LordGrey ce7c99d2cd Stop LedDevice:write for disabled devices + Nanoleaf Fixes (#629)
* Handle Exceptions in main & Pythoninit

* Have SSDPDiscover generic again

* Have SSDPDiscover generic again

* Change Info- to Debug logs as technical service messages

* Nanoleaf - When switched on, ensure UDP mode

* Include SQL Database in Cross-Compile instructions

* Fix Clazy (QT code checker) and clang Warnings

* Stop LedDevice:write for disabled device

* Nanoleaf: Fix uint printfs

* NanoLeaf: Fix indents to tabs

* NanoLeaf - Add debug verbosity switches

* Device switchability support, FileDevice with timestamp support

* Nanoleaf Light Panels now support External Control V2

* Enhance LedDeviceFile by Timestamp + fix readyness

* Stop color stream, if LedDevice disabled

* Nanoleaf - remove switchability
2019-12-08 13:12:01 +01:00

112 lines
2.6 KiB

#pragma once
// util
#include <utils/Logger.h>
#include <utils/ColorRgb.h>
#include <utils/Components.h>
class LedDevice;
class Hyperion;
typedef LedDevice* ( *LedDeviceCreateFuncType ) ( const QJsonObject& );
typedef std::map<QString,LedDeviceCreateFuncType> LedDeviceRegistry;
/// @brief Creates and destroys LedDevice instances with LedDeviceFactory and moves the device to a thread. Pipes all signal/slots and methods to LedDevice instance
class LedDeviceWrapper : public QObject
LedDeviceWrapper(Hyperion* hyperion);
/// @brief Contructs a new LedDevice, moves to thread and starts
/// @param config With the given config
void createLedDevice(const QJsonObject& config);
/// @brief Get all available device schemas
/// @return device schemas
static const QJsonObject getLedDeviceSchemas();
/// @brief add all device constrcutors to the map
static int addToDeviceMap(QString name, LedDeviceCreateFuncType funcPtr);
/// @brief Return all available device contructors
/// @return device constrcutors
static const LedDeviceRegistry& getDeviceMap();
/// @brief Get the current latchtime of the ledDevice
/// @ return latchtime in ms
int getLatchTime();
/// @brief Get the current active ledDevice type
const QString & getActiveDeviceType();
/// @brief Return the last enable state
const bool & enabled() { return _enabled; };
/// @brief Get the current colorOrder from device
const QString & getColorOrder();
public slots:
/// @brief Handle new component state request
/// @apram component The comp from enum
/// @param state The new state
void handleComponentState(const hyperion::Components component, const bool state);
/// PIPER signal for Hyperion -> LedDevice
/// @param[in] ledValues The RGB-color per led
/// @return Zero on success else negative
int write(const std::vector<ColorRgb>& ledValues);
private slots:
/// @brief Is called whenever the led device switches between on/off. The led device can disable it's component state
/// The signal comes from the LedDevice
/// @param newState The new state of the device
void handleInternalEnableState(bool newState);
/// contains all available led device constrcutors
static LedDeviceRegistry _ledDeviceMap;
/// @brief switchOff() the device and Stops the device thread
void stopDeviceThread();
// parent Hyperion
Hyperion* _hyperion;
// Pointer of current led device
LedDevice* _ledDevice;
// the enable state
bool _enabled;