Paulchen Panther c672ae6075 - New Media Foundation grabber
- JsonAPI available grabber fix
- commented json config removed
2020-12-18 20:16:21 +01:00

191 lines
4.8 KiB

#pragma once
#include <QObject>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QMultiMap>
#include <utils/Logger.h>
#include <utils/Components.h>
#include <utils/Image.h>
#include <utils/ColorRgb.h>
#include <utils/VideoMode.h>
#include <utils/settings.h>
class Grabber;
class GlobalSignals;
class QTimer;
/// Map of Hyperion instances with grabber name that requested screen capture
static QMap<int, QString> GRABBER_SYS_CLIENTS;
static QMap<int, QString> GRABBER_V4L_CLIENTS;
/// This class will be inherted by FramebufferWrapper and others which contains the real capture interface
class GrabberWrapper : public QObject
GrabberWrapper(const QString& grabberName, Grabber * ggrabber, unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned updateRate_Hz = 0);
~GrabberWrapper() override;
static GrabberWrapper* instance;
static GrabberWrapper* getInstance(){ return instance; }
/// Starts the grabber which produces led values with the specified update rate
virtual bool start();
/// Starts maybe the grabber which produces led values with the specified update rate
virtual void tryStart();
/// Stop grabber
virtual void stop();
/// Check if grabber is active
virtual bool isActive() const;
/// @brief Get a list of all available V4L devices
/// @return List of all available V4L devices on success else empty List
virtual QStringList getV4L2devices() const;
/// @brief Get the V4L device name
/// @param devicePath The device path
/// @return The name of the V4L device on success else empty String
virtual QString getV4L2deviceName(const QString& devicePath) const;
/// @brief Get a name/index pair of supported device inputs
/// @param devicePath The device path
/// @return multi pair of name/index on success else empty pair
virtual QMultiMap<QString, int> getV4L2deviceInputs(const QString& devicePath) const;
/// @brief Get a list of supported hardware encoding formats
/// @param devicePath The device path
/// @return List of hardware encoding formats on success else empty List
virtual QStringList getV4L2EncodingFormats(const QString& devicePath) const;
/// @brief Get a list of supported device resolutions
/// @param devicePath The device path
/// @return List of resolutions on success else empty List
virtual QStringList getResolutions(const QString& devicePath) const;
/// @brief Get a list of supported device framerates
/// @param devicePath The device path
/// @return List of framerates on success else empty List
virtual QStringList getFramerates(const QString& devicePath) const;
/// @brief Get active grabber name
/// @param hyperionInd The instance index
/// @return Active grabbers
virtual QStringList getActive(int inst) const;
static QStringList availableGrabbers();
template <typename Grabber_T>
bool transferFrame(Grabber_T &grabber)
unsigned w = grabber.getImageWidth();
unsigned h = grabber.getImageHeight();
if ( _image.width() != w || _image.height() != h)
_image.resize(w, h);
int ret = grabber.grabFrame(_image);
if (ret >= 0)
emit systemImage(_grabberName, _image);
return true;
return false;
public slots:
/// virtual method, should perform single frame grab and computes the led-colors
virtual void action() = 0;
/// Set the video mode (2D/3D)
/// @param[in] mode The new video mode
virtual void setVideoMode(VideoMode videoMode);
/// Set the crop values
/// @param cropLeft Left pixel crop
/// @param cropRight Right pixel crop
/// @param cropTop Top pixel crop
/// @param cropBottom Bottom pixel crop
virtual void setCropping(unsigned cropLeft, unsigned cropRight, unsigned cropTop, unsigned cropBottom);
/// @brief Handle settings update from HyperionDaemon Settingsmanager emit
/// @param type settingyType from enum
/// @param config configuration object
virtual void handleSettingsUpdate(settings::type type, const QJsonDocument& config);
/// @brief Emit the final processed image
void systemImage(const QString& name, const Image<ColorRgb>& image);
private slots:
/// @brief Handle a source request event from Hyperion.
/// Will start and stop grabber based on active listeners count
void handleSourceRequest(hyperion::Components component, int hyperionInd, bool listen);
/// @brief Update Update capture rate
/// @param type interval between frames in millisecons
void updateTimer(int interval);
QString _grabberName;
/// The timer for generating events with the specified update rate
QTimer* _timer;
/// The calced update rate [ms]
int _updateInterval_ms;
/// The Logger instance
Logger * _log;
Grabber *_ggrabber;
/// The image used for grabbing frames
Image<ColorRgb> _image;