LordGrey ed5455458b
Disentangle LedDevice/LinearColorSmoothing, Bug Fixes & Test support (#654)
* Handle Exceptions in main & Pythoninit

* Have SSDPDiscover generic again

* Have SSDPDiscover generic again

* Change Info- to Debug logs as technical service messages

* Nanoleaf - When switched on, ensure UDP mode

* Include SQL Database in Cross-Compile instructions

* Fix Clazy (QT code checker) and clang Warnings

* Stop LedDevice:write for disabled device

* Nanoleaf: Fix uint printfs

* NanoLeaf: Fix indents to tabs

* NanoLeaf - Add debug verbosity switches

* Device switchability support, FileDevice with timestamp support

* Nanoleaf Light Panels now support External Control V2

* Enhance LedDeviceFile by Timestamp + fix readyness

* Stop color stream, if LedDevice disabled

* Nanoleaf - remove switchability

* Fix MultiColorAdjustment, if led-range is greater lednum

* Fix logging

* LedFileDevice/LedDevice - add testing support

* New "Led Test" effect

* LedDeviceFile - Add chrono include + Allow Led rewrites for testing

* Stabilize Effects for LedDevices where latchtime = 0

* Update LedDeviceFile, allow latchtime = 0

* Distangle LinearColorSmoothing and LEDDevice, Fix Effect configuration updates

* Updates LedDeviceFile - Initialize via Open

* Updates LedDeviceNanoleaf - Initialize via Open, Remove throwing exceptions

* Updates ProviderUDP - Remove throwing exceptions

* Framebuffer - Use precise timer

* TestSpi - Align to LedDevice updates

* Pretty Print CrossCompileHowTo as markdown-file

* Ensure that output is only written when LedDevice is ready

* Align APA102 Device to new device staging

* Logger - Remove clang warnings on extra semicolon

* Devices SPI - Align to Device stages and methods

* Fix cppcheck and clang findings

* Add Code-Template for new Devices

* Align devices to stages and methods, clean-up some code

* Allow to reopen LedDevice without restart

* Revert change "Remove Connect (PriorityMuxer::visiblePriorityChanged -> Hyperion::update) due to double writes"

* Remove visiblePriorityChanged from LedDevice to decouple LedDevice from hyperion logic

* Expose LedDevice getLedCount and align signedness
2020-02-10 15:21:58 +01:00

150 lines
4.4 KiB

// Hyperion includes
#include <utils/Logger.h>
#include <hyperion/MultiColorAdjustment.h>
MultiColorAdjustment::MultiColorAdjustment(const unsigned ledCnt)
: _ledAdjustments(ledCnt, nullptr)
, _log(Logger::getInstance("ADJUSTMENT"))
// Clean up all the transforms
for (ColorAdjustment * adjustment : _adjustment)
delete adjustment;
void MultiColorAdjustment::addAdjustment(ColorAdjustment * adjustment)
void MultiColorAdjustment::setAdjustmentForLed(const QString& id, const unsigned startLed, unsigned endLed)
// abort
if(startLed > endLed)
Error(_log,"startLed > endLed -> %d > %d", startLed, endLed);
// catch wrong values
if(endLed > _ledAdjustments.size()-1)
Warning(_log,"The color calibration 'LED index' field has leds specified which aren't part of your led layout");
endLed = _ledAdjustments.size()-1;
// Get the identified adjustment (don't care if is nullptr)
ColorAdjustment * adjustment = getAdjustment(id);
//Debug(_log,"ColorAdjustment Profile [%s], startLed[%u], endLed[%u]", QSTRING_CSTR(id), startLed, endLed);
for (unsigned iLed=startLed; iLed<=endLed; ++iLed)
//Debug(_log,"_ledAdjustments [%u] -> [%p]", iLed, adjustment);
_ledAdjustments[iLed] = adjustment;
bool MultiColorAdjustment::verifyAdjustments() const
bool ok = true;
for (unsigned iLed=0; iLed<_ledAdjustments.size(); ++iLed)
ColorAdjustment * adjustment = _ledAdjustments[iLed];
if (adjustment == nullptr)
Warning(_log, "No calibration set for led %d", iLed);
ok = false;
return ok;
const QStringList & MultiColorAdjustment::getAdjustmentIds()
return _adjustmentIds;
ColorAdjustment* MultiColorAdjustment::getAdjustment(const QString& id)
// Iterate through the unique adjustments until we find the one with the given id
for (ColorAdjustment* adjustment : _adjustment)
if (adjustment->_id == id)
return adjustment;
// The ColorAdjustment was not found
return nullptr;
void MultiColorAdjustment::setBacklightEnabled(bool enable)
for (ColorAdjustment* adjustment : _adjustment)
void MultiColorAdjustment::applyAdjustment(std::vector<ColorRgb>& ledColors)
const size_t itCnt = qMin(_ledAdjustments.size(), ledColors.size());
for (size_t i=0; i<itCnt; ++i)
ColorAdjustment* adjustment = _ledAdjustments[i];
if (adjustment == nullptr)
//std::cout << "MultiColorAdjustment::applyAdjustment() - No transform set for this led : " << i << std::endl;
// No transform set for this led (do nothing)
ColorRgb& color = ledColors[i];
uint8_t ored = color.red;
uint8_t ogreen = color.green;
uint8_t oblue = color.blue;
uint8_t B_RGB = 0, B_CMY = 0, B_W = 0;
adjustment->_rgbTransform.getBrightnessComponents(B_RGB, B_CMY, B_W);
uint32_t nrng = (uint32_t) (255-ored)*(255-ogreen);
uint32_t rng = (uint32_t) (ored) *(255-ogreen);
uint32_t nrg = (uint32_t) (255-ored)*(ogreen);
uint32_t rg = (uint32_t) (ored) *(ogreen);
uint8_t black = nrng*(255-oblue)/65025;
uint8_t red = rng *(255-oblue)/65025;
uint8_t green = nrg *(255-oblue)/65025;
uint8_t blue = nrng*(oblue) /65025;
uint8_t cyan = nrg *(oblue) /65025;
uint8_t magenta = rng *(oblue) /65025;
uint8_t yellow = rg *(255-oblue)/65025;
uint8_t white = rg *(oblue) /65025;
uint8_t OR, OG, OB, RR, RG, RB, GR, GG, GB, BR, BG, BB;
uint8_t CR, CG, CB, MR, MG, MB, YR, YG, YB, WR, WG, WB;
adjustment->_rgbBlackAdjustment.apply (black , 255 , OR, OG, OB);
adjustment->_rgbRedAdjustment.apply (red , B_RGB, RR, RG, RB);
adjustment->_rgbGreenAdjustment.apply (green , B_RGB, GR, GG, GB);
adjustment->_rgbBlueAdjustment.apply (blue , B_RGB, BR, BG, BB);
adjustment->_rgbCyanAdjustment.apply (cyan , B_CMY, CR, CG, CB);
adjustment->_rgbMagentaAdjustment.apply(magenta, B_CMY, MR, MG, MB);
adjustment->_rgbYellowAdjustment.apply (yellow , B_CMY, YR, YG, YB);
adjustment->_rgbWhiteAdjustment.apply (white , B_W , WR, WG, WB);
color.red = OR + RR + GR + BR + CR + MR + YR + WR;
color.green = OG + RG + GG + BG + CG + MG + YG + WG;
color.blue = OB + RB + GB + BB + CB + MB + YB + WB;