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synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
* whitespaces + typo fixes * JS / LGTM fixes * SSDP Handler crash fix * MessageForwarder handlePriorityChanges Slave fixes * use aboutToQuit Signal * complete rewriten Hue Entertainment API structure combined Philips Hue and Entertainment API with new MbedTLS based SSL UDP Provider * add required cross-compile submodules * logical rebuild fn: initLeds, setLights + new logs -more detailed checks and error handling inside iniLeds and setLights - logical script procedure before ProviderUdpSSL init - first steps for multiple ProviderUdpSSL usage - better fallback support to old RestAPI, if entertainment api is not supported - just 4 u LordGrey: new log fn for cosmetic config outputs ;) * add OSX CompileHowTo - undo from CrossCompileHowTo * whitespace fixes * lightID toString fix * fix unsigned int E-API + debug output * bugfixes, reworked black signal detection, wizard: - change device config field light-ids from int to string -> real unsigned int fix - add signal detection brightness minimum threshold value 0.0 for 0% brightness - 1.0 for 100% brightness to count for blacklight signal detection reason: input may not 100% black, like mine - i have a deep dark gray input signal -> my threshold value is set to 0.005 for 0.5% minimum brightness = 1 (from max 255) to count as black - wizard optimations, with fallback without entertainment support (beta state) - whitespace fixes * cleanup + minor fixes * change fixed Hue UPD SSL config to _devConfig paras * Hotfix SSL Connection, new light models, wizard: - Fix UPD SSL Connection failed Problems - add new supported gamut C light models: LCG002, LCA001, LCA002, LCA003 - wizard: extend fallback support to classic mode + hints * whitespace, typo fix * uncheck useEntertainmentAPI, if noAPISupport detected + hint * coredump fix -> add _blackLightsTimer nullptr init * code cleanup / remove old debugs + whitespacefixes * add gamut C LCP001, LCP002 * SSL UDP config made more flexible + remove qDebug -> switch to hyerion.ng _log -> replace logCommand with verbose -> code cleanups etc... * extended mbedtls debugging infos * add adjustable ssl timeout settings * error handling * streamdebugger bugfixes * UPDSSL psk / psk_identity bugfixes! + hue wizard fn typo fix + - verbose option available without dependencies - whitespace fixes * Philips Hue Assistant now recognizes non-original bridges better... + Added note if no clientkey is set when using the entertainment API + User creation (+ clientkey) for non-original bridges can now also be used + Minor changes and bug fixes * CMAKE mbedTLS detection * minor bug fixes + code cleanups * FindMbedTLS.cmake remove Path-Hints + wizard.js: ajax timeout handling Test - content_grabber.js: run relevant code only, if V4L2_AVAIL is true: conf_grabber don't displays other devices, if V4L2 is not available * compile mbedtls via cmake as static lib * remove libmbedtls-dev from compileHowto / scripts * Fix Windows build * Fix windows build (part 2) * removed unnecessary osx x11 include directory path * QTimer Shutdown bugfix * cmake win32 fix + minor bugfixes * cmake debug msg used mbedtls libs * Bugfix: noSignalDetection wasn't switchedOn again if no signal was previously detected * Some code fixes based on alerts from lgtm.com Co-authored-by: Paulchen Panther <16664240+Paulchen-Panther@users.noreply.github.com>
191 lines
6.3 KiB
191 lines
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$(document).ready( function() {
var importedConf;
var confName;
var conf_editor = null;
$('#conf_cont').append(createOptPanel('fa-wrench', $.i18n("edt_conf_gen_heading_title"), 'editor_container', 'btn_submit'));
$('#conf_cont').append(createHelpTable(window.schema.general.properties, $.i18n("edt_conf_gen_heading_title")));
conf_editor = createJsonEditor('editor_container', {
general: window.schema.general
}, true, true);
conf_editor.on('change',function() {
conf_editor.validate().length ? $('#btn_submit').attr('disabled', true) : $('#btn_submit').attr('disabled', false);
$('#btn_submit').off().on('click',function() {
// Instance handling
function handleInstanceRename(e)
var inst = e.currentTarget.id.split("_")[1];
showInfoDialog('renInst', $.i18n('conf_general_inst_renreq_t'), getInstanceNameByIndex(inst));
$("#id_btn_ok").off().on('click', function(){
requestInstanceRename(inst, $('#renInst_name').val())
$('#renInst_name').off().on('input',function(e) {
(e.currentTarget.value.length >= 5 && e.currentTarget.value != getInstanceNameByIndex(inst)) ? $('#id_btn_ok').attr('disabled', false) : $('#id_btn_ok').attr('disabled', true);
function handleInstanceStartStop(e)
var inst = e.currentTarget.id.split("_")[1];
var start = (e.currentTarget.className == "btn btn-danger")
requestInstanceStartStop(inst, start)
function handleInstanceDelete(e)
var inst = e.currentTarget.id.split("_")[1];
$("#id_btn_yes").off().on('click', function(){
function buildInstanceList()
var inst = serverInfo.instance
for(var key in inst)
var startBtnColor = inst[key].running ? "success" : "danger";
var startBtnIcon = inst[key].running ? "stop" : "play";
var startBtnText = inst[key].running ? $.i18n('general_btn_stop') : $.i18n('general_btn_start');
var renameBtn = '<button id="instren_'+inst[key].instance+'" type="button" class="btn btn-primary"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-pencil"></i>'+$.i18n('general_btn_rename')+'</button>';
var startBtn = ""
var delBtn = "";
if(inst[key].instance > 0)
delBtn = '<button id="instdel_'+inst[key].instance+'" type="button" class="btn btn-warning"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-remove"></i>'+$.i18n('general_btn_delete')+'</button>';
startBtn = '<button id="inst_'+inst[key].instance+'" type="button" class="btn btn-'+startBtnColor+'"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-'+startBtnIcon+'"></i>'+startBtnText+'</button>';
$('.itbody').append(createTableRow([inst[key].friendly_name, renameBtn, startBtn, delBtn], false, true));
$('#instren_'+inst[key].instance).off().on('click', handleInstanceRename);
$('#inst_'+inst[key].instance).off().on('click', handleInstanceStartStop);
$('#instdel_'+inst[key].instance).off().on('click', handleInstanceDelete);
createTable('ithead', 'itbody', 'itable');
$('.ithead').html(createTableRow([$.i18n('conf_general_inst_namehead'), "", $.i18n('conf_general_inst_actionhead'), ""], true, true));
$('#inst_name').off().on('input',function(e) {
(e.currentTarget.value.length >= 5) ? $('#btn_create_inst').attr('disabled', false) : $('#btn_create_inst').attr('disabled', true);
if(5-e.currentTarget.value.length >= 1 && 5-e.currentTarget.value.length <= 4)
$('#inst_chars_needed').html(5-e.currentTarget.value.length + " " + $.i18n('general_chars_needed'))
$('#inst_chars_needed').html("<br />")
$('#btn_create_inst').off().on('click',function(e) {
$('#btn_create_inst').attr('disabled', true)
$(hyperion).off("instance-updated").on("instance-updated", function(event) {
function dis_imp_btn(state)
state ? $('#btn_import_conf').attr('disabled', true) : $('#btn_import_conf').attr('disabled', false);
function readFile(evt)
var f = evt.target.files[0];
if (f)
var r = new FileReader();
r.onload = function(e)
var content = e.target.result.replace(/[^:]?\/\/.*/g, ''); //remove Comments
//check file is json
var check = isJsonString(content);
if(check.length != 0)
showInfoDialog('error', "", $.i18n('infoDialog_import_jsonerror_text', f.name, JSON.stringify(check)));
content = JSON.parse(content);
//check for hyperion json
if(typeof content.leds === 'undefined' || typeof content.general === 'undefined')
showInfoDialog('error', "", $.i18n('infoDialog_import_hyperror_text', f.name));
importedConf = content;
confName = f.name;
$('#btn_import_conf').off().on('click', function(){
showInfoDialog('import', $.i18n('infoDialog_import_confirm_title'), $.i18n('infoDialog_import_confirm_text', confName));
$('#id_btn_import').off().on('click', function(){
requestWriteConfig(importedConf, true);
setTimeout(initRestart, 100);
$('#select_import_conf').off().on('change', function(e){
if (window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob)
showInfoDialog('error', "", $.i18n('infoDialog_import_comperror_text'));
$('#btn_export_conf').off().on('click', function(){
var name = window.serverConfig.general.name;
var d = new Date();
var month = d.getMonth()+1;
var day = d.getDate();
var timestamp = d.getFullYear() + '.' +
(month<10 ? '0' : '') + month + '.' +
(day<10 ? '0' : '') + day;
download(JSON.stringify(window.serverConfig, null, "\t"), 'Hyperion-'+window.currentVersion+'-Backup ('+name+') '+timestamp+'.json', "application/json");
//create introduction
createHint("intro", $.i18n('conf_general_intro'), "editor_container");
createHint("intro", $.i18n('conf_general_tok_desc'), "tok_desc_cont");
createHint("intro", $.i18n('conf_general_inst_desc'), "inst_desc_cont");