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synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
* Creating Audio Grabber Creating Audio Grabber Creating Audio Grabber. Successfully began capturing audio in windows. Starting to implement a hard-coded UV Visualizer. Got Windows DirectSound Implementation working. Hardcoded basic VU Meter. Begin working on linux audio grabber implementation. Finished Linux Draft Implementation. Minor Mods to windows implementation. Windows: - Free memory used by device id. - Prevent starting audio if the grabber is disabled - More debug logging Linux: - Prevent starting audio if the grabber is disabled Added strings to english Removed "custom" from device selection Made hard-coded visualizer values configurable. wrote values to imageData with BGR priority to enable configurable values to be set in RGB format. created logic to support "Automatic" to enable the API to select the default device. Add language key for audio in "Remote Control" section. Removed audio configuration for number of channels. This was causing an error with some devices. Fixed logic to update capture while its active. Optimizing code . UI Tweaks Destructuring. Fixed build error on linux. Custom Effects - Clean-ups and Enhancements (#1163) * Cleanup EffectFileHandler * Support Custom Effect Schemas and align EffectFileHandler * Change back to colon prefix for system effects * WebSockets - Fix error in handling fragmented frames * Correct missing colon updates * Update json with image file location for custom gif effects * Image effect deletion - considere full filename is stored in JSON * Correct selection lists indentions Creating Audio Grabber Creating Audio Grabber Creating Audio Grabber. Successfully began capturing audio in windows. Starting to implement a hard-coded UV Visualizer. Got Windows DirectSound Implementation working. Hardcoded basic VU Meter. Begin working on linux audio grabber implementation. Finished Linux Draft Implementation. Minor Mods to windows implementation. Windows: - Free memory used by device id. - Prevent starting audio if the grabber is disabled - More debug logging Linux: - Prevent starting audio if the grabber is disabled Added strings to english Removed "custom" from device selection Made hard-coded visualizer values configurable. wrote values to imageData with BGR priority to enable configurable values to be set in RGB format. created logic to support "Automatic" to enable the API to select the default device. Add language key for audio in "Remote Control" section. Removed audio configuration for number of channels. This was causing an error with some devices. Fixed logic to update capture while its active. Optimizing code . UI Tweaks Destructuring. Fixed build error on linux. Commented setVideoMode from AudioGrabber. Linux Threading changes. Implementing new API Continuing to implement audio into new APIs Fixed Audio Grabber for DirectSound on Windows Fixed UI for Audio Grabber Configuration Default AUDIO to off unless specified. fixed missing #ifdef for audio grabber. Added logic to calculate a dynamic multiplier from the signal input. Updating linux api for discovering devices. Fixed HTML/JS issues with view. Fixed NPE in Windows. Disabled setting thread priority in linux. updated the schema options check to pass through hidden states and commented the change. Updated grabber start conditions Updated Audio grabber to instantiate similar to video grabber Updated windows grabber to set "started" flag to false when shutting down. Removed "tryStart" to prevent enabling audio capture unnecessarily. Fixing instance audio grabber device configuration Added configurable resolution Reduced tolerance to 5% Fixed issue where grabber failed for additional instances when "start" was called multiple times. Fixed resolution calculation Change averaging algorithm to prevent overflowing the sum. Updated logic to stop audio grabber when disabled. Fix integer casting and rounding. Restart grabber on configuration change. Fix missing include/grabber/AudioGrabber. Disable tolerance. Added configurable tolerance. Fixed tolerance algorithm. reset multiplier on configuration change. Line Endings Proposed change and questions/request to fix implementing more of LordGrey's suggestions. Fix mode for snd_pcm_open. Latest ALSA uses SND_PCM_NONBLOCK instead of SND_PCM_OPEN_NONBLOCK defaulted multiplier to 0 "auto" defaulted tolerance to 20% changed 100 to 100.0 for pixel value percentage calculation to fix value from being 0. missed a 100 as a double so precision isn't lost during math operation. Fix Windows grabber and further cleanups Enable Audio grabbing in standard build Remove empty methods Fix audio capture priority setting Remove unused code Clean-up default config Allow additional json-editor attributes Allow multiple effects and resetting to defaults Correct default values Allow to build for Qt < 5.14 Update CodeQL build dependency Update build dependencies Remove effect1 placeholder * Renamed uvMeter to VU Meter (Volume Unit) - Fixed issues flagged by code scanning bot. * Moved stop call into destructor of implementing class. * Removed commented linux audio channel configuration logic. --------- Co-authored-by: Michael Rochelle <michael@j2inn.com>
613 lines
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613 lines
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#pragma once
// stl includes
#include <list>
// QT includes
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QSize>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonValue>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QMap>
// hyperion-utils includes
#include <utils/Image.h>
#include <utils/ColorRgb.h>
#include <utils/Components.h>
#include <utils/VideoMode.h>
// Hyperion includes
#include <hyperion/LedString.h>
#include <hyperion/PriorityMuxer.h>
#include <hyperion/ColorAdjustment.h>
#include <hyperion/ComponentRegister.h>
// Effect engine includes
#include <effectengine/EffectDefinition.h>
#include <effectengine/Effect.h>
#include <effectengine/ActiveEffectDefinition.h>
#include <effectengine/EffectSchema.h>
#include <leddevice/LedDevice.h>
// settings utils
#include <utils/settings.h>
// Forward class declaration
class HyperionDaemon;
class ImageProcessor;
class MessageForwarder;
class LinearColorSmoothing;
class EffectEngine;
class MultiColorAdjustment;
class ColorAdjustment;
class SettingsManager;
class BGEffectHandler;
class CaptureCont;
class BoblightServer;
class LedDeviceWrapper;
class Logger;
/// The main class of Hyperion. This gives other 'users' access to the attached LedDevice through
/// the priority muxer.
class Hyperion : public QObject
/// Type definition of the info structure used by the priority muxer
using InputInfo = PriorityMuxer::InputInfo;
/// Destructor; cleans up resources
~Hyperion() override;
/// free all alocated objects, should be called only from constructor or before restarting hyperion
void freeObjects();
ImageProcessor* getImageProcessor() const { return _imageProcessor; }
/// @brief Get instance index of this instance
/// @return The index of this instance
quint8 getInstanceIndex() const { return _instIndex; }
/// @brief Return the size of led grid
QSize getLedGridSize() const { return _ledGridSize; }
/// gets the methode how image is maped to leds
int getLedMappingType() const;
/// forward smoothing config
unsigned addSmoothingConfig(int settlingTime_ms, double ledUpdateFrequency_hz=25.0, unsigned updateDelay=0);
unsigned updateSmoothingConfig(unsigned id, int settlingTime_ms=200, double ledUpdateFrequency_hz=25.0, unsigned updateDelay=0);
VideoMode getCurrentVideoMode() const;
/// @brief Get the current active led device
/// @return The device name
QString getActiveDeviceType() const;
bool getReadOnlyMode() {return _readOnlyMode; }
public slots:
/// Updates the priority muxer with the current time and (re)writes the led color with applied
/// transforms.
void update();
/// Returns the number of attached leds
int getLedCount() const;
/// @brief Register a new input by priority, the priority is not active (timeout -100 isn't muxer recognized) until you start to update the data with setInput()
/// A repeated call to update the base data of a known priority won't overwrite their current timeout
/// @param[in] priority The priority of the channel
/// @param[in] component The component of the channel
/// @param[in] origin Who set the channel (CustomString@IP)
/// @param[in] owner Specific owner string, might be empty
/// @param[in] smooth_cfg The smooth id to use
void registerInput(int priority, hyperion::Components component, const QString& origin = "System", const QString& owner = "", unsigned smooth_cfg = 0);
/// @brief Update the current color of a priority (prev registered with registerInput())
/// DO NOT use this together with setInputImage() at the same time!
/// @param priority The priority to update
/// @param ledColors The colors
/// @param timeout_ms The new timeout (defaults to -1 endless)
/// @param clearEffect Should be true when NOT called from an effect
/// @return True on success, false when priority is not found
bool setInput(int priority, const std::vector<ColorRgb>& ledColors, int timeout_ms = PriorityMuxer::ENDLESS, bool clearEffect = true);
/// @brief Update the current image of a priority (prev registered with registerInput())
/// DO NOT use this together with setInput() at the same time!
/// @param priority The priority to update
/// @param image The new image
/// @param timeout_ms The new timeout (defaults to -1 endless)
/// @param clearEffect Should be true when NOT called from an effect
/// @return True on success, false when priority is not found
bool setInputImage(int priority, const Image<ColorRgb>& image, int64_t timeout_ms = PriorityMuxer::ENDLESS, bool clearEffect = true);
/// Writes a single color to all the leds for the given time and priority
/// Registers comp color or provided type against muxer
/// Should be never used to update leds continuous
/// @param[in] priority The priority of the written color
/// @param[in] ledColors The color to write to the leds
/// @param[in] timeout_ms The time the leds are set to the given color [ms]
/// @param[in] origin The setter
/// @param clearEffect Should be true when NOT called from an effect
void setColor(int priority, const std::vector<ColorRgb> &ledColors, int timeout_ms = PriorityMuxer::ENDLESS, const QString& origin = "System" ,bool clearEffects = true);
/// @brief Set the given priority to inactive
/// @param priority The priority
/// @return True on success false if not found
bool setInputInactive(quint8 priority);
/// Returns the list with unique adjustment identifiers
/// @return The list with adjustment identifiers
QStringList getAdjustmentIds() const;
/// Returns the ColorAdjustment with the given identifier
/// @return The adjustment with the given identifier (or nullptr if the identifier does not exist)
ColorAdjustment * getAdjustment(const QString& id) const;
/// Tell Hyperion that the corrections have changed and the leds need to be updated
void adjustmentsUpdated();
/// Clears the given priority channel. This will switch the led-colors to the colors of the next
/// lower priority channel (or off if no more channels are set)
/// @param[in] priority The priority channel. -1 clears all priorities
/// @param[in] forceClearAll Force the clear
/// @return True on success else false (not found)
bool clear(int priority, bool forceClearAll=false);
/// #############
/// @brief Get a pointer to the effect engine
/// @return EffectEngine instance pointer
EffectEngine* getEffectEngineInstance() const { return _effectEngine; }
/// @brief Save an effect
/// @param obj The effect args
/// @return Empty on success else error message
QString saveEffect(const QJsonObject& obj);
/// @brief Delete an effect by name.
/// @param effectName The effect name to delete
/// @return Empty on success else error message
QString deleteEffect(const QString& effectName);
/// Run the specified effect on the given priority channel and optionally specify a timeout
/// @param effectName Name of the effec to run
/// @param priority The priority channel of the effect
/// @param timeout The timeout of the effect (after the timout, the effect will be cleared)
int setEffect(const QString & effectName, int priority, int timeout = PriorityMuxer::ENDLESS, const QString & origin="System");
/// Run the specified effect on the given priority channel and optionally specify a timeout
/// @param effectName Name of the effec to run
/// @param args arguments of the effect script
/// @param priority The priority channel of the effect
/// @param timeout The timeout of the effect (after the timout, the effect will be cleared)
int setEffect(const QString &effectName
, const QJsonObject &args
, int priority
, int timeout = PriorityMuxer::ENDLESS
, const QString &pythonScript = ""
, const QString &origin="System"
, const QString &imageData = ""
/// Get the list of available effects
/// @return The list of available effects
std::list<EffectDefinition> getEffects() const;
/// Get the list of active effects
/// @return The list of active effects
std::list<ActiveEffectDefinition> getActiveEffects() const;
/// Get the list of available effect schema files
/// @return The list of available effect schema files
std::list<EffectSchema> getEffectSchemas() const;
/// #############
/// @brief Get a pointer to the priorityMuxer instance
/// @return PriorityMuxer instance pointer
PriorityMuxer* getMuxerInstance() { return _muxer; }
/// @brief enable/disable automatic/priorized source selection
/// @param state The new state
void setSourceAutoSelect(bool state);
/// @brief set current input source to visible
/// @param priority the priority channel which should be vidible
/// @return true if success, false on error
bool setVisiblePriority(int priority);
/// gets current state of automatic/priorized source selection
/// @return the state
bool sourceAutoSelectEnabled() const;
/// Returns the current priority
/// @return The current priority
int getCurrentPriority() const;
/// Returns true if current priority is given priority
/// @return bool
bool isCurrentPriority(int priority) const;
/// Returns a list of all registered priorities
/// @return The list with priorities
QList<int> getActivePriorities() const;
/// Returns the information of a specific priorrity channel
/// @param[in] priority The priority channel
/// @return The information of the given, a not found priority will return lowest priority as fallback
PriorityMuxer::InputInfo getPriorityInfo(int priority) const;
/// #############
/// @brief Get a setting by settings::type from SettingsManager
/// @param type The settingsType from enum
/// @return Data Document
QJsonDocument getSetting(settings::type type) const;
/// gets the current json config object from SettingsManager
/// @return json config
QJsonObject getQJsonConfig() const;
/// @brief Save a complete json config
/// @param config The entire config object
/// @param correct If true will correct json against schema before save
/// @return True on success else false
bool saveSettings(const QJsonObject& config, bool correct = false);
/// @brief Restore a complete json config
/// @param config The entire config object
/// @param correct If true will correct json against schema before save
/// @return True on success else false
bool restoreSettings(const QJsonObject& config, bool correct = false);
/// ############
/// @brief Get the component Register
/// return Component register pointer
ComponentRegister* getComponentRegister() { return _componentRegister; }
/// @brief Called from components to update their current state. DO NOT CALL FROM USERS
/// @param[in] component The component from enum
/// @param[in] state The state of the component [true | false]
void setNewComponentState(hyperion::Components component, bool state);
/// @brief Get a list of all contrable components and their current state
/// @return list of components
std::map<hyperion::Components, bool> getAllComponents() const;
/// @brief Test if a component is enabled
/// @param The component to test
/// @return Component state
int isComponentEnabled(hyperion::Components comp) const;
/// sets the methode how image is maped to leds at ImageProcessor
void setLedMappingType(int mappingType);
/// Set the video mode (2D/3D)
/// @param[in] mode The new video mode
void setVideoMode(VideoMode mode);
/// @brief Init after thread start
void start();
/// @brief Stop the execution of this thread, helper to properly track eventing
void stop();
int getLatchTime() const;
/// @brief Set hyperion in suspend mode or resume from suspend/idle.
/// All instances and components will be disabled/enabled.
/// @param isSupend True, components will be deactivated, else put into their previous state before suspend
void setSuspend(bool isSupend);
/// @brief Set hyperion in idle /working mode.
/// In idle, all instances and components will be disabled besides the output processing (LED-Devices, smoothing).
/// @param isIdle True, selected components will be deactivated, else put into their previous state before idle
void setIdle(bool isIdle);
/// Signal which is emitted when a priority channel is actively cleared
/// This signal will not be emitted when a priority channel time out
void channelCleared(int priority);
/// Signal which is emitted when all priority channels are actively cleared
/// This signal will not be emitted when a priority channel time out
void allChannelsCleared();
/// @brief Emits whenever a user request a component state change, it's up the component to listen
/// and update the component state at the componentRegister
/// @param component The component from enum
/// @param enabled The new state of the component
void compStateChangeRequest(hyperion::Components component, bool enabled);
/// @brief Emits when all (besides excluded) components are subject to state changes
/// @param isActive The new state for all components
/// @param execlude List of excluded components
void compStateChangeRequestAll(bool isActive, const ComponentList& excludeList = {});
/// Signal which is emitted, when system is to be suspended/resumed
void suspendRequest(bool isSuspend);
/// Signal which is emitted, when system should go into idle/working mode
void idleRequest(bool isIdle);
/// @brief Emits whenever the imageToLedsMapping has changed
/// @param mappingType The new mapping type
void imageToLedsMappingChanged(int mappingType);
/// @brief Emits whenever the visible priority delivers a image which is applied in update()
/// priorities with ledColors won't emit this signal
/// @param image The current image
void currentImage(const Image<ColorRgb> & image);
/// Signal which is emitted, when a new json message should be forwarded
void forwardJsonMessage(QJsonObject);
/// Signal which is emitted, when a new system proto image should be forwarded
void forwardSystemProtoMessage(const QString&, const Image<ColorRgb>&);
/// Signal which is emitted, when a new V4l proto image should be forwarded
void forwardV4lProtoMessage(const QString&, const Image<ColorRgb>&);
/// Signal which is emitted, when a new Audio proto image should be forwarded
void forwardAudioProtoMessage(const QString&, const Image<ColorRgb>&);
/// Signal which is emitted, when a new Flat-/Proto- Buffer image should be forwarded
void forwardBufferMessage(const QString&, const Image<ColorRgb>&);
/// @brief Is emitted from clients who request a videoMode change
void videoMode(VideoMode mode);
/// @brief A new videoMode was requested (called from Daemon!)
void newVideoMode(VideoMode mode);
/// @brief Emits whenever a config part changed. SIGNAL PIPE helper for SettingsManager -> HyperionDaemon
/// @param type The settings type from enum
/// @param data The data as QJsonDocument
void settingsChanged(settings::type type, const QJsonDocument& data);
/// @brief Emits whenever the adjustments have been updated
void adjustmentChanged();
/// @brief Signal pipe from EffectEngine to external, emits when effect list has been updated
void effectListUpdated();
/// @brief Emits whenever new data should be pushed to the LedDeviceWrapper which forwards it to the threaded LedDevice
void ledDeviceData(const std::vector<ColorRgb>& ledValues);
/// @brief Emits whenever new untransformed ledColos data is available, reflects the current visible device
void rawLedColors(const std::vector<ColorRgb>& ledValues);
/// @brief Emits before thread quit is requested
void finished();
/// @brief Emits after thread has been started
void started();
private slots:
/// @brief Handle whenever the visible component changed
/// @param comp The new component
void handleVisibleComponentChanged(hyperion::Components comp);
/// @brief Apply settings updates for LEDS and COLOR
/// @param type The type from enum
/// @param config The configuration
void handleSettingsUpdate(settings::type type, const QJsonDocument& config);
/// @brief Apply new videoMode from Daemon to _currVideoMode
void handleNewVideoMode(VideoMode mode) { _currVideoMode = mode; }
/// @brief Handle the scenario when no/an input source is available
/// @param priority Current priority
void handleSourceAvailability(int priority);
friend class HyperionDaemon;
friend class HyperionIManager;
/// @brief Constructs the Hyperion instance, just accessible for HyperionIManager
/// @param instance The instance index
Hyperion(quint8 instance, bool readonlyMode = false);
/// instance index
const quint8 _instIndex;
/// Settings manager of this instance
SettingsManager* _settingsManager;
/// Register that holds component states
ComponentRegister* _componentRegister;
/// The specifiation of the led frame construction and picture integration
LedString _ledString;
/// Image Processor
ImageProcessor* _imageProcessor;
std::vector<ColorOrder> _ledStringColorOrder;
/// The priority muxer
PriorityMuxer* _muxer;
/// The adjustment from raw colors to led colors
MultiColorAdjustment * _raw2ledAdjustment;
/// The actual LedDeviceWrapper
LedDeviceWrapper* _ledDeviceWrapper;
/// The smoothing LedDevice
LinearColorSmoothing * _deviceSmooth;
/// Effect engine
EffectEngine * _effectEngine;
// Message forwarder
MessageForwarder * _messageForwarder;
/// Logger instance
Logger * _log;
/// count of hardware leds
int _hwLedCount;
QSize _ledGridSize;
/// Background effect instance, kept active to react on setting changes
BGEffectHandler* _BGEffectHandler;
/// Capture control for Daemon native capture
CaptureCont* _captureCont;
/// buffer for leds (with adjustment)
std::vector<ColorRgb> _ledBuffer;
VideoMode _currVideoMode = VideoMode::VIDEO_2D;
/// Boblight instance
BoblightServer* _boblightServer;
bool _readOnlyMode;