LordGrey 31df065c0f
Start SmartPointers (#1679)
* Refactor to fix #1671

* Add GUI/NonGUI mode to info page

* Do not show lock config, if in non-UI mode

* Updae Changelog

* Correct includes

* Ensure key member initialization - RGB Channels

* Ensure key member initialization - WebServer

* Update RGBChannels

* Fix initialization order

* Fix key when inserting new logger in LoggerMap,
Prepare logBuffer-JSON snapshot view in LoggerManager,
Increase buffered loglines to 500

* Fix Memory leak in GrabberWrapper

* Fix Memory leak in BlackBorderProcessor

* Fix Memory leak in BlackBorderProcessor

* use ninja generator under macos

* Fix BGEffectHandler destruction

* Fix Mdns code

* Clear list after applying qDeleteAll

* Fix deletion of CecHandler

* Fix memory leak caused by wrong buffer allocation

* Remove extra pixel consistently

* Change mDNS to Qt SmartPointers

* Correct removal

* Fix usage of _width/_height (they are the output resolution, not the screen resolution)
That avoids unnecessary resizing of the output image with every transferFrame call

* Move main non Thread Objects to Smart Pointers

* Refactor Hyperion Daemon unsing smartpointers

* Correction

* Correct typos/ align text

* Fix startGrabberDispmanx

* Fix startGrabberDispmanx

* Address CodeQL finding

* Create Screen grabbers via Template

* Fix typo

* Change way of logging

* Revert change

* Address deprecation warning

* Correct auto screen grabber evaluation


Co-authored-by: Paulchen-Panther <16664240+Paulchen-Panther@users.noreply.github.com>
2024-02-25 17:35:39 +01:00

205 lines
6.1 KiB

#pragma once
#include <QTcpServer>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QHostAddress>
#include <QHostInfo>
#include <HyperionConfig.h>
#include <utils/Logger.h>
#include <mdns/MdnsBrowser.h>
namespace NetUtils {
const int MAX_PORT = 65535;
/// @brief Check if the port is available for listening
/// @param[in/out] port The port to test, will be incremented if port is in use
/// @param log The logger of the caller to print
/// @return True on success else false
inline bool portAvailable(quint16& port, Logger* log)
const quint16 prevPort = port;
QTcpServer server;
while (!server.listen(QHostAddress::Any, port))
Warning(log,"Port '%d' is already in use, will increment", port);
port ++;
if(port != prevPort)
Warning(log, "The requested Port '%d' is already in use, will use Port '%d' instead", prevPort, port);
return false;
return true;
/// @brief Check if the port is in the valid range
/// @param log The logger of the caller to print///
/// @param[in] port The port to be tested (port = -1 is ignored for testing)
/// @param[in] host A hostname/IP-address to make reference to during logging
/// @return True on success else false
inline bool isValidPort(Logger* log, int port, const QString& host)
if ((port <= 0 || port > MAX_PORT) && port != -1)
Error(log, "Invalid port [%d] for host: (%s)! - Port must be in range [1 - %d]", port, QSTRING_CSTR(host), MAX_PORT);
return false;
return true;
/// @brief Get host and port from an host address
/// @param[in] address Hostname or IP-address with or without port (e.g., 2003:e4:c73a:8e00:d5bb:dc3c:50cb:c76e, hyperion.fritz.box)
/// @param[in/out] host The resolved hostname or IP-address
/// @param[in/out] port The resolved port, if available.
/// @return True on success else false
inline bool resolveHostPort(const QString& address, QString& host, int& port)
if (address.isEmpty())
return false;
QString testUrl;
if (address.at(0) != '[' && address.count(':') > 1)
testUrl = QString("http://[%1]").arg(address);
testUrl = QString("http://%1").arg(address);
QUrl url(testUrl);
if (!url.isValid())
return false;
host = url.host();
if (url.port() != -1)
port = url.port();
return true;
/// @brief Resolve a hostname (DNS/mDNS) into an IP-address. A given IP address will be passed through
/// @param[in/out] log The logger of the caller to print
/// @param[in] hostname The hostname to be resolved
/// @param[out] hostAddress The resolved IP-Address
/// @return True on success else false
inline bool resolveMdDnsHostToAddress(Logger* log, const QString& hostname, QHostAddress& hostAddress)
bool isHostAddressOK{ false };
if (!hostname.isEmpty())
if (hostname.endsWith(".local") || hostname.endsWith(".local."))
QHostAddress resolvedAddress;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(MdnsBrowser::getInstance().data(), "resolveAddress",
Q_RETURN_ARG(bool, isHostAddressOK),
Q_ARG(Logger*, log), Q_ARG(QString, hostname), Q_ARG(QHostAddress&, resolvedAddress));
hostAddress = resolvedAddress;
if (hostAddress.setAddress(hostname))
// An IP-address is not required to be resolved
isHostAddressOK = true;
QHostInfo hostInfo = QHostInfo::fromName(hostname);
if (hostInfo.error() == QHostInfo::NoError)
hostAddress = hostInfo.addresses().at(0);
Debug(log, "Successfully resolved hostname (%s) to IP-address (%s)", QSTRING_CSTR(hostname), QSTRING_CSTR(hostAddress.toString()));
isHostAddressOK = true;
QString errortext = QString("Failed resolving hostname (%1) to IP-address. Error: (%2) %3").arg(hostname).arg(hostInfo.error()).arg(hostInfo.errorString());
Error(log, "%s", QSTRING_CSTR(errortext));
isHostAddressOK = false;
return isHostAddressOK;
/// @brief Resolve a hostname(DNS) or mDNS service name into an IP-address. A given IP address will be passed through
/// @param[in/out] log The logger of the caller to print
/// @param[in] hostname The hostname/mDNS service name to be resolved
/// @param[out] hostAddress The resolved IP-Address
/// @param[in/out] port The port provided by the mDNS service, if not mDNS the input port is returned
/// @return True on success else false
inline bool resolveHostToAddress(Logger* log, const QString& hostname, QHostAddress& hostAddress, int& port)
bool areHostAddressPartOK{ false };
QString target {hostname};
if (hostname.endsWith("._tcp.local"))
//Treat hostname as service instance name that requires to be resolved into an mDNS-Hostname first
QMdnsEngine::Record service = MdnsBrowser::getInstance().data()->getServiceInstanceRecord(hostname.toUtf8());
if (!service.target().isEmpty())
Info(log, "Resolved service [%s] to mDNS hostname [%s], service port [%d]", QSTRING_CSTR(hostname), service.target().constData(), service.port());
target = service.target();
port = service.port();
Error(log, "Cannot resolve mDNS hostname for given service [%s]!", QSTRING_CSTR(hostname));
return areHostAddressPartOK;
QHostAddress resolvedAddress;
if (NetUtils::resolveMdDnsHostToAddress(log, target, resolvedAddress))
hostAddress = resolvedAddress;
if (hostname != hostAddress.toString())
Info(log, "Resolved hostname (%s) to IP-address (%s)", QSTRING_CSTR(hostname), QSTRING_CSTR(hostAddress.toString()));
if (NetUtils::isValidPort(log, port, hostAddress.toString()))
areHostAddressPartOK = true;
return areHostAddressPartOK;
inline bool resolveHostToAddress(Logger* log, const QString& hostname, QHostAddress& hostAddress)
int ignoredPort {MAX_PORT};
return resolveHostToAddress(log, hostname, hostAddress, ignoredPort);