LordGrey 160c5d0b3a
UI and Web updates (#1421)
* Stop Web-Capture when priority changes

* Remote control UI: Treat duration=0 as endless

* Stop Web-Capture on non-Image events changes

* LED Matrix Layout - Support vertical cabling direction

* Additional Yeelight models

* Treat http headers case insensitive

* Update change log

* Treat http headers case insensitive (consider Qt version)

* API - Consider provided format when setImage

* UI - Support Boblight configuration per LED instance

* Support multiple Boblight clients with different priorities

* Update changelog

* Simplify isGUI rules allowing for QT only builds

* Sysinfo: Fix indents

* LED-Devices: Show warning, if get properties failed

* Qt-Grabber: Fixed position handling of multiple monitors

* LED layout: Remove indention limitations

* Yeelight: Test YLTD003

* hyperion-remote: Provide image filename to muxer/UI

* Refactor PriorityMuxer and related

* Temp: Build under Windows 2019

* Yeelight: Remove YLTD003 as it is not working without additional changes

* Test Windows-latest with out removing redistributables/new MSVC

* correct workflows

* correct CI script

* Build Windows with Qt 5.15.2

* Priority Muxer: Updates after testing

* Fix Typo

* Update BGHandler

* QTGrabber - Reactivate windows code to avoid cursor issues

* Emit prioritiesChanged when autoselect was changed by user

Co-authored-by: Paulchen Panther <Paulchen-Panter@protonmail.com>
2022-02-22 20:58:59 +01:00

363 lines
10 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

#include <utils/QStringUtils.h>
#include "QtHttpClientWrapper.h"
#include "QtHttpRequest.h"
#include "QtHttpReply.h"
#include "QtHttpServer.h"
#include "QtHttpHeader.h"
#include "WebSocketClient.h"
#include "WebJsonRpc.h"
#include <QCryptographicHash>
#include <QTcpSocket>
#include <QStringBuilder>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QHostAddress>
const QByteArray & QtHttpClientWrapper::CRLF = QByteArrayLiteral ("\r\n");
QtHttpClientWrapper::QtHttpClientWrapper (QTcpSocket * sock, const bool& localConnection, QtHttpServer * parent)
: QObject (parent)
, m_guid ("")
, m_parsingStatus (AwaitingRequest)
, m_sockClient (sock)
, m_currentRequest (Q_NULLPTR)
, m_serverHandle (parent)
, m_localConnection(localConnection)
, m_websocketClient(nullptr)
, m_webJsonRpc (nullptr)
connect (m_sockClient, &QTcpSocket::readyRead, this, &QtHttpClientWrapper::onClientDataReceived);
QString QtHttpClientWrapper::getGuid (void)
if (m_guid.isEmpty ())
m_guid = QString::fromLocal8Bit (
QCryptographicHash::hash (
QByteArray::number ((quint64) (this)),
).toHex ()
return m_guid;
void QtHttpClientWrapper::onClientDataReceived (void)
if (m_sockClient != Q_NULLPTR)
while (m_sockClient->bytesAvailable ())
QByteArray line = m_sockClient->readLine ();
switch (m_parsingStatus) // handle parsing steps
case AwaitingRequest: // "command url version" × 1
QString str = QString::fromUtf8 (line).trimmed ();
QStringList parts = QStringUtils::split(str,SPACE, QStringUtils::SplitBehavior::SkipEmptyParts);
if (parts.size () == 3)
QString command = parts.at (0);
QString url = parts.at (1);
QString version = parts.at (2);
if (version == QtHttpServer::HTTP_VERSION)
m_currentRequest = new QtHttpRequest (this, m_serverHandle);
m_currentRequest->setClientInfo(m_sockClient->localAddress(), m_sockClient->peerAddress());
m_currentRequest->setUrl (QUrl (url));
m_currentRequest->setCommand (command);
m_parsingStatus = AwaitingHeaders;
m_parsingStatus = ParsingError;
//qWarning () << "Error : unhandled HTTP version :" << version;
m_parsingStatus = ParsingError;
//qWarning () << "Error : incorrect HTTP command line :" << line;
case AwaitingHeaders: // "header: value" × N (until empty line)
QByteArray raw = line.trimmed ();
if (!raw.isEmpty ()) // parse headers
int pos = raw.indexOf (COLON);
if (pos > 0)
QByteArray header = raw.left (pos).trimmed();
QByteArray value = raw.mid (pos +1).trimmed();
m_currentRequest->addHeader (header, value);
#if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 12, 0))
if (header.compare(QtHttpHeader::ContentLength, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
if (header.toLower() == QtHttpHeader::ContentLength.toLower())
bool ok = false;
const int len = value.toInt (&ok, 10);
if (ok)
m_currentRequest->addHeader (QtHttpHeader::ContentLength, QByteArray::number (len));
m_parsingStatus = ParsingError;
qWarning () << "Error : incorrect HTTP headers line :" << line;
else // end of headers
if (m_currentRequest->getHeader (QtHttpHeader::ContentLength).toInt () > 0)
m_parsingStatus = AwaitingContent;
m_parsingStatus = RequestParsed;
case AwaitingContent: // raw data × N (until EOF ??)
m_currentRequest->appendRawData (line);
if (m_currentRequest->getRawDataSize () == m_currentRequest->getHeader (QtHttpHeader::ContentLength).toInt ())
m_parsingStatus = RequestParsed;
switch (m_parsingStatus) // handle parsing status end/error
case RequestParsed: // a valid request has ben fully parsed
// Catch websocket header "Upgrade"
if(m_currentRequest->getHeader(QtHttpHeader::Upgrade) == "websocket")
if(m_websocketClient == Q_NULLPTR)
// disconnect this slot from socket for further requests
disconnect(m_sockClient, &QTcpSocket::readyRead, this, &QtHttpClientWrapper::onClientDataReceived);
// disabling packet bunching
m_sockClient->setSocketOption(QAbstractSocket::LowDelayOption, 1);
m_sockClient->setSocketOption(QAbstractSocket::KeepAliveOption, 1);
m_websocketClient = new WebSocketClient(m_currentRequest, m_sockClient, m_localConnection, this);
// add post data to request and catch /jsonrpc subroute url
if ( m_currentRequest->getCommand() == "POST")
QtHttpPostData postData;
QByteArray data = m_currentRequest->getRawData();
QList<QByteArray> parts = data.split('&');
for (int i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i)
QList<QByteArray> keyValue = parts.at(i).split('=');
QByteArray value;
if (keyValue.size()>1)
value = QByteArray::fromPercentEncoding(keyValue.at(1));
// catch /jsonrpc in url, we need async callback, StaticFileServing is sync
QString path = m_currentRequest->getUrl ().path ();
QStringList uri_parts = QStringUtils::split(path,'/', QStringUtils::SplitBehavior::SkipEmptyParts);
if ( ! uri_parts.empty() && uri_parts.at(0) == "json-rpc" )
if(m_webJsonRpc == Q_NULLPTR)
m_webJsonRpc = new WebJsonRpc(m_currentRequest, m_serverHandle, m_localConnection, this);
QtHttpReply reply (m_serverHandle);
connect (&reply, &QtHttpReply::requestSendHeaders, this, &QtHttpClientWrapper::onReplySendHeadersRequested);
connect (&reply, &QtHttpReply::requestSendData, this, &QtHttpClientWrapper::onReplySendDataRequested);
emit m_serverHandle->requestNeedsReply (m_currentRequest, &reply); // allow app to handle request
m_parsingStatus = sendReplyToClient (&reply);
case ParsingError: // there was an error durin one of parsing steps
m_sockClient->readAll (); // clear remaining buffer to ignore content
QtHttpReply reply (m_serverHandle);
reply.setStatusCode (QtHttpReply::BadRequest);
reply.appendRawData (QByteArrayLiteral ("<h1>Bad Request (HTTP parsing error) !</h1>"));
reply.appendRawData (CRLF);
m_parsingStatus = sendReplyToClient (&reply);
void QtHttpClientWrapper::onReplySendHeadersRequested (void)
QtHttpReply * reply = qobject_cast<QtHttpReply *> (sender ());
if (reply != Q_NULLPTR)
QByteArray data;
// HTTP Version + Status Code + Status Msg
data.append (QtHttpServer::HTTP_VERSION.toUtf8());
data.append (SPACE);
data.append (QByteArray::number (reply->getStatusCode ()));
data.append (SPACE);
data.append (QtHttpReply::getStatusTextForCode (reply->getStatusCode ()));
data.append (CRLF);
if (reply->useChunked ()) // Header name: header value
static const QByteArray & CHUNKED = QByteArrayLiteral ("chunked");
reply->addHeader (QtHttpHeader::TransferEncoding, CHUNKED);
reply->addHeader (QtHttpHeader::ContentLength, QByteArray::number (reply->getRawDataSize ()));
const QList<QByteArray> & headersList = reply->getHeadersList ();
foreach (const QByteArray & header, headersList)
data.append (header);
data.append (COLON);
data.append (SPACE);
data.append (reply->getHeader (header));
data.append (CRLF);
// empty line
data.append (CRLF);
m_sockClient->write (data);
m_sockClient->flush ();
void QtHttpClientWrapper::onReplySendDataRequested (void)
QtHttpReply * reply = qobject_cast<QtHttpReply *> (sender ());
if (reply != Q_NULLPTR)
// content raw data
QByteArray data = reply->getRawData ();
if (reply->useChunked ())
data.prepend (QByteArray::number (data.size (), 16) % CRLF);
data.append (CRLF);
reply->resetRawData ();
// write to socket
m_sockClient->write (data);
m_sockClient->flush ();
void QtHttpClientWrapper::sendToClientWithReply(QtHttpReply * reply)
connect (reply, &QtHttpReply::requestSendHeaders, this, &QtHttpClientWrapper::onReplySendHeadersRequested, Qt::UniqueConnection);
connect (reply, &QtHttpReply::requestSendData, this, &QtHttpClientWrapper::onReplySendDataRequested, Qt::UniqueConnection);
m_parsingStatus = sendReplyToClient (reply);
QtHttpClientWrapper::ParsingStatus QtHttpClientWrapper::sendReplyToClient (QtHttpReply * reply)
if (reply != Q_NULLPTR)
if (!reply->useChunked ())
//reply->appendRawData (CRLF);
// send all headers and all data in one shot
reply->requestSendHeaders ();
reply->requestSendData ();
// last chunk
m_sockClient->write ("0" % CRLF % CRLF);
m_sockClient->flush ();
if (m_currentRequest != Q_NULLPTR)
static const QByteArray & CLOSE = QByteArrayLiteral ("close");
if (m_currentRequest->getHeader(QtHttpHeader::Connection) == CLOSE)
// must close connection after this request
m_sockClient->close ();
m_currentRequest->deleteLater ();
m_currentRequest = Q_NULLPTR;
return AwaitingRequest;
void QtHttpClientWrapper::closeConnection()
// probably filter for request to follow http spec
if(m_currentRequest != Q_NULLPTR)
QtHttpReply reply(m_serverHandle);
connect (&reply, &QtHttpReply::requestSendHeaders, this, &QtHttpClientWrapper::onReplySendHeadersRequested, Qt::UniqueConnection);
connect (&reply, &QtHttpReply::requestSendData, this, &QtHttpClientWrapper::onReplySendDataRequested, Qt::UniqueConnection);
m_parsingStatus = sendReplyToClient(&reply);
m_sockClient->close ();