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synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
* Allow build, if no grabbers are enabled * Align available functions to right Qt version * Update to next development version * Align available functions to right Qt version * fix workflows (apt/nightly) * Disable QNetworkConfigurationManager deprecation warnings * Initial go on Smart Pointers * Add Deallocation * Correct QT_WARNING_DISABLE_DEPRECATED (available since 5.9) * Cluster Build Variables * Hyperion Light * Address build warnings * Hyperion Light - UI * Update Protobuf to latest master * Removed compiler warnings * Added restart ability to systray * Correct Protobuf * Ignore 'no-return' warning on protobuf build * hyperion-remote: Fix auto discovery of hyperion server * Fix Qt version override * Update changelog * Remove Grabber Components, if no Grabber exists * Standalone Grabber - Fix fps default * Remote Control - Have Source Selction accrosswhole screen * Enable Blackborder detection only, if relevant input sources available * Enable Blackborder detection only, if relevant input sources available * Remote UI - rearrange containers * Checkout * Fix compilation on windows * Re-added qmdnsengine template cmake * chrono added for linux * Removed existing AVAHI/Bonjour, allow to enable/disable mDNS * hyperiond macos typo fix * Fix macOS Bundle build * Fix macOS bundle info details * Correct CMake files * Removed existing AVAHI/Bonjour (2) * Share hyperion's services via mDNS * Add mDNS Browser and mDNS for LED-Devices * Support mDNS discovery for standalone grabbers * Remove ZLib Dependency & Cleanup * mDNS - hanle 2.local2 an ".local." domains equally * Hue - Link discovery to bridge class, workaround port 443 for mDNS discovery * Fix save button state when switching between devices * Removed sessions (of other hyperions) * mDNS Publisher - Simplify service naming * mDNS refactoring & Forwarder discovery * mDNS Updates to use device service name * Consistency of standalone grabbers with mDNS Service Registry * Merge branch 'hyperion-project:master' into mDNS * Start JSON and WebServers only after Instance 0 is available * Remove bespoke qDebug Output again * MDNS updates and refactor Forwarder * Minor updates * Upgrade to CMake 3.1 * typo * macOS fix * Correct merge * - Remove dynamic linker flag from standalone dispmanX Grabber - Added ability to use system qmdns libs * Cec handler library will load at runtime * typo fix * protobuf changes * mDNS changes for Windows/macOS * test window build qmdnsengine * absolute path to protobuf cmake dir * Rework Hue Wizard supporting mDNS * LED-Devices - Retry support + Refactoring (excl. Hue) * LED-Devices - Refactoring/Retry support Hue + additional alignments * Address LGTM findings * Fix CI-Build, revert test changes * Build Windows in Release mode to avoid python problem * Correct that WebServerObject is available earlier * Ensure that instance name in logs for one instance are presented * Update content LEDs * Rework mDNS Address lookup * Fix LED UI * Fix for non mDNS Services (ignore default port) * Disbale device when now input is available * Revert back some updates, ensure last color is updated when switched on * Handle reopening case and changed IP, port for API-calls * Add UPD-DDP Device * WLED support for DDP * Fix printout * LEDDevice - Allow more retries, udapte defaults * LED-Net Devices - Select Custom device, if configured Co-authored-by: Paulchen Panther <16664240+Paulchen-Panther@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Paulchen Panther <Paulchen-Panter@protonmail.com>
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509 lines
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// global vars (read and write in window object)
window.webPrio = 1;
window.webOrigin = "Web Configuration";
window.showOptHelp = true;
window.gitHubReleaseApiUrl = "https://api.github.com/repos/hyperion-project/hyperion.ng/releases";
window.currentChannel = null;
window.currentVersion = null;
window.latestVersion = null;
window.latestStableVersion = null;
window.latestBetaVersion = null;
window.latestAlphaVersion = null;
window.latestRcVersion = null;
window.gitHubVersionList = null;
window.serverInfo = {};
window.serverSchema = {};
window.serverConfig = {};
window.schema = {};
window.sysInfo = {};
window.jsonPort = 8090;
window.websocket = null;
window.hyperion = {};
window.wsTan = 1;
window.ledStreamActive = false;
window.imageStreamActive = false;
window.loggingStreamActive = false;
window.loggingHandlerInstalled = false;
window.watchdog = 0;
window.debugMessagesActive = true;
window.currentHyperionInstance = 0;
window.currentHyperionInstanceName = "?";
window.comps = [];
window.defaultPasswordIsSet = null;
tokenList = {};
const ENDLESS = -1;
function initRestart()
window.watchdog = 10;
function connectionLostDetection(type)
if ( window.watchdog > 2 )
var interval_id = window.setInterval(function(){clearInterval(interval_id);}, 9999); // Get a reference to the last
for (var i = 1; i < interval_id; i++)
if(type == 'restart')
// setTimeout delay for probably slower systems, some browser don't execute THIS action
$.get( "/cgi/cfg_jsonserver", function() {window.watchdog=0}).fail(function() {window.watchdog++;});
setInterval(connectionLostDetection, 3000);
// init websocket to hyperion and bind socket events to jquery events of $(hyperion) object
function initWebSocket()
if ("WebSocket" in window)
if (window.websocket == null)
window.jsonPort = '';
if(document.location.port == '' && document.location.protocol == "http:")
window.jsonPort = '80';
else if (document.location.port == '' && document.location.protocol == "https:")
window.jsonPort = '443';
window.jsonPort = document.location.port;
window.websocket = (document.location.protocol == "https:") ? new WebSocket('wss://'+document.location.hostname+":"+window.jsonPort) : new WebSocket('ws://'+document.location.hostname+":"+window.jsonPort);
window.websocket.onopen = function (event) {
$(window.hyperion).on("cmd-serverinfo", function(event) {
window.watchdog = 0;
window.websocket.onclose = function (event) {
// See http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-7.4.1
var reason;
case 1000: reason = "Normal closure, meaning that the purpose for which the connection was established has been fulfilled."; break;
case 1001: reason = "An endpoint is \"going away\", such as a server going down or a browser having navigated away from a page."; break;
case 1002: reason = "An endpoint is terminating the connection due to a protocol error"; break;
case 1003: reason = "An endpoint is terminating the connection because it has received a type of data it cannot accept (e.g., an endpoint that understands only text data MAY send this if it receives a binary message)."; break;
case 1004: reason = "Reserved. The specific meaning might be defined in the future."; break;
case 1005: reason = "No status code was actually present."; break;
case 1006: reason = "The connection was closed abnormally, e.g., without sending or receiving a Close control frame"; break;
case 1007: reason = "An endpoint is terminating the connection because it has received data within a message that was not consistent with the type of the message (e.g., non-UTF-8 [http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3629] data within a text message)."; break;
case 1008: reason = "An endpoint is terminating the connection because it has received a message that \"violates its policy\". This reason is given either if there is no other sutible reason, or if there is a need to hide specific details about the policy."; break;
case 1009: reason = "An endpoint is terminating the connection because it has received a message that is too big for it to process."; break;
case 1010: reason = "An endpoint (client) is terminating the connection because it has expected the server to negotiate one or more extension, but the server didn't return them in the response message of the WebSocket handshake. <br /> Specifically, the extensions that are needed are: " + event.reason; break;
case 1011: reason = "A server is terminating the connection because it encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request."; break;
case 1015: reason = "The connection was closed due to a failure to perform a TLS handshake (e.g., the server certificate can't be verified)."; break;
default: reason = "Unknown reason";
$(window.hyperion).trigger({type:"close", reason:reason});
window.watchdog = 10;
window.websocket.onmessage = function (event) {
var response = JSON.parse(event.data);
var success = response.success;
var cmd = response.command;
var tan = response.tan
if (success || typeof(success) == "undefined")
$(window.hyperion).trigger({type:"cmd-"+cmd, response:response});
// skip tan -1 error handling
if(tan != -1){
var error = response.hasOwnProperty("error")? response.error : "unknown";
if (error == "Service Unavailable") {
} else {
console.log("[window.websocket::onmessage] ",error)
console.log("[window.websocket::onmessage] ",exception_error)
window.websocket.onerror = function (error) {
console.log("[window.websocket::onerror] ",error)
alert("Websocket is not supported by your browser");
function sendToHyperion(command, subcommand, msg)
if (typeof subcommand != 'undefined' && subcommand.length > 0)
subcommand = ',"subcommand":"'+subcommand+'"';
subcommand = "";
if (typeof msg != 'undefined' && msg.length > 0)
msg = ","+msg;
msg = "";
window.websocket.send('{"command":"'+command+'", "tan":'+window.wsTan+subcommand+msg+'}');
// Send a json message to Hyperion and wait for a matching response
// A response matches, when command(+subcommand) of request and response is the same
// command: The string command
// subcommand: The optional string subcommand
// data: The json data as Object
// tan: The optional tan, default 1. If the tan is -1, we skip global response error handling
// Returns data of response or false if timeout
async function sendAsyncToHyperion (command, subcommand, data, tan = 1) {
let obj = { command, tan }
if (subcommand) {Object.assign(obj, {subcommand})}
if (data) { Object.assign(obj, data) }
//if (process.env.DEV || sstore.getters['common/getDebugState']) console.log('SENDAS', obj)
return __sendAsync(obj)
// Send a json message to Hyperion and wait for a matching response
// A response matches, when command(+subcommand) of request and response is the same
// Returns data of response or false if timeout
async function __sendAsync (data) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let cmd = data.command
let subc = data.subcommand
let tan = data.tan;
if (subc)
cmd = `${cmd}-${subc}`
let func = (e) => {
let rdata;
try {
rdata = JSON.parse(e.data)
} catch (error) {
console.error("[window.websocket::onmessage] ",error)
if (rdata.command == cmd && rdata.tan == tan) {
window.websocket.removeEventListener('message', func)
// after 7 sec we resolve false
setTimeout(() => { window.websocket.removeEventListener('message', func); resolve(false) }, 7000)
window.websocket.addEventListener('message', func)
window.websocket.send(JSON.stringify(data) + '\n')
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// wrapped server commands
// Test if admin requires authentication
function requestRequiresAdminAuth()
// Test if the default password needs to be changed
function requestRequiresDefaultPasswortChange()
// Change password
function requestChangePassword(oldPw, newPw)
sendToHyperion("authorize","newPassword",'"password": "'+oldPw+'", "newPassword":"'+newPw+'"');
function requestAuthorization(password)
sendToHyperion("authorize","login",'"password": "' + password + '"');
function requestTokenAuthorization(token)
sendToHyperion("authorize","login",'"token": "' + token + '"');
function requestToken(comment)
sendToHyperion("authorize","createToken",'"comment": "'+comment+'"');
function requestTokenInfo()
function requestGetPendingTokenRequests (id, state) {
sendToHyperion("authorize", "getPendingTokenRequests", "");
function requestHandleTokenRequest(id, state)
sendToHyperion("authorize","answerRequest",'"id":"'+id+'", "accept":'+state);
function requestTokenDelete(id)
function requestInstanceRename(inst, name)
sendToHyperion("instance", "saveName",'"instance": '+inst+', "name": "'+name+'"');
function requestInstanceStartStop(inst, start)
sendToHyperion("instance","startInstance",'"instance": '+inst);
sendToHyperion("instance","stopInstance",'"instance": '+inst);
function requestInstanceDelete(inst)
sendToHyperion("instance","deleteInstance",'"instance": '+inst);
function requestInstanceCreate(name)
sendToHyperion("instance","createInstance",'"name": "'+name+'"');
function requestInstanceSwitch(inst)
sendToHyperion("instance","switchTo",'"instance": '+inst);
function requestServerInfo()
sendToHyperion("serverinfo","",'"subscribe":["components-update", "priorities-update", "imageToLedMapping-update", "adjustment-update", "videomode-update", "effects-update", "settings-update", "instance-update"]');
function requestSysInfo()
function requestServerConfigSchema()
function requestServerConfig()
sendToHyperion("config", "getconfig");
function requestServerConfigReload()
sendToHyperion("config", "reload");
function requestLedColorsStart()
sendToHyperion("ledcolors", "ledstream-start");
function requestLedColorsStop()
sendToHyperion("ledcolors", "ledstream-stop");
function requestLedImageStart()
sendToHyperion("ledcolors", "imagestream-start");
function requestLedImageStop()
sendToHyperion("ledcolors", "imagestream-stop");
function requestPriorityClear(prio)
if(typeof prio !== 'number')
prio = window.webPrio;
sendToHyperion("clear", "", '"priority":'+prio+'');
function requestClearAll()
function requestPlayEffect(effectName, duration)
sendToHyperion("effect", "", '"effect":{"name":"'+effectName+'"},"priority":'+window.webPrio+',"duration":'+validateDuration(duration)+',"origin":"'+window.webOrigin+'"');
function requestSetColor(r,g,b,duration)
sendToHyperion("color", "", '"color":['+r+','+g+','+b+'], "priority":'+window.webPrio+',"duration":'+validateDuration(duration)+',"origin":"'+window.webOrigin+'"');
function requestSetImage(data,duration,name)
sendToHyperion("image", "", '"imagedata":"'+data+'", "priority":'+window.webPrio+',"duration":'+validateDuration(duration)+', "format":"auto", "origin":"'+window.webOrigin+'", "name":"'+name+'"');
function requestSetComponentState(comp, state)
var state_str = state ? "true" : "false";
sendToHyperion("componentstate", "", '"componentstate":{"component":"'+comp+'","state":'+state_str+'}');
function requestSetSource(prio)
if ( prio == "auto" )
sendToHyperion("sourceselect", "", '"auto":true');
sendToHyperion("sourceselect", "", '"priority":'+prio);
function requestWriteConfig(config, full)
if(full === true)
window.serverConfig = config;
jQuery.each(config, function(i, val) {
window.serverConfig[i] = val;
sendToHyperion("config","setconfig", '"config":'+JSON.stringify(window.serverConfig));
function requestRestoreConfig(config) {
sendToHyperion("config", "restoreconfig", '"config":' + JSON.stringify(config));
function requestWriteEffect(effectName,effectPy,effectArgs,data)
var cutArgs = effectArgs.slice(1, -1);
sendToHyperion("create-effect", "", '"name":"'+effectName+'", "script":"'+effectPy+'", '+cutArgs+',"imageData":"'+data+'"');
function requestTestEffect(effectName,effectPy,effectArgs,data)
sendToHyperion("effect", "", '"effect":{"name":"'+effectName+'", "args":'+effectArgs+'}, "priority":'+window.webPrio+', "origin":"'+window.webOrigin+'", "pythonScript":"'+effectPy+'", "imageData":"'+data+'"');
function requestDeleteEffect(effectName)
sendToHyperion("delete-effect", "", '"name":"'+effectName+'"');
function requestLoggingStart()
sendToHyperion("logging", "start");
function requestLoggingStop()
sendToHyperion("logging", "stop");
function requestMappingType(type)
sendToHyperion("processing", "", '"mappingType": "'+type+'"');
function requestVideoMode(newMode)
sendToHyperion("videomode", "", '"videoMode": "'+newMode+'"');
function requestAdjustment(type, value, complete)
if(complete === true)
sendToHyperion("adjustment", "", '"adjustment": '+type+'');
sendToHyperion("adjustment", "", '"adjustment": {"'+type+'": '+value+'}');
async function requestLedDeviceDiscovery(type, params)
let data = { ledDeviceType: type, params: params };
return sendAsyncToHyperion("leddevice", "discover", data, Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) );
async function requestLedDeviceProperties(type, params)
let data = { ledDeviceType: type, params: params };
return sendAsyncToHyperion("leddevice", "getProperties", data, Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000));
function requestLedDeviceIdentification(type, params)
let data = { ledDeviceType: type, params: params };
return sendAsyncToHyperion("leddevice", "identify", data, Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000));
async function requestLedDeviceAddAuthorization(type, params) {
let data = { ledDeviceType: type, params: params };
return sendAsyncToHyperion("leddevice", "addAuthorization", data, Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000));
async function requestInputSourcesDiscovery(type, params) {
let data = { sourceType: type, params: params };
return sendAsyncToHyperion("inputsource", "discover", data, Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000));
async function requestServiceDiscovery(type, params) {
let data = { serviceType: type, params: params };
return sendAsyncToHyperion("service", "discover", data, Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000));