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synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
* Stop Web-Capture when priority changes * Remote control UI: Treat duration=0 as endless * Stop Web-Capture on non-Image events changes * LED Matrix Layout - Support vertical cabling direction * Additional Yeelight models * Treat http headers case insensitive * Update change log * Treat http headers case insensitive (consider Qt version) * API - Consider provided format when setImage * UI - Support Boblight configuration per LED instance * Support multiple Boblight clients with different priorities * Update changelog * Simplify isGUI rules allowing for QT only builds * Sysinfo: Fix indents * LED-Devices: Show warning, if get properties failed * Qt-Grabber: Fixed position handling of multiple monitors * LED layout: Remove indention limitations * Yeelight: Test YLTD003 * hyperion-remote: Provide image filename to muxer/UI * Refactor PriorityMuxer and related * Temp: Build under Windows 2019 * Yeelight: Remove YLTD003 as it is not working without additional changes * Test Windows-latest with out removing redistributables/new MSVC * correct workflows * correct CI script * Build Windows with Qt 5.15.2 * Priority Muxer: Updates after testing * Fix Typo * Update BGHandler * QTGrabber - Reactivate windows code to avoid cursor issues * Emit prioritiesChanged when autoselect was changed by user Co-authored-by: Paulchen Panther <Paulchen-Panter@protonmail.com>
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281 lines
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#pragma once
// STL includes
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>
// QT includes
#include <QMap>
#include <QObject>
#include <QMap>
#include <QVector>
// Utils includes
#include <utils/ColorRgb.h>
#include <utils/Image.h>
#include <utils/Components.h>
// global defines
class QTimer;
class Logger;
/// The PriorityMuxer handles the priority channels. Led values input/ images are written to the priority map
/// and the muxer keeps track of all active priorities. The current priority can be queried and per
/// priority the led colors. Handles also manual/auto selection mode, provides a lot of signals to hook into priority related events
class PriorityMuxer : public QObject
/// The information structure for a single priority channel
struct InputInfo
/// The priority of this channel
int priority;
/// The absolute timeout of the channel
int64_t timeoutTime_ms;
/// The colors for each led of the channel
std::vector<ColorRgb> ledColors;
/// The raw Image (size should be preprocessed!)
Image<ColorRgb> image;
/// The component
hyperion::Components componentId;
/// Who set it
QString origin;
/// id of smoothing config
unsigned smooth_cfg;
/// specific owner description
QString owner;
typedef QMap<int, InputInfo> InputsMap;
//Foreground and Background priorities
const static int FG_PRIORITY;
const static int BG_PRIORITY;
/// The lowest possible priority, which is used when no priority channels are active
const static int LOWEST_PRIORITY;
/// Timeout used to identify a non active priority
const static int TIMEOUT_NOT_ACTIVE_PRIO;
const static int REMOVE_CLEARED_PRIO;
const static int ENDLESS;
/// Constructs the PriorityMuxer for the given number of LEDs (used to switch to black when
/// there are no priority channels
/// @param ledCount The number of LEDs
PriorityMuxer(int ledCount, QObject * parent);
/// Destructor
~PriorityMuxer() override;
/// @brief Start/Stop the PriorityMuxer update timer; On disabled no priority and timeout updates will be performend
/// @param enable The new state
void setEnable(bool enable);
/// @brief Enable or disable auto source selection
/// @param enable True if it should be enabled else false
/// @param update True to update _currentPriority - INTERNAL usage.
/// @return True if changed has been applied, false if the state is unchanged
bool setSourceAutoSelectEnabled(bool enable, bool update = true);
/// @brief Get the state of source auto selection
/// @return True if enabled, else false
bool isSourceAutoSelectEnabled() const { return _sourceAutoSelectEnabled; }
/// @brief Overwrite current lowest priority with manual selection; On success disables auto selection
/// @param priority The
/// @return True on success, false if priority not found
bool setPriority(int priority);
/// @brief Update all LED-Colors with min length of >= 1 to fit the new led length
/// @param[in] ledCount The count of LEDs
void updateLedColorsLength(int ledCount);
/// Returns the current priority
/// @return The current priority
int getCurrentPriority() const { return _currentPriority; }
/// Returns the previous priority before current priority
/// @return The previous priority
int getPreviousPriority() const { return _previousPriority; }
/// Returns the state (enabled/disabled) of a specific priority channel
/// @param priority The priority channel
/// @return True if the priority channel exists else false
bool hasPriority(int priority) const;
/// Returns the number of active priorities
/// @return The list with active priorities
QList<int> getPriorities() const;
/// Returns the information of a specified priority channel.
/// If a priority is no longer available the _lowestPriorityInfo (255) is returned
/// @param priority The priority channel
/// @return The information for the specified priority channel
InputInfo getInputInfo(int priority) const;
/// @brief Register a new input by priority, the priority is not active (timeout -100 isn't muxer recognized) until you start to update the data with setInput()
/// A repeated call to update the base data of a known priority won't overwrite their current timeout
/// @param[in] priority The priority of the channel
/// @param[in] component The component of the channel
/// @param[in] origin Who set the channel (CustomString@IP)
/// @param[in] owner Specific owner string, might be empty
/// @param[in] smooth_cfg The smooth id to use
void registerInput(int priority, hyperion::Components component, const QString& origin = "System", const QString& owner = "", unsigned smooth_cfg = SMOOTHING_MODE_DEFAULT);
/// @brief Update the current color of a priority (previous registered with registerInput())
/// @param priority The priority to update
/// @param ledColors The colors
/// @param timeout_ms The new timeout (defaults to -1 endless)
/// @return True on success, false when priority is not found
bool setInput(int priority, const std::vector<ColorRgb>& ledColors, int64_t timeout_ms = ENDLESS);
/// @brief Update the current image of a priority (prev registered with registerInput())
/// @param priority The priority to update
/// @param image The new image
/// @param timeout_ms The new timeout (defaults to -1 endless)
/// @return True on success, false when priority is not found
bool setInputImage(int priority, const Image<ColorRgb>& image, int64_t timeout_ms = ENDLESS);
/// @brief Set the given priority to inactive
/// @param priority The priority
/// @return True on success false if not found
bool setInputInactive(int priority);
/// Clears the specified priority channel and update _currentPriority on success
/// @param[in] priority The priority of the channel to clear
/// @return True if priority has been cleared else false (not found)
bool clearInput(int priority);
/// Clears all priority channels
void clearAll(bool forceClearAll=false);
/// @brief Emits whenever the visible priority has changed
/// @param priority The new visible priority
void visiblePriorityChanged(int priority);
/// @brief Emits whenever the current visible component changed
/// @param comp The new component
void visibleComponentChanged(hyperion::Components comp);
/// @brief Emits whenever something changes which influences the priorities listing
/// Emits also in 1s interval when a COLOR or EFFECT is running with a timeout > -1
/// @param currentPriority The current priority at time of emit
/// @param activeInputs The current active input map at time of emit
void prioritiesChanged(int currentPriority, InputsMap activeInputs);
/// internal used signal to resolve treading issues with timer
void signalTimeTrigger();
private slots:
/// Slot which is called to adapt to 1s interval for signal prioritiesChanged()
void timeTrigger();
/// Updates the current priorities. Channels with a configured time out will be checked and cleared if
/// required. Cleared priorities will be removed.
void updatePriorities();
/// @brief Get the component of the given priority
/// @return The component
hyperion::Components getComponentOfPriority(int priority) const;
/// Logger instance
Logger* _log;
/// The current priority (lowest value in _activeInputs)
int _currentPriority;
/// The previous priority before current priority
int _previousPriority;
/// The manual select priority set with setPriority
int _manualSelectedPriority;
// The last visible component
hyperion::Components _prevVisComp = hyperion::COMP_INVALID;
/// The mapping from priority channel to led-information
InputsMap _activeInputs;
/// The information of the lowest priority channel
InputInfo _lowestPriorityInfo;
// Reflect the state of auto select
bool _sourceAutoSelectEnabled;
// Timer to update Muxer times independent
QTimer* _updateTimer;
QTimer* _timer;
QTimer* _blockTimer;