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#include <effectengine/EffectFileHandler.h>
// util
#include <utils/JsonUtils.h>
// qt
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QDir>
#include <QMap>
#include <QByteArray>
// createEffect helper
struct find_schema: std::unary_function<EffectSchema, bool>
QString pyFile;
find_schema(QString pyFile):pyFile(pyFile) { }
bool operator()(EffectSchema const& schema) const
return schema.pyFile == pyFile;
// deleteEffect helper
struct find_effect: std::unary_function<EffectDefinition, bool>
QString effectName;
find_effect(QString effectName) :effectName(effectName) { }
bool operator()(EffectDefinition const& effectDefinition) const
return effectDefinition.name == effectName;
EffectFileHandler* EffectFileHandler::efhInstance;
EffectFileHandler::EffectFileHandler(const QString& rootPath, const QJsonDocument& effectConfig, QObject* parent)
: QObject(parent)
, _effectConfig()
, _log(Logger::getInstance("EFFECTFILES"))
, _rootPath(rootPath)
EffectFileHandler::efhInstance = this;
// init
handleSettingsUpdate(settings::EFFECTS, effectConfig);
void EffectFileHandler::handleSettingsUpdate(settings::type type, const QJsonDocument& config)
if(type == settings::EFFECTS)
_effectConfig = config.object();
// update effects and schemas
QString EffectFileHandler::deleteEffect(const QString& effectName)
QString resultMsg;
std::list<EffectDefinition> effectsDefinition = getEffects();
std::list<EffectDefinition>::iterator it = std::find_if(effectsDefinition.begin(), effectsDefinition.end(), find_effect(effectName));
if (it != effectsDefinition.end())
QFileInfo effectConfigurationFile(it->file);
if (effectConfigurationFile.absoluteFilePath().mid(0, 1) != ":" )
if (effectConfigurationFile.exists())
if ( (it->script == ":/effects/gif.py") && !it->args.value("image").toString("").isEmpty())
QFileInfo effectImageFile(effectConfigurationFile.absolutePath() + "/" + it->args.value("image").toString());
if (effectImageFile.exists())
bool result = QFile::remove(effectConfigurationFile.absoluteFilePath());
if (result)
return "";
} else
resultMsg = "Can't delete effect configuration file: " + effectConfigurationFile.absoluteFilePath() + ". Please check permissions";
} else
resultMsg = "Can't find effect configuration file: " + effectConfigurationFile.absoluteFilePath();
} else
resultMsg = "Can't delete internal effect: " + effectName;
} else
resultMsg = "Effect " + effectName + " not found";
return resultMsg;
QString EffectFileHandler::saveEffect(const QJsonObject& message)
QString resultMsg;
if (!message["args"].toObject().isEmpty())
QString scriptName;
(message["script"].toString().mid(0, 1) == ":" )
? scriptName = ":/effects//" + message["script"].toString().mid(1)
: scriptName = message["script"].toString();
std::list<EffectSchema> effectsSchemas = getEffectSchemas();
std::list<EffectSchema>::iterator it = std::find_if(effectsSchemas.begin(), effectsSchemas.end(), find_schema(scriptName));
if (it != effectsSchemas.end())
if(!JsonUtils::validate("EffectFileHandler", message["args"].toObject(), it->schemaFile, _log))
return "Error during arg validation against schema, please consult the Hyperion Log";
QJsonObject effectJson;
QJsonArray effectArray;
effectArray = _effectConfig["paths"].toArray();
if (effectArray.size() > 0)
if (message["name"].toString().trimmed().isEmpty() || message["name"].toString().trimmed().startsWith("."))
return "Can't save new effect. Effect name is empty or begins with a dot.";
effectJson["name"] = message["name"].toString();
effectJson["script"] = message["script"].toString();
effectJson["args"] = message["args"].toObject();
std::list<EffectDefinition> availableEffects = getEffects();
std::list<EffectDefinition>::iterator iter = std::find_if(availableEffects.begin(), availableEffects.end(), find_effect(message["name"].toString()));
QFileInfo newFileName;
if (iter != availableEffects.end())
if (newFileName.absoluteFilePath().mid(0, 1) == ":")
return "The effect name '" + message["name"].toString() + "' is assigned to an internal effect. Please rename your effekt.";
} else
// TODO global special keyword handling
QString f = effectArray[0].toString().replace("$ROOT",_rootPath) + "/" + message["name"].toString().replace(QString(" "), QString("")) + QString(".json");
//TODO check if filename exist
if (!message["imageData"].toString("").isEmpty() && !message["args"].toObject().value("image").toString("").isEmpty())
QFileInfo imageFileName(effectArray[0].toString().replace("$ROOT",_rootPath) + "/" + message["args"].toObject().value("image").toString());
if(!FileUtils::writeFile(imageFileName.absoluteFilePath(), QByteArray::fromBase64(message["imageData"].toString("").toUtf8()), _log))
return "Error while saving image file '" + message["args"].toObject().value("image").toString() + ", please check the Hyperion Log";
if(!JsonUtils::write(newFileName.absoluteFilePath(), effectJson, _log))
return "Error while saving effect, please check the Hyperion Log";
Info(_log, "Reload effect list");
return "";
} else
resultMsg = "Can't save new effect. Effect path empty";
} else
resultMsg = "Missing schema file for Python script " + message["script"].toString();
} else
resultMsg = "Missing or empty Object 'args'";
return resultMsg;
void EffectFileHandler::updateEffects()
// clear all lists
// read all effects
const QJsonArray & paths = _effectConfig["paths"].toArray();
const QJsonArray & disabledEfx = _effectConfig["disable"].toArray();
QStringList efxPathList;
efxPathList << ":/effects/";
QStringList disableList;
for(auto p : paths)
efxPathList << p.toString().replace("$ROOT",_rootPath);
for(auto efx : disabledEfx)
disableList << efx.toString();
QMap<QString, EffectDefinition> availableEffects;
for (const QString & path : efxPathList )
QDir directory(path);
if (!directory.exists())
Info(_log, "New Effect path \"%s\" created successfull", QSTRING_CSTR(path) );
Warning(_log, "Failed to create Effect path \"%s\", please check permissions", QSTRING_CSTR(path) );
int efxCount = 0;
QStringList filenames = directory.entryList(QStringList() << "*.json", QDir::Files, QDir::Name | QDir::IgnoreCase);
for (const QString & filename : filenames)
EffectDefinition def;
if (loadEffectDefinition(path, filename, def))
InfoIf(availableEffects.find(def.name) != availableEffects.end(), _log,
"effect overload effect '%s' is now taken from '%s'", QSTRING_CSTR(def.name), QSTRING_CSTR(path) );
if ( disableList.contains(def.name) )
Info(_log, "effect '%s' not loaded, because it is disabled in hyperion config", QSTRING_CSTR(def.name));
availableEffects[def.name] = def;
Info(_log, "%d effects loaded from directory %s", efxCount, QSTRING_CSTR(path));
// collect effect schemas
efxCount = 0;
directory.setPath(path.endsWith("/") ? (path + "schema/") : (path + "/schema/"));
QStringList pynames = directory.entryList(QStringList() << "*.json", QDir::Files, QDir::Name | QDir::IgnoreCase);
for (const QString & pyname : pynames)
EffectSchema pyEffect;
if (loadEffectSchema(path, pyname, pyEffect))
InfoIf(efxCount > 0, _log, "%d effect schemas loaded from directory %s", efxCount, QSTRING_CSTR((path + "schema/")));
for(auto item : availableEffects)
ErrorIf(_availableEffects.size()==0, _log, "no effects found, check your effect directories");
emit effectListChanged();
bool EffectFileHandler::loadEffectDefinition(const QString &path, const QString &effectConfigFile, EffectDefinition & effectDefinition)
QString fileName = path + QDir::separator() + effectConfigFile;
// Read and parse the effect json config file
QJsonObject configEffect;
if(!JsonUtils::readFile(fileName, configEffect, _log))
return false;
// validate effect config with effect schema(path)
if(!JsonUtils::validate(fileName, configEffect, ":effect-schema", _log))
return false;
// setup the definition
effectDefinition.file = fileName;
QJsonObject config = configEffect;
QString scriptName = config["script"].toString();
effectDefinition.name = config["name"].toString();
if (scriptName.isEmpty())
return false;
QFile fileInfo(scriptName);
if (scriptName.mid(0, 1) == ":" )
? effectDefinition.script = ":/effects/"+scriptName.mid(1)
: effectDefinition.script = scriptName;
} else
? effectDefinition.script = path + QDir::separator() + scriptName
: effectDefinition.script = scriptName;
effectDefinition.args = config["args"].toObject();
effectDefinition.smoothCfg = 1; // pause config
return true;
bool EffectFileHandler::loadEffectSchema(const QString &path, const QString &effectSchemaFile, EffectSchema & effectSchema)
QString fileName = path + "schema/" + QDir::separator() + effectSchemaFile;
// Read and parse the effect schema file
QJsonObject schemaEffect;
if(!JsonUtils::readFile(fileName, schemaEffect, _log))
return false;
// setup the definition
QString scriptName = schemaEffect["script"].toString();
effectSchema.schemaFile = fileName;
fileName = path + QDir::separator() + scriptName;
QFile pyFile(fileName);
if (scriptName.isEmpty() || !pyFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
fileName = path + "schema/" + QDir::separator() + effectSchemaFile;
Error( _log, "Python script '%s' in effect schema '%s' could not be loaded", QSTRING_CSTR(scriptName), QSTRING_CSTR(fileName));
return false;
effectSchema.pyFile = (scriptName.mid(0, 1) == ":" ) ? ":/effects/"+scriptName.mid(1) : path + QDir::separator() + scriptName;
effectSchema.pySchema = schemaEffect;
return true;