johan c47ae445dc Mood blobs effect added
Former-commit-id: 4bae584f7fa0c688573ad6051458f99954ded686
2013-12-08 12:46:14 +01:00

64 lines
1.9 KiB

import hyperion
import time
import colorsys
import math
# Get the parameters
rotationTime = hyperion.args.get('rotationTime', 20.0)
color = hyperion.args.get('color', (0,0,255))
hueChange = hyperion.args.get('hueChange', 60.0) / 360.0
blobs = hyperion.args.get('blobs', 5)
reverse = hyperion.args.get('reverse', False)
print color
print hyperion.args
# Check parameters
rotationTime = max(0.1, rotationTime)
hueChange = max(0.0, min(abs(hueChange), .5))
blobs = max(1, blobs)
# Calculate the color data
baseHsv = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(color[0]/255.0, color[1]/255.0, color[2]/255.0)
colorData = bytearray()
for i in range(hyperion.ledCount):
hue = (baseHsv[0] + hueChange * math.sin(2*math.pi * i / hyperion.ledCount)) % 1.0
rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hue, baseHsv[1], baseHsv[2])
colorData += bytearray((int(255*rgb[0]), int(255*rgb[1]), int(255*rgb[2])))
# Calculate the increments
sleepTime = 0.1
amplitudePhaseIncrement = blobs * math.pi * sleepTime / rotationTime
colorDataIncrement = 3
# Switch direction if needed
if reverse:
amplitudePhaseIncrement = -amplitudePhaseIncrement
colorDataIncrement = -colorDataIncrement
# create a Array for the colors
colors = bytearray(hyperion.ledCount * (0,0,0))
# Start the write data loop
amplitudePhase = 0.0
rotateColors = False
while not hyperion.abort():
# Calculate new colors
for i in range(hyperion.ledCount):
amplitude = max(0.0, math.sin(-amplitudePhase + 2*math.pi * blobs * i / hyperion.ledCount))
colors[3*i+0] = int(colorData[3*i+0] * amplitude)
colors[3*i+1] = int(colorData[3*i+1] * amplitude)
colors[3*i+2] = int(colorData[3*i+2] * amplitude)
# set colors
# increment the phase
amplitudePhase = (amplitudePhase + amplitudePhaseIncrement) % (2*math.pi)
if rotateColors:
colorData = colorData[-colorDataIncrement:] + colorData[:-colorDataIncrement]
rotateColors = not rotateColors
# sleep for a while