Paulchen-Panther 2a77f6f012
even more changes
Signed-off-by: Paulchen-Panther <Paulchen--Panter@gmx.net>
2018-12-28 18:28:49 +01:00

69 lines
2.0 KiB

#pragma once
#include <utils/Components.h>
#include <utils/Logger.h>
// STL includes
#include <map>
#include <QObject>
class Hyperion;
/// @brief The component register reflects and manages the current state of all components and Hyperion as a whole
/// It emits also real component state changes (triggert from the specific component), which can be used for listening APIs (Network Clients/Plugins)
class ComponentRegister : public QObject
ComponentRegister(Hyperion* hyperion);
/// @brief Enable or disable Hyperion (all components)
/// @param state The new state of Hyperion
/// @return Returns true on success, false when Hyperion is already at the requested state
bool setHyperionEnable(const bool& state);
/// @brief Check if a component is currently enabled
/// @param comp The component from enum
/// @return True if component is running else false. Not found is -1
int isComponentEnabled(const hyperion::Components& comp) const;
/// contains all components and their state
std::map<hyperion::Components, bool> getRegister() { return _componentStates; };
/// @brief Emits whenever a component changed (really) the state
/// @param comp The component
/// @param state The new state of the component
void updatedComponentState(const hyperion::Components comp, const bool state);
public slots:
/// @brief is called whenever a component change a state, DO NOT CALL FROM API (use hyperion->setComponentState() instead)
/// @param comp The component
/// @param state The new state of the component
void componentStateChanged(const hyperion::Components comp, const bool activated);
/// Hyperion instance
Hyperion * _hyperion;
/// Logger instance
Logger * _log;
/// current state of all components
std::map<hyperion::Components, bool> _componentStates;
/// on hyperion off we save the previous states of all components
std::map<hyperion::Components, bool> _prevComponentStates;