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#pragma once
// parent class
#include <api/API.h>
#include <api/JsonApiCommand.h>
#include <events/EventEnum.h>
// hyperion includes
#include <utils/Components.h>
#include <hyperion/Hyperion.h>
#include <hyperion/HyperionIManager.h>
#include <utils/RgbChannelAdjustment.h>
// qt includes
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QString>
#include <QSharedPointer>
#include <QScopedPointer>
class QTimer;
class JsonCallbacks;
class AuthManager;
class JsonAPI : public API
/// Constructor
/// @param peerAddress provide the Address of the peer
/// @param log The Logger class of the creator
/// @param parent Parent QObject
/// @param localConnection True when the sender has origin home network
/// @param noListener if true, this instance won't listen for hyperion push events
JsonAPI(QString peerAddress, Logger *log, bool localConnection, QObject *parent, bool noListener = false);
/// Handle an incoming JSON message
/// @param message the incoming message as string
void handleMessage(const QString &message, const QString &httpAuthHeader = "");
/// @brief Initialization steps
void initialize();
public slots:
private slots:
/// @brief Handle emits from API of a new Token request.
/// @param identifier The identifier of the request
/// @param comment The comment which needs to be accepted
void issueNewPendingTokenRequest(const QString &identifier, const QString &comment);
/// @brief Handle emits from AuthManager of accepted/denied/timeouts token request, just if QObject matches with this instance we are allowed to send response.
/// @param success If true the request was accepted else false and no token was created
/// @param token The new token that is now valid
/// @param comment The comment that was part of the request
/// @param identifier The identifier that was part of the request
/// @param tan The tan that was part of the request
void handleTokenResponse(bool success, const QString &token, const QString &comment, const QString &identifier, const int &tan);
/// @brief Handle whenever the state of a instance (HyperionIManager) changes according to enum instanceState
/// @param instaneState A state from enum
/// @param instance The index of instance
/// @param name The name of the instance, just available with H_CREATED
void handleInstanceStateChange(InstanceState state, quint8 instance, const QString &name = QString());
/// Signal emits with the reply message provided with handleMessage()
void callbackMessage(QJsonObject);
/// Signal emits whenever a JSON-message should be forwarded
void forwardJsonMessage(QJsonObject);
/// Signal emits whenever a hyperion event request for all instances should be forwarded
void signalEvent(Event event);
void handleCommand(const JsonApiCommand& cmd, const QJsonObject &message);
void handleInstanceCommand(const JsonApiCommand& cmd, const QJsonObject &message);
/// @brief Handle the switches of Hyperion instances
/// @param instance the instance to switch
/// @param forced indicate if it was a forced switch by system
/// @return true on success. false if not found
bool handleInstanceSwitch(quint8 instance = 0, bool forced = false);
/// Handle an incoming JSON Color message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleColorCommand(const QJsonObject& message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON Image message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleImageCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON Effect message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleEffectCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON Effect message (Write JSON Effect)
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleCreateEffectCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON Effect message (Delete JSON Effect)
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleDeleteEffectCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON System info message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleSysInfoCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON Server info message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleServerInfoCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON Clear message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleClearCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON Clearall message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleClearallCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON Adjustment message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleAdjustmentCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON SourceSelect message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleSourceSelectCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON GetConfig message and check subcommand
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleConfigCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON GetSchema message from handleConfigCommand()
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleSchemaGetCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON SetConfig message from handleConfigCommand()
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleConfigSetCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON RestoreConfig message from handleConfigCommand()
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleConfigRestoreCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON Component State message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleComponentStateCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON Led Colors message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleLedColorsCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON Logging message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleLoggingCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON Processing message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleProcessingCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON VideoMode message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleVideoModeCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON plugin message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleAuthorizeCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON instance message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleInstanceCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON Led Device message
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleLedDeviceCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON message regarding Input Sources (Grabbers)
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleInputSourceCommand(const QJsonObject& message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON message to request remote hyperion servers providing a given hyperion service
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleServiceCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Handle an incoming JSON message for actions related to the overall Hyperion system
/// @param message the incoming message
void handleSystemCommand(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
void applyColorAdjustments(const QJsonObject &adjustment, ColorAdjustment *colorAdjustment);
void applyColorAdjustment(const QString &colorName, const QJsonObject &adjustment, RgbChannelAdjustment &rgbAdjustment);
void applyGammaTransform(const QString &transformName, const QJsonObject &adjustment, RgbTransform &rgbTransform, char channel);
void applyTransforms(const QJsonObject &adjustment, ColorAdjustment *colorAdjustment);
template<typename T>
void applyTransform(const QString &transformName, const QJsonObject &adjustment, T &transform, void (T::*setFunction)(bool));
template<typename T>
void applyTransform(const QString &transformName, const QJsonObject &adjustment, T &transform, void (T::*setFunction)(double));
template<typename T>
void applyTransform(const QString &transformName, const QJsonObject &adjustment, T &transform, void (T::*setFunction)(uint8_t));
void handleTokenRequired(const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
void handleAdminRequired(const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
void handleNewPasswordRequired(const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
void handleLogout(const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
void handleNewPassword(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
void handleCreateToken(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
void handleRenameToken(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
void handleDeleteToken(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
void handleRequestToken(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
void handleGetPendingTokenRequests(const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
void handleAnswerRequest(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
void handleGetTokenList(const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
void handleLogin(const QJsonObject &message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
void handleLedDeviceDiscover(LedDevice& ledDevice, const QJsonObject& message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
void handleLedDeviceGetProperties(LedDevice& ledDevice, const QJsonObject& message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
void handleLedDeviceIdentify(LedDevice& ledDevice, const QJsonObject& message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
void handleLedDeviceAddAuthorization(LedDevice& ledDevice, const QJsonObject& message, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
QJsonObject getBasicCommandReply(bool success, const QString &command, int tan, InstanceCmd::Type isInstanceCmd) const;
/// Send a standard reply indicating success
void sendSuccessReply(const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Send a standard reply indicating success
void sendSuccessReply(const QString &command = "", int tan = 0, InstanceCmd::Type isInstanceCmd = InstanceCmd::No);
/// Send a standard reply indicating success with data
void sendSuccessDataReply(const QJsonValue &infoData, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Send a standard reply indicating success with data
void sendSuccessDataReply(const QJsonValue &infoData, const QString &command = "", int tan = 0, InstanceCmd::Type isInstanceCmd = InstanceCmd::No);
/// Send a standard reply indicating success with data and error details
void sendSuccessDataReplyWithError(const QJsonValue &infoData, const JsonApiCommand& cmd, const QStringList& errorDetails = {});
/// Send a standard reply indicating success with data and error details
void sendSuccessDataReplyWithError(const QJsonValue &infoData, const QString &command = "", int tan = 0, const QStringList& errorDetails = {}, InstanceCmd::Type isInstanceCmd = InstanceCmd::No);
/// Send a message with data.
/// Note: To be used as a new message and not as a response to a previous request.
void sendNewRequest(const QJsonValue &infoData, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Send a message with data
/// Note: To be used as a new message and not as a response to a previous request.
void sendNewRequest(const QJsonValue &infoData, const QString &command, InstanceCmd::Type isInstanceCmd = InstanceCmd::No);
/// Send an error message back to the client
/// @param error String describing the error
void sendErrorReply(const QString &error, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Send an error message back to the client
/// @param error String describing the error
/// @param errorDetails additional information detailing the error scenario
void sendErrorReply(const QString &error, const QStringList& errorDetails, const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// Send an error message back to the client
/// @param error String describing the error
/// @param errorDetails additional information detailing the error scenario
void sendErrorReply(const QString &error, const QStringList& errorDetails = {}, const QString &command = "", int tan = 0, InstanceCmd::Type isInstanceCmd = InstanceCmd::No);
void sendNoAuthorization(const JsonApiCommand& cmd);
/// @brief Kill all signal/slot connections to stop possible data emitter
void stopDataConnections() override;
static QString findCommand (const QString& jsonS);
static int findTan (const QString& jsonString);
// true if further callbacks are forbidden (http)
bool _noListener;
/// The peer address of the client
QString _peerAddress;
// The JsonCallbacks instance which handles data subscription/notifications
QSharedPointer<JsonCallbacks> _jsonCB;