Markus c135d91986
Media Foundation/V4L2 grabber ... ()
* - New Media Foundation grabber
- JsonAPI available grabber fix
- commented json config removed

* Added libjpeg-turbo to dependencies

* Fix OSX build
Removed Azure Pipelines from build scripts

* Remove Platform from Dashboard

* Correct Grabber Namings

* Grabber UI improvements, generic JSONEditor Selection Update

* Active grabber fix

* Stop Framebuffer grabber on failure

* - Image format NV12 and I420 added
- Flip mode
- Scaling factor for MJPEG
- VSCode (compile before run)
- CI (push) dependency libjpeg-turbo added

* Refactor MediaFoundation (Part 1)

* Remove QDebug output

* Added image flipping ability to MF Grabber

* fix issue 1160

* -Reload MF Grabber only once per WebUI update
- Cleanup

* Improvements

* - Set 'Software Frame Decimation' begin to 0
- Removed grabber specific device name from Log
- Keep pixel format when switching resolution
- Display 'Flip mode' correct in Log
- BGR24 images always flipped

* Refactor MediaFoundation (Part 2)

* Refactor V4L2 grabber (part 1) ()

* Media Foundation grabber adapted to V4L2 change

* Enable Media Foundation grabber on windows

* Have fps as int, fix height typo

* Added video standards to JsonAPI output

* Error handling in source reader improved

* Fix "Frame to small" error

* Discovery VideoSources and Dynamically Update Editor

* Hide all element when no video grabber discovered, upate naming

* Do not show unsupported grabbers

* Copy Log to Clipboard

* Update Grabber schema and Defaults

* Update access levels and validate crop ranges

* Height and width in Qt grabber corrected

* Correct formatting

* Untabify

* Global component states across instances

* Components divided on the dashboard

* refactor

* Fix Merge-issues

* Database migration aligning with updated grabber model

* Align Grabber.js with new utility functions

* Allow editor-validation for enum-lists

* Handle "Show Explainations scenario" correctly

* Grabber - Ensure save is only possible on valid content

* Dashboard update + fix GlobalSignal connection

* Ensure default database is populated with current release

* Correct grabber4L2 access level

* Display Signal detection area in preview

* Write Hyperion version into default config on compiling.

* Create defaultconfig.json dynamically

* WebUI changes

* Correct grabber config look-ups

* Refactor i18n language loading

* Fix en.json

* Split global capture from instance capture config

* Update grabber default values

* Standalone grabber: Add --debug switch

* Enhance showInputOptionsForKey for multiple keys

* Add grabber instance link to system grabber config

* Only show signal detection area, if grabber is enabled

* Always show Active element on grabber page

* Remote control - Only display gabber status, if global grabber is enabled

* WebUI optimization (thx to @mkcologne)
Start Grabber only when global settings are enabled
Fixed an issue in the WebUI preview

* V4L2/MF changes

* Jsoneditor, Correct translation for default values

* Refactor LED-Device handling in UI and make element naming consistent

* MF Discovery extended

* Fix LGTM finding

* Support Grabber Bri, Hue, Sat and Con in UI, plus their defaults

* Concider Access level for item filtering

* Concider Access level for item filtering

* Revert "Concider Access level for item filtering"

This reverts commit 5b0ce3c0f2de67e0c43788190cfff45614706129.

* Disable fpsSoftwareDecimation for framegrabber, as not supported yet

* JSON-Editor- Add updated schema for validation on dynamic elements

* added V4L2 color IDs

* LGTM findings fix

* destroy SR callback only on exit

* Grabber.js - Hide elements not supported by platform

* Fixed freezing start effect

* Grabber UI - Hardware controls - Show current values and allow to reset to defaults

* Grabber - Discovery - Add current values to properties

* Small things

* Clean-up Effects and have ENDLESS consistently defined

* Fix on/off/on priority during startup, by initializing _prevVisComp in line with background priority

* Add missing translation mappings

* DirectX Grabber reactivated/ QT Grabber size decimation fixed

* typo in push-master workflow

* Use PreciseTimer for Grabber to ensure stable FPS timing

* Set default Screencapture rate consistently

* Fix libjpeg-turbo download

* Remove Zero character from file

* docker-compile Add PLATFORM parameter, only copy output file after successful compile

* Framebuffer, Dispmanx, OSX, AML Grabber discovery, various clean-up and consistencies across grabbers

* Fix merge problem - on docker-compile Add PLATFORM parameter, only copy output file after successful compile

* Fix definition

* OSXFRameGrabber - Revert cast

* Clean-ups nach Feedback

* Disable certain libraries when building armlogic via standard stretch image as developer

* Add CEC availability to ServerInfo to have it platform independent

* Grabber UI - Fix problem that crop values are not populated when refining editor rage

* Preserve value when updating json-editor range

* LEDVisualisation - Clear image when source changes

* Fix - Preserve value when updating json-editor range

* LEDVisualisation - Clear image when no component is active

* Allow to have password handled by Password-Manager ()

* Update default signal detection area to green assuming rainbow grabber

* LED Visualisation - Handle empty priority update

* Fix yuv420 in v4l2 grabber

* V4L2-Grabber discovery - Only report grabbers with valid video input information

* Grabber - Update static variables to have them working in release build

* LED Visualisation - ClearImage when no priorities

* LED Visualisation - Fix Logo resizing issue

* LED Visualisation - Have nearly black background and negative logo

Co-authored-by: LordGrey <>
Co-authored-by: LordGrey <>
2021-07-14 20:48:33 +02:00

186 lines
4.6 KiB

#pragma once
// stl includes
#include <vector>
#include <map>
// Qt includes
#include <QObject>
#include <QSocketNotifier>
#include <QRectF>
#include <QMap>
#include <QMultiMap>
// util includes
#include <utils/PixelFormat.h>
#include <hyperion/Grabber.h>
#include <hyperion/GrabberWrapper.h>
#include <utils/VideoStandard.h>
#include <utils/Components.h>
// decoder thread includes
#include <grabber/EncoderThread.h>
// Determine the cmake options
#include <HyperionConfig.h>
#if defined(ENABLE_CEC)
#include <cec/CECEvent.h>
/// Capture class for V4L2 devices
class V4L2Grabber : public Grabber
struct DeviceProperties
QString name = QString();
struct InputProperties
QString inputName = QString();
QList<VideoStandard> standards = QList<VideoStandard>();
struct EncodingProperties
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
QList<int> framerates = QList<int>();
QMultiMap<PixelFormat, EncodingProperties> encodingFormats = QMultiMap<PixelFormat, EncodingProperties>();
QMap<int, InputProperties> inputs = QMap<int, InputProperties>();
struct DeviceControls
QString property = QString();
int minValue = 0;
int maxValue = 0;
int step = 0;
int defaultValue = 0;
int currentValue = 0;
~V4L2Grabber() override;
int grabFrame(Image<ColorRgb> &);
void setDevice(const QString& devicePath, const QString& deviceName);
bool setInput(int input) override;
bool setWidthHeight(int width, int height) override;
void setEncoding(QString enc);
void setBrightnessContrastSaturationHue(int brightness, int contrast, int saturation, int hue);
void setSignalThreshold(double redSignalThreshold, double greenSignalThreshold, double blueSignalThreshold, int noSignalCounterThreshold = 50);
void setSignalDetectionOffset( double verticalMin, double horizontalMin, double verticalMax, double horizontalMax);
void setSignalDetectionEnable(bool enable);
void setCecDetectionEnable(bool enable);
bool reload(bool force = false);
QRectF getSignalDetectionOffset() const { return QRectF(_x_frac_min, _y_frac_min, _x_frac_max, _y_frac_max); } //used from hyperion-v4l2
/// @brief Discover available V4L2 USB devices (for configuration).
/// @param[in] params Parameters used to overwrite discovery default behaviour
/// @return A JSON structure holding a list of USB devices found
QJsonArray discover(const QJsonObject& params);
public slots:
bool prepare();
bool start();
void stop();
void newThreadFrame(Image<ColorRgb> image);
#if defined(ENABLE_CEC)
void handleCecEvent(CECEvent event);
void newFrame(const Image<ColorRgb> & image);
void readError(const char* err);
private slots:
int read_frame();
bool init();
void uninit();
bool open_device();
void close_device();
void init_read(unsigned int buffer_size);
void init_mmap();
void init_userp(unsigned int buffer_size);
void init_device(VideoStandard videoStandard);
void uninit_device();
void start_capturing();
void stop_capturing();
bool process_image(const void *p, int size);
int xioctl(int request, void *arg);
int xioctl(int fileDescriptor, int request, void *arg);
void throw_exception(const QString & error)
Error(_log, "Throws error: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(error));
void throw_errno_exception(const QString & error)
Error(_log, "Throws error nr: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(QString(error + " error code " + QString::number(errno) + ", " + strerror(errno))));
enum io_method
struct buffer
void *start;
size_t length;
QString _currentDevicePath, _currentDeviceName;
EncoderThreadManager* _threadManager;
QMap<QString, V4L2Grabber::DeviceProperties> _deviceProperties;
QMap<QString, QList<DeviceControls>> _deviceControls;
io_method _ioMethod;
int _fileDescriptor;
std::vector<buffer> _buffers;
PixelFormat _pixelFormat, _pixelFormatConfig;
int _lineLength;
int _frameByteSize;
QAtomicInt _currentFrame;
// signal detection
int _noSignalCounterThreshold;
ColorRgb _noSignalThresholdColor;
bool _cecDetectionEnabled, _cecStandbyActivated, _signalDetectionEnabled, _noSignalDetected;
int _noSignalCounter;
int _brightness, _contrast, _saturation, _hue;
double _x_frac_min;
double _y_frac_min;
double _x_frac_max;
double _y_frac_max;
QSocketNotifier *_streamNotifier;
bool _initialized, _reload;
void enumVideoCaptureDevices();
void enumFrameIntervals(QList<int> &framerates, int fileDescriptor, int pixelformat, int width, int height);