mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
- More i18n - Easy use of mutual exclusion in JsonAPI with QMutexLocker - Smoothing type "linear" hidden in the WebUI, because there is currently only one - Message forwarding implemented again - For compatibility to home assistants and other remote controls, "activeEffects" and "activeLedColor" has been added to the JSON-RPC - FlatBuffer clear now the Priority on disconnect - The information "available V4L2 devices" is now only displayed if the device list is not empty - LED device "PiBlaster" excluded from OSX build
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154 lines
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// project includes
#include <udplistener/UDPListener.h>
// bonjour includes
#include <bonjour/bonjourserviceregister.h>
// hyperion includes
#include "HyperionConfig.h"
// qt includes
#include <QUdpSocket>
#include <QJsonObject>
using namespace hyperion;
UDPListener::UDPListener(const QJsonDocument& config) :
_server(new QUdpSocket(this)),
// init
handleSettingsUpdate(settings::UDPLISTENER, config);
// clear the current channel
delete _server;
void UDPListener::start()
if ( active() )
QHostAddress mcastGroup;
if (_listenAddress.isInSubnet(QHostAddress::parseSubnet(""))) {
mcastGroup = _listenAddress;
if (!_server->bind(_listenAddress, _listenPort, _bondage))
Error(_log, "Could not bind to %s:%d", _listenAddress.toString().toStdString().c_str(), _listenPort);
Info(_log, "Started, listening on %s:%d", _listenAddress.toString().toStdString().c_str(), _listenPort);
if (!mcastGroup.isNull()) {
bool joinGroupOK = _server->joinMulticastGroup(_listenAddress);
InfoIf ( joinGroupOK, _log, "Multicast enabled");
WarningIf( ! joinGroupOK, _log, "Multicast failed");
_isActive = true;
if(_serviceRegister == nullptr)
_serviceRegister = new BonjourServiceRegister(this);
_serviceRegister->registerService("_hyperiond-udp._udp", _listenPort);
else if( _serviceRegister->getPort() != _listenPort)
delete _serviceRegister;
_serviceRegister = new BonjourServiceRegister(this);
_serviceRegister->registerService("_hyperiond-udp._udp", _listenPort);
void UDPListener::stop()
if ( ! active() )
_isActive = false;
Info(_log, "Stopped");
// emit clearGlobalPriority(_priority, hyperion::COMP_UDPLISTENER);
void UDPListener::componentStateChanged(const hyperion::Components component, bool enable)
if (component == COMP_UDPLISTENER)
if (_isActive != enable)
if (enable) start();
else stop();
uint16_t UDPListener::getPort() const
return _server->localPort();
void UDPListener::readPendingDatagrams()
while (_server->hasPendingDatagrams()) {
QByteArray datagram;
QHostAddress sender;
quint16 senderPort;
_server->readDatagram(datagram.data(), datagram.size(), &sender, &senderPort);
processTheDatagram(&datagram, &sender);
void UDPListener::processTheDatagram(const QByteArray * datagram, const QHostAddress * sender)
int packetLedCount = datagram->size()/3;
//DebugIf( (packetLedCount != hyperionLedCount), _log, "packetLedCount (%d) != hyperionLedCount (%d)", packetLedCount, hyperionLedCount);
std::vector<ColorRgb> _ledColors(packetLedCount, ColorRgb::BLACK);
for (int ledIndex=0; ledIndex < packetLedCount; ledIndex++) {
ColorRgb & rgb = _ledColors[ledIndex];
rgb.red = datagram->at(ledIndex*3+0);
rgb.green = datagram->at(ledIndex*3+1);
rgb.blue = datagram->at(ledIndex*3+2);
// TODO provide a setInput with origin arg to overwrite senders smarter
emit registerGlobalInput(_priority, hyperion::COMP_UDPLISTENER, QString("UDPListener@%1").arg(sender->toString()));
emit setGlobalInput(_priority, _ledColors, _timeout);
void UDPListener::handleSettingsUpdate(const settings::type& type, const QJsonDocument& config)
if(type == settings::UDPLISTENER)
QJsonObject obj = config.object();
// if we change the prio we need to make sure the old one is cleared before we apply the new one!
QString addr = obj["address"].toString("");
_priority = obj["priority"].toInt();
_listenPort = obj["port"].toInt();
_listenAddress = addr.isEmpty()? QHostAddress::AnyIPv4 : QHostAddress(addr);
_bondage = (obj["shared"].toBool(false)) ? QAbstractSocket::ShareAddress : QAbstractSocket::DefaultForPlatform;
_timeout = obj["timeout"].toInt(10000);