mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
* Refactor to fix #1671 * Add GUI/NonGUI mode to info page * Do not show lock config, if in non-UI mode * Updae Changelog * Correct includes * Ensure key member initialization - RGB Channels * Ensure key member initialization - WebServer * Update RGBChannels * Fix initialization order * Fix key when inserting new logger in LoggerMap, Prepare logBuffer-JSON snapshot view in LoggerManager, Increase buffered loglines to 500 * Fix Memory leak in GrabberWrapper * Fix Memory leak in BlackBorderProcessor * Fix Memory leak in BlackBorderProcessor * use ninja generator under macos * Fix BGEffectHandler destruction * Fix Mdns code * Clear list after applying qDeleteAll * Fix deletion of CecHandler * Fix memory leak caused by wrong buffer allocation * Remove extra pixel consistently * Change mDNS to Qt SmartPointers * Correct removal * Fix usage of _width/_height (they are the output resolution, not the screen resolution) That avoids unnecessary resizing of the output image with every transferFrame call * Move main non Thread Objects to Smart Pointers * Revert "Move main non Thread Objects to Smart Pointers" This reverts commit 26102ca963982e2fbc4ffb8d4db6139f0128a3cc. * Add missing deletes * Revert MdnsBrowser chnage * Revert MdnsBrowser change * Fix memory leaks related standalone grabber * Address CodeQL finding * delete pointer OsxFrameGrabber --------- Co-authored-by: Paulchen-Panther <16664240+Paulchen-Panther@users.noreply.github.com>
483 lines
11 KiB
483 lines
11 KiB
// proj
#include <grabber/qt/QtGrabber.h>
// qt
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QWindow>
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QScreen>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <Windows.h>
// Constants
namespace {
const bool verbose = false;
} //End of constants
QtGrabber::QtGrabber(int display, int cropLeft, int cropRight, int cropTop, int cropBottom)
: Grabber("QTGRABBER", cropLeft, cropRight, cropTop, cropBottom)
, _display(display)
, _screenWidth(0)
, _screenHeight(0)
, _src_x(0)
, _src_y(0)
, _src_x_max(0)
, _src_y_max(0)
, _isWayland(false)
, _screen(nullptr)
, _isVirtual(false)
_logger = Logger::getInstance("Qt");
_useImageResampler = false;
void QtGrabber::freeResources()
// Qt seems to hold the ownership of the QScreen pointers
bool QtGrabber::open()
bool rc = false;
#ifndef _WIN32
if (getenv("WAYLAND_DISPLAY") != nullptr)
_isWayland = true;
rc = true;
return rc;
bool QtGrabber::setupDisplay()
bool result = false;
if (!open())
if (_isWayland)
Error(_log, "Grabber does not work under Wayland!");
// cleanup last screen
_numberOfSDisplays = 0;
QScreen* primary = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen();
QList<QScreen*> screens = QGuiApplication::screens();
// inject main screen at 0, if not nullptr
if (primary != nullptr)
// remove last main screen if twice in list
if (screens.lastIndexOf(primary) > 0)
if (screens.isEmpty())
Error(_log, "No displays found to capture from!");
result = false;
_numberOfSDisplays = screens.size();
Info(_log, "Available Displays:");
int index = 0;
for (auto* screen : std::as_const(screens))
const QRect geo = screen->geometry();
Info(_log, "Display %d: Name: %s Resolution: [%dx%d], Geometry: (L,T,R,B) %d,%d,%d,%d Depth:%dbit", index, QSTRING_CSTR(screen->name()), geo.width(), geo.height(), geo.x(), geo.y(), geo.x() + geo.width(), geo.y() + geo.height(), screen->depth());
if (screens.at(0)->size() != screens.at(0)->virtualSize())
const QRect vgeo = screens.at(0)->virtualGeometry();
Info(_log, "Display %d: Name: %s Resolution: [%dx%d], Geometry: (L,T,R,B) %d,%d,%d,%d Depth:%dbit", _numberOfSDisplays, "All Displays", vgeo.width(), vgeo.height(), vgeo.x(), vgeo.y(), vgeo.x() + vgeo.width(), vgeo.y() + vgeo.height(), screens.at(0)->depth());
_isVirtual = false;
// be sure the index is available
if (_display > _numberOfSDisplays - 1)
if ((screens.at(0)->size() != screens.at(0)->virtualSize()) && (_display == _numberOfSDisplays))
_isVirtual = true;
_display = 0;
Info(_log, "The requested display index '%d' is not available, falling back to display 0", _display);
_display = 0;
// init the requested display
_screen = screens.at(_display);
connect(_screen, &QScreen::geometryChanged, this, &QtGrabber::geometryChanged);
if (_isVirtual)
Info(_log, "Using virtual display across all screens");
Info(_log, "Initialized display %d", _display);
result = true;
return result;
void QtGrabber::geometryChanged(const QRect& geo)
Info(_log, "The current display changed geometry to (L,T,R,B) %d,%d,%d,%d", geo.left(), geo.top(), geo.x() + geo.width(), geo.y() + geo.height());
#ifdef _WIN32
extern QPixmap qt_pixmapFromWinHBITMAP(HBITMAP bitmap, int format = 0);
QPixmap QtGrabber::grabWindow(quintptr window, int xIn, int yIn, int width, int height) const
QSize windowSize;
HWND hwnd = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(window);
if (hwnd)
GetClientRect(hwnd, &r);
windowSize = QSize(r.right - r.left, r.bottom - r.top);
hwnd = GetDesktopWindow();
const QRect screenGeometry = _screen->geometry();
windowSize = screenGeometry.size();
if (width < 0)
width = windowSize.width() - xIn;
if (height < 0)
height = windowSize.height() - yIn;
// Create and setup bitmap
HDC display_dc = GetDC(nullptr);
HDC bitmap_dc = CreateCompatibleDC(display_dc);
HBITMAP bitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(display_dc, width, height);
HGDIOBJ null_bitmap = SelectObject(bitmap_dc, bitmap);
// copy data
HDC window_dc = GetDC(hwnd);
BitBlt(bitmap_dc, 0, 0, width, height, window_dc, xIn, yIn, SRCCOPY);
// clean up all but bitmap
ReleaseDC(hwnd, window_dc);
SelectObject(bitmap_dc, null_bitmap);
const QPixmap pixmap = qt_pixmapFromWinHBITMAP(bitmap);
ReleaseDC(nullptr, display_dc);
return pixmap;
int QtGrabber::grabFrame(Image<ColorRgb>& image)
int rc = 0;
if (_isEnabled && !_isDeviceInError)
if (_screen == nullptr)
// reinit, this will disable capture on failure
bool result = setupDisplay();
if (_isEnabled)
#ifdef _WIN32
QPixmap originalPixmap = grabWindow(0, _src_x, _src_y, _src_x_max, _src_y_max);
QPixmap originalPixmap = _screen->grabWindow(0, _src_x, _src_y, _src_x_max, _src_y_max);
if (originalPixmap.isNull())
rc = -1;
QImage imageFrame = originalPixmap.toImage().scaled(_width, _height).convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGB888);
image.resize(_width, _height);
for (int y = 0; y < imageFrame.height(); y++)
memcpy((unsigned char*)image.memptr() + y * image.width() * 3, static_cast<unsigned char*>(imageFrame.scanLine(y)), imageFrame.width() * 3);
return rc;
int QtGrabber::updateScreenDimensions(bool force)
if (_screen == nullptr)
return -1;
QRect geo;
if (_isVirtual)
geo = _screen->virtualGeometry();
geo = _screen->geometry();
if (!force && _screenWidth == geo.width() && _height == geo.height())
// No update required
return 0;
Info(_log, "Update of screen resolution: [%dx%d] to [%dx%d]", _screenWidth, _screenHeight, geo.width(), geo.height());
_screenWidth = geo.width();
_screenHeight = geo.height();
int width = 0;
int height = 0;
// Image scaling is performed by Qt
width = (_screenWidth > (_cropLeft + _cropRight))
? ((_screenWidth - _cropLeft - _cropRight) / _pixelDecimation)
: (_screenWidth / _pixelDecimation);
height = (_screenHeight > (_cropTop + _cropBottom))
? ((_screenHeight - _cropTop - _cropBottom) / _pixelDecimation)
: (_screenHeight / _pixelDecimation);
// calculate final image dimensions and adjust top/left cropping in 3D modes
if (_isVirtual)
_src_x = geo.x();
_src_y = geo.y();
_src_x = 0;
_src_y = 0;
switch (_videoMode)
case VideoMode::VIDEO_3DSBS:
_width = width / 2;
_height = height;
_src_x = _src_x + (_cropLeft / 2);
_src_y = _src_y + _cropTop;
_src_x_max = (_screenWidth / 2) - _cropRight - _cropLeft;
_src_y_max = _screenHeight - _cropBottom - _cropTop;
case VideoMode::VIDEO_3DTAB:
_width = width;
_height = height / 2;
_src_x = _src_x + _cropLeft;
_src_y = _src_y + (_cropTop / 2);
_src_x_max = _screenWidth - _cropRight - _cropLeft;
_src_y_max = (_screenHeight / 2) - _cropBottom - _cropTop;
case VideoMode::VIDEO_2D:
_width = width;
_height = height;
_src_x = _src_x + _cropLeft;
_src_y = _src_y + _cropTop;
_src_x_max = _screenWidth - _cropRight - _cropLeft;
_src_y_max = _screenHeight - _cropBottom - _cropTop;
Info(_log, "Update output image resolution to [%dx%d]", _width, _height);
Debug(_log, "Grab screen area: %d,%d,%d,%d", _src_x, _src_y, _src_x_max, _src_y_max);
return 1;
void QtGrabber::setVideoMode(VideoMode mode)
bool QtGrabber::setPixelDecimation(int pixelDecimation)
bool rc(true);
if (Grabber::setPixelDecimation(pixelDecimation))
if (updateScreenDimensions(true) < 0)
rc = false;
return rc;
void QtGrabber::setCropping(int cropLeft, int cropRight, int cropTop, int cropBottom)
Grabber::setCropping(cropLeft, cropRight, cropTop, cropBottom);
bool QtGrabber::setDisplayIndex(int index)
bool rc(true);
if (_display != index || _isVirtual)
_isVirtual = false;
if (index <= _numberOfSDisplays)
_display = index;
if (index == _numberOfSDisplays)
_isVirtual = true;
_display = 0;
rc = setupDisplay();
return rc;
QJsonObject QtGrabber::discover(const QJsonObject& params)
DebugIf(verbose, _log, "params: [%s]", QString(QJsonDocument(params).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact)).toUtf8().constData());
QJsonObject inputsDiscovered;
if (open())
QList<QScreen*> screens = QGuiApplication::screens();
if (!screens.isEmpty())
inputsDiscovered["device"] = "qt";
inputsDiscovered["device_name"] = "QT";
inputsDiscovered["type"] = "screen";
QJsonArray video_inputs;
QJsonArray fps = { 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 };
for (int i = 0; i < screens.size(); ++i)
QJsonObject in;
QString name = screens.at(i)->name();
int pos = name.lastIndexOf('\\');
if (pos != -1)
name = name.right(name.length() - pos - 1);
in["name"] = name;
in["inputIdx"] = i;
QJsonArray formats;
QJsonObject format;
QJsonArray resolutionArray;
QJsonObject resolution;
resolution["width"] = screens.at(i)->size().width();
resolution["height"] = screens.at(i)->size().height();
resolution["fps"] = fps;
format["resolutions"] = resolutionArray;
in["formats"] = formats;
if (screens.at(0)->size() != screens.at(0)->virtualSize())
QJsonObject input;
input["name"] = "All Displays";
input["inputIdx"] = screens.size();
input["virtual"] = true;
QJsonArray formats;
QJsonObject format;
QJsonArray resolutionArray;
QJsonObject resolution;
resolution["width"] = screens.at(0)->virtualSize().width();
resolution["height"] = screens.at(0)->virtualSize().height();
resolution["fps"] = fps;
format["resolutions"] = resolutionArray;
input["formats"] = formats;
inputsDiscovered["video_inputs"] = video_inputs;
QJsonObject resolution_default;
resolution_default["fps"] = _fps;
QJsonObject video_inputs_default;
video_inputs_default["resolution"] = resolution_default;
video_inputs_default["inputIdx"] = 0;
QJsonObject defaults;
defaults["video_input"] = video_inputs_default;
inputsDiscovered["default"] = defaults;
if (inputsDiscovered.isEmpty())
DebugIf(verbose, _log, "No displays found to capture from!");
DebugIf(verbose, _log, "device: [%s]", QString(QJsonDocument(inputsDiscovered).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact)).toUtf8().constData());
return inputsDiscovered;