mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 10:33:28 +00:00
* SPI Fix - Free allocated memory in case of invert * Remove development statement * UI updates * Minor corrections * Tpm2net Fix - Free allocated memory * LGTM Finding * Add config directory and user type to SysInfo * WS281x - Ensure that device runs with root priviliges * WS281x - Update DMA defauls as per rpi_ws281x recommendation * Support Sysinfo for Qt < 5.10 * Address LGTM finding
204 lines
5.3 KiB
204 lines
5.3 KiB
#pragma once
// util
#include <utils/Logger.h>
#include <utils/VideoMode.h>
#include <utils/settings.h>
#include <utils/Components.h>
// qt
#include <QMap>
class Hyperion;
class InstanceTable;
enum class InstanceState{
/// @brief HyperionInstanceManager manages the instances of the the Hyperion class
class HyperionIManager : public QObject
struct PendingRequests
QObject *caller;
int tan;
// global instance pointer
static HyperionIManager* getInstance() { return HIMinstance; }
static HyperionIManager* HIMinstance;
public slots:
/// @brief Is given instance running?
/// @param inst The instance to check
/// @return True when running else false
bool IsInstanceRunning(quint8 inst) const { return _runningInstances.contains(inst); }
/// @brief Get a Hyperion instance by index
/// @param intance the index
/// @return Hyperion instance, if index is not found returns instance 0
Hyperion* getHyperionInstance(quint8 instance = 0);
/// @brief Get instance data of all instaces in db + running state
QVector<QVariantMap> getInstanceData() const;
/// @brief Start a Hyperion instance
/// @param instance Instance index
/// @param block If true return when thread has been started
/// @return Return true on success, false if not found in db
bool startInstance(quint8 inst, bool block = false, QObject *caller = nullptr, int tan = 0);
/// @brief Stop a Hyperion instance
/// @param instance Instance index
/// @return Return true on success, false if not found in db
bool stopInstance(quint8 inst);
/// @brief Toggle the state of all Hyperion instances
/// @param pause If true all instances toggle to pause, else to resume
void toggleStateAllInstances(bool pause = false);
/// @brief Create a new Hyperion instance entry in db
/// @param name The friendly name of the instance
/// @param start If true it will be started after creation (async)
/// @return Return true on success false if name is already in use or a db error occurred
bool createInstance(const QString& name, bool start = false);
/// @brief Delete Hyperion instance entry in db. Cleanup also all associated table data for this instance
/// @param inst The instance index
/// @return Return true on success, false if not found or not allowed
bool deleteInstance(quint8 inst);
/// @brief Assign a new name to the given instance
/// @param inst The instance index
/// @param name The instance name index
/// @return Return true on success, false if not found
bool saveName(quint8 inst, const QString& name);
QString getRootPath() const { return _rootPath; }
/// @brief Emits whenever the state of a instance changes according to enum instanceState
/// @param instaneState A state from enum
/// @param instance The index of instance
/// @param name The name of the instance, just available with H_CREATED
void instanceStateChanged(InstanceState state, quint8 instance, const QString& name = QString());
/// @brief Emits whenever something changes, the lazy version of instanceStateChanged (- H_ON_STOP) + saveName() emit
void change();
/// @brief Emits when the user has requested to start a instance
/// @param caller The origin caller instance who requested
/// @param tan The tan that was part of the request
void startInstanceResponse(QObject *caller, const int &tan);
/// @brief PIPE videoMode back to Hyperion
void newVideoMode(VideoMode mode);
/// @brief PIPE settings events from Hyperion
void settingsChanged(settings::type type, const QJsonDocument& data);
/// @brief PIPE videoMode request changes from Hyperion to HyperionDaemon
void requestVideoMode(VideoMode mode);
/// @brief PIPE component state changes from Hyperion to HyperionDaemon
void compStateChangeRequest(hyperion::Components component, bool enable);
private slots:
/// @brief handle started signal of Hyperion instances
void handleStarted();
/// @brief handle finished signal of Hyperion instances
void handleFinished();
friend class HyperionDaemon;
/// @brief Construct the Manager
/// @param The root path of all userdata
HyperionIManager(const QString& rootPath, QObject* parent = nullptr, bool readonlyMode = false);
/// @brief Start all instances that are marked as enabled in db. Non blocking
void startAll();
/// @brief Stop all instances, used from hyperiond
void stopAll();
/// @brief check if a instance is allowed for management. Instance 0 represents the root instance
/// @apram inst The instance to check
bool isInstAllowed(quint8 inst) const { return (inst > 0); }
Logger* _log;
InstanceTable* _instanceTable;
const QString _rootPath;
QMap<quint8, Hyperion*> _runningInstances;
QList<quint8> _startQueue;
bool _readonlyMode;
/// All pending requests
QMap<quint8, PendingRequests> _pendingRequests;