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synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
* hyperion-remote - Support IPv6 * LEDDevices - Remove IPv6 limitations * Separate JsonEditorHostValidation * Standalone grabbers & JSON/Flatbuffer forwarder: IPv6 support * remote: Fix setting multiple colors via Hex, add standard logging * IPv6 Updates -Add db migration activities * Addressing non-Windows compile issues * Code cleanup, address clang feedback * Update address (hostname, IPv4/IPv6) help text * Apply migration steps to "old" configurations imported * Show user the UI-Url, if hyperion is already running, address clang findings * Windows Cmake OpenSLL output * Minor Text update
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// LedDevice includes
#include <leddevice/LedDevice.h>
#include "ProviderRestApi.h"
#include "ProviderUdp.h"
/// Implementation of a WLED-device
class LedDeviceWled : public ProviderUdp
/// @brief Constructs a WLED-device
/// @param deviceConfig Device's configuration as JSON-Object
explicit LedDeviceWled(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig);
/// @brief Destructor of the WLED-device
~LedDeviceWled() override;
/// @brief Constructs the WLED-device
/// @param[in] deviceConfig Device's configuration as JSON-Object
/// @return LedDevice constructed
static LedDevice* construct(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig);
/// @brief Discover WLED devices available (for configuration).
/// @param[in] params Parameters used to overwrite discovery default behaviour
/// @return A JSON structure holding a list of devices found
QJsonObject discover(const QJsonObject& params) override;
/// @brief Get the WLED device's resource properties
/// Following parameters are required
/// @code
/// {
/// "host" : "hostname or IP",
/// "filter": "resource to query", root "/" is used, if empty
/// }
/// @param[in] params Parameters to query device
/// @return A JSON structure holding the device's properties
QJsonObject getProperties(const QJsonObject& params) override;
/// @brief Send an update to the WLED device to identify it.
/// Following parameters are required
/// @code
/// {
/// "host" : "hostname or IP",
/// }
/// @param[in] params Parameters to address device
void identify(const QJsonObject& params) override;
/// @brief Initialise the WLED device's configuration and network address details
/// @param[in] deviceConfig the JSON device configuration
/// @return True, if success
bool init(const QJsonObject &deviceConfig) override;
/// @brief Writes the RGB-Color values to the LEDs.
/// @param[in] ledValues The RGB-color per LED
/// @return Zero on success, else negative
int write(const std::vector<ColorRgb> & ledValues) override;
/// @brief Power-/turn on the WLED device.
/// @return True if success
bool powerOn() override;
/// @brief Power-/turn off the WLED device.
/// @return True if success
bool powerOff() override;
/// @brief Store the device's original state.
/// Save the device's state before hyperion color streaming starts allowing to restore state during switchOff().
/// @return True if success
bool storeState() override;
/// @brief Restore the device's original state.
/// Restore the device's state as before hyperion color streaming started.
/// This includes the on/off state of the device.
/// @return True, if success
bool restoreState() override;
/// @brief Initialise the access to the REST-API wrapper
/// @param[in] host
/// @param[in] port
/// @return True, if success
bool initRestAPI(const QString &hostname, int port );
/// @brief Get command to power WLED-device on or off
/// @param isOn True, if to switch on device
/// @return Command to switch device on/off
QString getOnOffRequest (bool isOn ) const;
QString getBrightnessRequest (int bri ) const;
QString getEffectRequest(int effect, int speed=128) const;
QString getLorRequest(int lor) const;
QString getUdpnRequest(bool send, bool recv) const;
bool sendStateUpdateRequest(const QString &request);
///REST-API wrapper
ProviderRestApi* _restApi;
QString _hostname;
int _apiPort;
QJsonObject _originalStateProperties;
bool _isBrightnessOverwrite;
int _brightness;
bool _isSyncOverwrite;
bool _originalStateUdpnSend;
bool _originalStateUdpnRecv;