Paulchen-Panther 3dee474356
Instance names can now be renamed on the WebUI (incl. inst 0)
Signed-off-by: Paulchen-Panther <Paulchen-Panter@protonmail.com>
2019-08-04 20:19:33 +02:00
build Instance names can now be renamed on the WebUI (incl. inst 0) 2019-08-04 20:19:33 +02:00
external Updated submodule flatbuffers/rpi_ws281x to latest master 2019-08-03 20:14:27 +02:00
include JsonCpp to QTJson (Final Part) (#273) 2016-10-13 21:59:58 +02:00
CMakeLists.txt Cross-Compile - Separate flatc scenario for native and cross-compiling 2019-06-10 20:52:55 +02:00
hidapi-master-20131122.zip hidapi added as dependency library 2013-11-22 14:42:02 +01:00
tinkerforge_c_bindings_2_0_13.zip Added tinkerforge as local dependency 2014-03-06 21:48:11 +01:00