2021-11-17 22:38:15 +01:00

692 lines
19 KiB

// proj
#include <hyperion/SettingsManager.h>
// util
#include <utils/JsonUtils.h>
#include <utils/QStringUtils.h>
#include <db/SettingsTable.h>
#include "HyperionConfig.h"
// json schema process
#include <utils/jsonschema/QJsonFactory.h>
#include <utils/jsonschema/QJsonSchemaChecker.h>
// write config to filesystem
#include <utils/JsonUtils.h>
#include <utils/version.hpp>
using namespace semver;
// Constants
namespace {
const char DEFAULT_VERSION[] = "2.0.0-alpha.8";
} //End of constants
QJsonObject SettingsManager::schemaJson;
SettingsManager::SettingsManager(quint8 instance, QObject* parent, bool readonlyMode)
: QObject(parent)
, _log(Logger::getInstance("SETTINGSMGR"))
, _instance(instance)
, _sTable(new SettingsTable(instance, this))
, _configVersion(DEFAULT_VERSION)
, _previousVersion(DEFAULT_VERSION)
, _readonlyMode(readonlyMode)
// get schema
if (schemaJson.isEmpty())
schemaJson = QJsonFactory::readSchema(":/hyperion-schema");
catch (const std::runtime_error& error)
throw std::runtime_error(error.what());
// get default config
QJsonObject defaultConfig;
if (!JsonUtils::readFile(":/hyperion_default.config", defaultConfig, _log))
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read default config");
// transform json to string lists
QStringList keyList = defaultConfig.keys();
QStringList defValueList;
for (const auto& key : qAsConst(keyList))
if (defaultConfig[key].isObject())
defValueList << QString(QJsonDocument(defaultConfig[key].toObject()).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact));
else if (defaultConfig[key].isArray())
defValueList << QString(QJsonDocument(defaultConfig[key].toArray()).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact));
// fill database with default data if required
for (const auto& key : qAsConst(keyList))
QString val = defValueList.takeFirst();
// prevent overwrite
if (!_sTable->recordExist(key))
_sTable->createSettingsRecord(key, val);
// need to validate all data in database construct the entire data object
// TODO refactor schemaChecker to accept QJsonArray in validate(); QJsonDocument container? To validate them per entry...
QJsonObject dbConfig;
for (const auto& key : qAsConst(keyList))
QJsonDocument doc = _sTable->getSettingsRecord(key);
if (doc.isArray())
dbConfig[key] = doc.array();
dbConfig[key] = doc.object();
//Check, if database requires migration
bool isNewRelease = false;
// Use instance independent SettingsManager to track migration status
if (_instance == GLOABL_INSTANCE_ID)
if (resolveConfigVersion(dbConfig))
QJsonObject newGeneralConfig = dbConfig["general"].toObject();
if (!BUILD_VERSION.isValid())
Error(_log, "Current Hyperion version [%s] is invalid. Exiting...", BUILD_VERSION.getVersion().c_str());
if (_configVersion > BUILD_VERSION)
Error(_log, "Database version [%s] is greater than current Hyperion version [%s]", _configVersion.getVersion().c_str(), BUILD_VERSION.getVersion().c_str());
// TODO: Remove version checking and Settingsmanager from components' constructor to be able to stop hyperion.
if (_previousVersion < BUILD_VERSION)
if (_configVersion == BUILD_VERSION)
newGeneralConfig["previousVersion"] = BUILD_VERSION.getVersion().c_str();
dbConfig["general"] = newGeneralConfig;
isNewRelease = true;
Info(_log, "Migration completed to version [%s]", BUILD_VERSION.getVersion().c_str());
Info(_log, "Migration from current version [%s] to new version [%s] started", _previousVersion.getVersion().c_str(), BUILD_VERSION.getVersion().c_str());
newGeneralConfig["previousVersion"] = _configVersion.getVersion().c_str();
newGeneralConfig["configVersion"] = BUILD_VERSION.getVersion().c_str();
dbConfig["general"] = newGeneralConfig;
isNewRelease = true;
// possible data upgrade steps to prevent data loss
bool migrated = handleConfigUpgrade(dbConfig);
if (isNewRelease || migrated)
saveSettings(dbConfig, true);
// validate full dbconfig against schema, on error we need to rewrite entire table
QJsonSchemaChecker schemaChecker;
QPair<bool, bool> valid = schemaChecker.validate(dbConfig);
// check if our main schema syntax is IO
if (!valid.second)
for (auto& schemaError : schemaChecker.getMessages())
Error(_log, "Schema Syntax Error: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(schemaError));
throw std::runtime_error("The config schema has invalid syntax. This should never happen! Go fix it!");
if (!valid.first)
Info(_log, "Table upgrade required...");
dbConfig = schemaChecker.getAutoCorrectedConfig(dbConfig);
for (auto& schemaError : schemaChecker.getMessages())
Warning(_log, "Config Fix: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(schemaError));
saveSettings(dbConfig, true);
_qconfig = dbConfig;
Debug(_log, "Settings database initialized");
QJsonDocument SettingsManager::getSetting(settings::type type) const
return _sTable->getSettingsRecord(settings::typeToString(type));
QJsonObject SettingsManager::getSettings() const
QJsonObject config;
for (const auto& key : _qconfig.keys())
//Read all records from database to ensure that global settings are read across instances
QJsonDocument doc = _sTable->getSettingsRecord(key);
if (doc.isArray())
config.insert(key, doc.array());
config.insert(key, doc.object());
return config;
bool SettingsManager::restoreSettings(QJsonObject config, bool correct)
// optional data upgrades e.g. imported legacy/older configs
return saveSettings(config, correct);
bool SettingsManager::saveSettings(QJsonObject config, bool correct)
// we need to validate data against schema
QJsonSchemaChecker schemaChecker;
if (!schemaChecker.validate(config).first)
if (!correct)
Error(_log, "Failed to save configuration, errors during validation");
return false;
Warning(_log, "Fixing json data!");
config = schemaChecker.getAutoCorrectedConfig(config);
for (const auto& schemaError : schemaChecker.getMessages())
Warning(_log, "Config Fix: %s", QSTRING_CSTR(schemaError));
// store the new config
_qconfig = config;
// extract keys and data
QStringList keyList = config.keys();
QStringList newValueList;
for (const auto& key : qAsConst(keyList))
if (config[key].isObject())
newValueList << QString(QJsonDocument(config[key].toObject()).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact));
else if (config[key].isArray())
newValueList << QString(QJsonDocument(config[key].toArray()).toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact));
bool rc = true;
// compare database data with new data to emit/save changes accordingly
for (const auto& key : qAsConst(keyList))
QString data = newValueList.takeFirst();
if (_sTable->getSettingsRecordString(key) != data)
if (!_sTable->createSettingsRecord(key, data))
rc = false;
emit settingsChanged(settings::stringToType(key), QJsonDocument::fromJson(data.toLocal8Bit()));
return rc;
inline QString fixVersion(const QString& version)
QString newVersion;
//Try fixing version number, remove dot separated pre-release identifiers not supported
QRegularExpression regEx("(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+-?[a-zA-Z-\\d]*\\.?[\\d]*)", QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption | QRegularExpression::MultilineOption);
QRegularExpressionMatch match;
match = regEx.match(version);
if (match.hasMatch())
newVersion = match.captured(1);
return newVersion;
bool SettingsManager::resolveConfigVersion(QJsonObject& config)
bool isValid = false;
if (config.contains("general"))
QJsonObject generalConfig = config["general"].toObject();
QString configVersion = generalConfig["configVersion"].toString();
QString previousVersion = generalConfig["previousVersion"].toString();
if (!configVersion.isEmpty())
isValid = _configVersion.setVersion(configVersion.toStdString());
if (!isValid)
isValid = _configVersion.setVersion(fixVersion(configVersion).toStdString());
if (isValid)
Info(_log, "Invalid config version [%s] fixed. Updated to [%s]", QSTRING_CSTR(configVersion), _configVersion.getVersion().c_str());
isValid = true;
if (!previousVersion.isEmpty() && isValid)
isValid = _previousVersion.setVersion(previousVersion.toStdString());
if (!isValid)
isValid = _previousVersion.setVersion(fixVersion(previousVersion).toStdString());
if (isValid)
Info(_log, "Invalid previous version [%s] fixed. Updated to [%s]", QSTRING_CSTR(previousVersion), _previousVersion.getVersion().c_str());
isValid = true;
return isValid;
bool SettingsManager::handleConfigUpgrade(QJsonObject& config)
bool migrated = false;
//Only migrate, if valid versions are available
if (!resolveConfigVersion(config))
Warning(_log, "Invalid version information found in configuration. No database migration executed.");
//Do only migrate, if configuration is not up to date
if (_previousVersion < _configVersion)
//Migration steps for versions <= alpha 9
semver::version targetVersion{ "2.0.0-alpha.9" };
if (_previousVersion <= targetVersion)
Info(_log, "Instance [%u]: Migrate from version [%s] to version [%s] or later", _instance, _previousVersion.getVersion().c_str(), targetVersion.getVersion().c_str());
// from { hscan: { minimum: 0.2, maximum: 0.3 }, vscan: { minimum: 0.2, maximum: 0.3 } }
// from { h: { min: 0.2, max: 0.3 }, v: { min: 0.2, max: 0.3 } }
// to { hmin: 0.2, hmax: 0.3, vmin: 0.2, vmax: 0.3}
if (config.contains("leds"))
const QJsonArray ledarr = config["leds"].toArray();
const QJsonObject led = ledarr[0].toObject();
if (led.contains("hscan") || led.contains("h"))
const bool whscan = led.contains("hscan");
QJsonArray newLedarr;
for (const auto& entry : ledarr)
const QJsonObject led = entry.toObject();
QJsonObject hscan;
QJsonObject vscan;
QJsonValue hmin;
QJsonValue hmax;
QJsonValue vmin;
QJsonValue vmax;
QJsonObject nL;
if (whscan)
hscan = led["hscan"].toObject();
vscan = led["vscan"].toObject();
hmin = hscan["minimum"];
hmax = hscan["maximum"];
vmin = vscan["minimum"];
vmax = vscan["maximum"];
hscan = led["h"].toObject();
vscan = led["v"].toObject();
hmin = hscan["min"];
hmax = hscan["max"];
vmin = vscan["min"];
vmax = vscan["max"];
// append to led object
nL["hmin"] = hmin;
nL["hmax"] = hmax;
nL["vmin"] = vmin;
nL["vmax"] = vmax;
// replace
config["leds"] = newLedarr;
migrated = true;
Info(_log, "Instance [%u]: LED Layout migrated", _instance);
if (config.contains("ledConfig"))
QJsonObject oldLedConfig = config["ledConfig"].toObject();
if (!oldLedConfig.contains("classic"))
QJsonObject newLedConfig;
newLedConfig.insert("classic", oldLedConfig);
QJsonObject defaultMatrixConfig{ {"ledshoriz", 1}
,{"ledsvert", 1}
newLedConfig.insert("matrix", defaultMatrixConfig);
config["ledConfig"] = newLedConfig;
migrated = true;
Info(_log, "Instance [%u]: LED-Config migrated", _instance);
// LED Hardware count is leading for versions after alpha 9
// Setting Hardware LED count to number of LEDs configured via layout, if layout number is greater than number of hardware LEDs
if (config.contains("device"))
QJsonObject newDeviceConfig = config["device"].toObject();
if (newDeviceConfig.contains("hardwareLedCount"))
int hwLedcount = newDeviceConfig["hardwareLedCount"].toInt();
if (config.contains("leds"))
const QJsonArray ledarr = config["leds"].toArray();
int layoutLedCount = ledarr.size();
if (hwLedcount < layoutLedCount)
Warning(_log, "Instance [%u]: HwLedCount/Layout mismatch! Setting Hardware LED count to number of LEDs configured via layout", _instance);
hwLedcount = layoutLedCount;
newDeviceConfig["hardwareLedCount"] = hwLedcount;
migrated = true;
if (newDeviceConfig.contains("type"))
QString type = newDeviceConfig["type"].toString();
if (type == "atmoorb" || type == "fadecandy" || type == "philipshue")
if (newDeviceConfig.contains("output"))
newDeviceConfig["host"] = newDeviceConfig["output"].toString();
migrated = true;
if (migrated)
config["device"] = newDeviceConfig;
Debug(_log, "LED-Device records migrated");
if (config.contains("grabberV4L2"))
QJsonObject newGrabberV4L2Config = config["grabberV4L2"].toObject();
if (newGrabberV4L2Config.contains("encoding_format"))
newGrabberV4L2Config["grabberV4L2"] = newGrabberV4L2Config;
migrated = true;
//Add new element enable
if (!newGrabberV4L2Config.contains("enable"))
newGrabberV4L2Config["enable"] = false;
migrated = true;
config["grabberV4L2"] = newGrabberV4L2Config;
Debug(_log, "GrabberV4L2 records migrated");
if (config.contains("framegrabber"))
QJsonObject newFramegrabberConfig = config["framegrabber"].toObject();
//Align element namings with grabberV4L2
//Rename element type -> device
if (newFramegrabberConfig.contains("type"))
newFramegrabberConfig["device"] = newFramegrabberConfig["type"].toString();
migrated = true;
//Rename element frequency_Hz -> fps
if (newFramegrabberConfig.contains("frequency_Hz"))
newFramegrabberConfig["fps"] = newFramegrabberConfig["frequency_Hz"].toInt(25);
migrated = true;
//Rename element display -> input
if (newFramegrabberConfig.contains("display"))
newFramegrabberConfig["input"] = newFramegrabberConfig["display"];
migrated = true;
//Add new element enable
if (!newFramegrabberConfig.contains("enable"))
newFramegrabberConfig["enable"] = false;
migrated = true;
config["framegrabber"] = newFramegrabberConfig;
Debug(_log, "Framegrabber records migrated");
//Migration steps for versions <= 2.0.12
_previousVersion = targetVersion;
if (_previousVersion <= targetVersion)
Info(_log, "Instance [%u]: Migrate from version [%s] to version [%s] or later", _instance, _previousVersion.getVersion().c_str(), targetVersion.getVersion().c_str());
// Have Hostname/IP-address separate from port for LED-Devices
if (config.contains("device"))
QJsonObject newDeviceConfig = config["device"].toObject();
if (newDeviceConfig.contains("host"))
QString oldHost = newDeviceConfig["host"].toString();
// Resolve hostname and port
QStringList addressparts = QStringUtils::split(oldHost, ":", QStringUtils::SplitBehavior::SkipEmptyParts);
newDeviceConfig["host"] = addressparts[0];
if (addressparts.size() > 1)
if (!newDeviceConfig.contains("port"))
newDeviceConfig["port"] = addressparts[1].toInt();
migrated = true;
if (migrated)
config["device"] = newDeviceConfig;
Debug(_log, "LED-Device records migrated");
// Have Hostname/IP-address separate from port for Forwarder
if (config.contains("forwarder"))
QJsonObject newForwarderConfig = config["forwarder"].toObject();
QJsonArray json;
if (newForwarderConfig.contains("json"))
QJsonArray oldJson = newForwarderConfig["json"].toArray();
QJsonObject newJsonConfig;
for (const QJsonValue& value : qAsConst(oldJson))
if (value.isString())
QString oldHost = value.toString();
// Resolve hostname and port
QStringList addressparts = QStringUtils::split(oldHost, ":", QStringUtils::SplitBehavior::SkipEmptyParts);
QString host = addressparts[0];
if (host != "")
newJsonConfig["host"] = host;
if (addressparts.size() > 1)
newJsonConfig["port"] = addressparts[1].toInt();
newJsonConfig["port"] = 19444;
migrated = true;
if (!json.isEmpty())
newForwarderConfig["json"] = json;
migrated = true;
QJsonArray flatbuffer;
if (newForwarderConfig.contains("flat"))
QJsonArray oldFlatbuffer = newForwarderConfig["flat"].toArray();
QJsonObject newFlattbufferConfig;
for (const QJsonValue& value : qAsConst(oldFlatbuffer))
if (value.isString())
QString oldHost = value.toString();
// Resolve hostname and port
QStringList addressparts = QStringUtils::split(oldHost, ":", QStringUtils::SplitBehavior::SkipEmptyParts);
QString host = addressparts[0];
if (host != "")
newFlattbufferConfig["host"] = host;
if (addressparts.size() > 1)
newFlattbufferConfig["port"] = addressparts[1].toInt();
newFlattbufferConfig["port"] = 19400;
migrated = true;
if (!flatbuffer.isEmpty())
newForwarderConfig["flat"] = flatbuffer;
migrated = true;
if (json.isEmpty() && flatbuffer.isEmpty())
newForwarderConfig["enable"] = false;
if (migrated)
config["forwarder"] = newForwarderConfig;
Debug(_log, "Forwarder records migrated");
return migrated;