redPanther 614131ebe6 compile fix, cleanup (#684)
* implement make install
set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX e.g. to /opt to install to /opt/hyperion
set ENABLE_SYSTEM_INSTALL to ON to activate installation
after compiling use
make install
make install/strip
(for performance/size optimized binaries - compile in Release to get best performance)

* cleanup cmake files
cmake -DINSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/hyperion ..
to install all files to hyperion or
cmake -DINSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/
to install to usr. install folders are linux standard. bin go to bin folder and additionals (effects) go to share/hyperion

* add uninstall target - be patient with that, this will remove files from your system
install service files to share/hyperion - if you want to use them you have to make a symlink to your location of service files

* optimize build release script
install service files into hyperion share folder (services not activated, this must be done by distribution package script)
initial support of cmake option -DPLATFORM= option. This selects platform specific cmake flags. no need for -DENABLE_... options (unless you want some special things)
automatic detect for apple build

* update submodule

* fix cmake error when no platform is given

* initial support for deb,rpm and tgz packages - no usefull content atm!

* make packeages contain usefull stuff

* add license
make packes more functional. package specific install missing yet

* implement debian postinstall

* disable rpm generation until it has a working state

* add hypercon compat

* add posibility for multiple config files. first one found is taken

* remove hyperion comaptlayer
services is not started automaticly

* rework debian postinstall:
- remove /opt compatibility complety. This makes more trouble as it is usefull
- when hyperiond already started, restart it
- cleanup

* add deb package dependencies

* wipe out last support for /opt installation

* change default effect path in config to /usr

* revert service files and config files

* remove last occurences of ENABLE_PROTOBUF
fix cmake warnings and make it ready for cmake 3
fix refactoring of hyperiond.cpp creates no objects for network services

* all arguments via reference ...

* fix xbmcchecker not working

* add logger class

* - profiler must be activated with ENABLE_PROFILER, otherwise an error will raise
-> this should prevent profiler gets into release code

* fix profiler

* make logger compat with older/partial c++11 versions (r.g. debian wheezy)
fix description of optionparser
fix atmoorb not compile for qt4. now it should compile for qt5 and 4

* make logger compiles with qt5 too
fix compiler warnings

* remove debug code

Former-commit-id: 6aa41351667caed712b1f28010dbedfca8a6a5a0
2016-06-07 22:24:29 +02:00

102 lines
3.9 KiB

// QT includes
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QImage>
// getoptPlusPLus includes
#include <getoptPlusPlus/getoptpp.h>
#include <protoserver/ProtoConnectionWrapper.h>
#include "FramebufferWrapper.h"
using namespace vlofgren;
// save the image as screenshot
void saveScreenshot(const char * filename, const Image<ColorRgb> & image)
// store as PNG
QImage pngImage((const uint8_t *) image.memptr(), image.width(), image.height(), 3*image.width(), QImage::Format_RGB888);
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
// create the option parser and initialize all parameters
OptionsParser optionParser("FrameBuffer capture application for Hyperion");
ParameterSet & parameters = optionParser.getParameters();
StringParameter & argDevice = parameters.add<StringParameter> ('d', "device", "Set the video device [default: /dev/video0]");
IntParameter & argFps = parameters.add<IntParameter> ('f', "framerate", "Capture frame rate [default: 10]");
IntParameter & argWidth = parameters.add<IntParameter> (0x0, "width", "Width of the captured image [default: 128]");
IntParameter & argHeight = parameters.add<IntParameter> (0x0, "height", "Height of the captured image [default: 128]");
SwitchParameter<> & argScreenshot = parameters.add<SwitchParameter<>> (0x0, "screenshot", "Take a single screenshot, save it to file and quit");
StringParameter & argAddress = parameters.add<StringParameter> ('a', "address", "Set the address of the hyperion server [default:]");
IntParameter & argPriority = parameters.add<IntParameter> ('p', "priority", "Use the provided priority channel (the lower the number, the higher the priority) [default: 800]");
SwitchParameter<> & argSkipReply = parameters.add<SwitchParameter<>> (0x0, "skip-reply", "Do not receive and check reply messages from Hyperion");
SwitchParameter<> & argHelp = parameters.add<SwitchParameter<>> ('h', "help", "Show this help message and exit");
// set defaults
// parse all options
optionParser.parse(argc, const_cast<const char **>(argv));
// check if we need to display the usage. exit if we do.
if (argHelp.isSet())
return 0;
int width = argWidth.getValue();
int height = argHeight.getValue();
if (width < 160 || height < 160)
std::cout << "Minimum width and height is 160" << std::endl;
width = std::max(160, width);
height = std::max(160, height);
int grabInterval = 1000 / argFps.getValue();
FramebufferWrapper fbWrapper(argDevice.getValue(), argWidth.getValue(), argHeight.getValue(), grabInterval);
if (argScreenshot.isSet())
// Capture a single screenshot and finish
const Image<ColorRgb> & screenshot = fbWrapper.getScreenshot();
saveScreenshot("screenshot.png", screenshot);
// Create the Proto-connection with hyperiond
ProtoConnectionWrapper protoWrapper(argAddress.getValue(), argPriority.getValue(), 1000, argSkipReply.isSet());
// Connect the screen capturing to the proto processing
QObject::connect(&fbWrapper, SIGNAL(sig_screenshot(const Image<ColorRgb> &)), &protoWrapper, SLOT(receiveImage(Image<ColorRgb>)));
// Start the capturing
// Start the application
catch (const std::runtime_error & e)
// An error occured. Display error and quit
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
return -1;
return 0;