceUdpRaw.cpp * Update LedDeviceUdpRaw.h * Update LedDeviceWs2801.cpp * Update LedDeviceWs2801.h * Update LedDeviceWS2812b.cpp * Update LedDeviceWS2812b.h * Update LedDeviceWs2812SPI.cpp * Update LedDeviceWs2812SPI.h * Update LedDeviceWS281x.cpp * Update LedDeviceWS281x.h * Update ProviderHID.cpp * Update ProviderHID.h * Update ProviderRs232.cpp * Update ProviderRs232.h * Update ProviderSpi.cpp * Update ProviderSpi.h * Update ProviderUdp.cpp * Update ProviderUdp.h * Update LedDevice.cpp * Update CMakeLists.txt * Update hyperiond.cpp * Update hyperiond.h * Update TestSpi.cpp * Delete AUTHORS * Delete CMakeLists.txt * Delete LICENSE * Delete json_batchallocator.h * Delete json_internalarray.inl * Delete json_internalmap.inl * Delete json_reader.cpp * Delete json_tool.h * Delete json_value.cpp * Delete json_valueiterator.inl * Delete json_writer.cpp * Delete sconscript * Delete autolink.h * Delete config.h * Delete features.h * Delete forwards.h * Delete json.h * Delete reader.h * Delete value.h * Delete writer.h
121 lines
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121 lines
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#include <leddevice/LedDevice.h>
#include <sstream>
//QT include
#include <QResource>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QDir>
LedDeviceRegistry LedDevice::_ledDeviceMap = LedDeviceRegistry();
std::string LedDevice::_activeDevice = "";
int LedDevice::_ledCount = 0;
int LedDevice::_ledRGBCount = 0;
int LedDevice::_ledRGBWCount= 0;
: QObject()
, _log(Logger::getInstance("LedDevice"))
, _ledBuffer(0)
, _deviceReady(true)
// dummy implemention
int LedDevice::open()
return 0;
int LedDevice::addToDeviceMap(std::string name, LedDeviceCreateFuncType funcPtr)
return 0;
const LedDeviceRegistry& LedDevice::getDeviceMap()
return _ledDeviceMap;
void LedDevice::setActiveDevice(std::string dev)
_activeDevice = dev;
QJsonObject LedDevice::getLedDeviceSchemas()
// make sure the resources are loaded (they may be left out after static linking)
QJsonParseError error;
// read the json schema from the resource
QDir d(":/leddevices/");
QStringList l = d.entryList();
QJsonObject result, schemaJson;
for(QString &item : l)
QFile schemaData(QString(":/leddevices/")+item);
QString devName = item.remove("schema-");
if (!schemaData.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
Error(Logger::getInstance("LedDevice"), "Schema not found: %s", item.toUtf8().constData());
throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: Schema not found: " + item.toStdString());
QByteArray schema = schemaData.readAll();
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(schema, &error);
if (error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError)
// report to the user the failure and their locations in the document.
int errorLine(0), errorColumn(0);
for( int i=0, count=qMin( error.offset,schema.size()); i<count; ++i )
if(schema.at(i) == '\n' )
errorColumn = 0;
std::stringstream sstream;
sstream << error.errorString().toStdString() << " at Line: " << errorLine << ", Column: " << errorColumn;
Error(Logger::getInstance("LedDevice"), "LedDevice JSON schema error in %s (%s)", item.toUtf8().constData(), sstream.str().c_str());
throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: Json schema wrong: " + sstream.str());
schemaJson = doc.object();
schemaJson["title"] = QString("LED Device Specific");
result[devName] = schemaJson;
return result;
int LedDevice::setLedValues(const std::vector<ColorRgb>& ledValues)
return _deviceReady ? write(ledValues) : -1;
int LedDevice::switchOff()
return _deviceReady ? write(std::vector<ColorRgb>(_ledCount, ColorRgb::BLACK )) : -1;
void LedDevice::setLedCount(int ledCount)
_ledCount = ledCount;
_ledRGBCount = _ledCount * sizeof(ColorRgb);
_ledRGBWCount = _ledCount * sizeof(ColorRgbw);