#include "EASAccount.h" static bool verbose = true; inline static void LOG(const wchar_t *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); wchar_t buffer[8192] = L"EAS: "; vswprintf_s(buffer + wcslen(buffer), ARRAYSIZE(buffer) - wcslen(buffer), format, args); _RPTW0(_CRT_WARN, buffer); fputws(buffer, stderr); va_end(args); } inline static void VERBOSE(const wchar_t *format, ...) { if (!verbose) return; va_list args; va_start(args, format); wchar_t buffer[8192] = L"EAS: "; vswprintf_s(buffer + wcslen(buffer), ARRAYSIZE(buffer) - wcslen(buffer), format, args); _RPTW0(_CRT_WARN, buffer); fputws(buffer, stderr); va_end(args); } inline static wstring ToHex(const void *data, size_t size) { wstring s; for (const byte *ptr = (byte*)data; ptr < ((byte*)data) + size; ++ptr) { char buffer[4]; sprintf_s(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.2X", *ptr); s += (wchar_t)buffer[0]; s += (wchar_t)buffer[1]; } return s; } template inline static wstring ToHex(const vector &v) { if (v.size() == 0) return L""; return ToHex(&v[0], v.size()); } static const wstring R_ACCOUNT_NAME = L"Account Name"; static const wstring R_DISPLAY_NAME = L"Display Name"; static const wstring R_SERVER_URL = L"EAS Server URL"; static const wstring R_USERNAME = L"EAS User"; static const wstring R_EMAIL = L"Email"; static const wstring R_EMAIL_ORIGINAL = L"KOE Share For"; static const wstring R_PASSWORD = L"EAS Password"; static const wstring R_ONE_MONTH = L"EAS SyncSlider"; static const wstring R_SHOW_REMINDERS = L"KOE Reminders"; struct Account { public: wstring profileName; wstring outlookVersion; wstring accountName; wstring displayName; wstring email; wstring emailOriginal; wstring server; wstring username; wstring password; vector encryptedPassword; wstring dataFolder; bool syncOneMonth; bool showReminders; private: wstring path; int initializedMAPI = 0; IProfAdmin *lpProfAdmin = nullptr; IMsgServiceAdmin *lpServiceAdmin = nullptr; IMsgServiceAdmin2* lpServiceAdmin2 = nullptr; IOlkAccountManager *lpAccountManager = nullptr; MAPIUID service; vector entryId; DWORD accountId; HKEY hKeyAccounts = nullptr; HKEY hKeyNewAccount = nullptr; public: Account() : accountId(0) { memset(&service, 0, sizeof(service)); // Initialize the mapi session MAPIINIT_0 MAPIINIT = { 0, 0 }; CHECK_H(MAPIInitialize(&MAPIINIT), "MAPIInitialize"); ++initializedMAPI; } ~Account() { if (lpServiceAdmin2) lpServiceAdmin2->Release(); if (lpServiceAdmin) lpServiceAdmin->Release(); if (lpProfAdmin) lpProfAdmin->Release(); if (lpAccountManager) lpAccountManager->Release(); if (hKeyAccounts) RegCloseKey(hKeyAccounts); if (hKeyNewAccount) RegCloseKey(hKeyNewAccount); if (--initializedMAPI == 0) { MAPIUninitialize(); } else if (initializedMAPI < 0) { exit(1); } } void LOG_VERBOSE(const wchar_t *prefix) const { if (!verbose) return; VERBOSE ( L"%ls\n" L"\tprofileName=%ls\n" L"\toutlookVersion=%ls\n" L"\taccountName=%ls\n" L"\tdisplayName=%ls\n" L"\temail=%ls\n" L"\temailOriginal=%ls\n" L"\tserver=%ls\n" L"\tusername=%ls\n" L"\tpassword=%u\n" L"\tencryptedPassword=%u\n" L"\tdataFolder=%ls\n" L"\tsyncOneMonth=%u\n" L"\tpath=%ls\n" L"\tservice=%ls\n" L"\tentryId=%ls\n" L"\taccountId=%.8X\n" L"\toneMonth=%d\n" L"\treminders=%d\n", prefix, profileName.c_str(), outlookVersion.c_str(), accountName.c_str(), displayName.c_str(), email.c_str(), emailOriginal.c_str(), server.c_str(), username.c_str(), password.empty() ? 0 : 1, encryptedPassword.size(), dataFolder.c_str(), syncOneMonth, path.c_str(), ToHex(&service, sizeof(service)).c_str(), ToHex(entryId).c_str(), accountId, syncOneMonth ? 1 : 0, showReminders ? 1 : 0 ); } void Create() { CheckInit(); DeterminePath(); // Set up the account OpenProfileAdmin(); EncryptPassword(); FetchAccountKey(); CreateMessageService(); GetEntryId(); CreateAccount(); CommitAccountKey(); PatchMessageStore(); } void LoadFromAccountId(const wstring &accountId) { OpenAccountKey(accountId); try { accountName = RegReadAccountKey(R_ACCOUNT_NAME); displayName = RegReadAccountKey(R_DISPLAY_NAME); email = RegReadAccountKey(R_EMAIL); server = RegReadAccountKey(R_SERVER_URL); username = RegReadAccountKey(R_USERNAME); encryptedPassword = RegReadAccountKeyBinary(R_PASSWORD); } // Clean up catch (...) { if (hKeyNewAccount) { RegCloseKey(hKeyNewAccount); hKeyNewAccount = nullptr; } throw; } if (hKeyNewAccount) { RegCloseKey(hKeyNewAccount); hKeyNewAccount = nullptr; } } private: void DeterminePath() { // Determine the .ost path if (dataFolder.empty()) { wchar_t szPath[MAX_PATH]; CHECK_H(SHGetFolderPath(nullptr, CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, nullptr, 0, szPath), "GetAppData"); dataFolder = wstring(szPath) + L"\\Microsoft\\Outlook\\"; VERBOSE(L"DeterminePath: dataFolder=%ls\n", dataFolder.c_str()); } // Somehow it only works if there's a number in between parentheses path = dataFolder + email + L" - " + profileName + L"(1).ost"; VERBOSE(L"DeterminePath: path=%ls\n", path.c_str()); } void EncryptPassword() { // TODO: handle the case password is not set in registry if (encryptedPassword.empty()) encryptedPassword = EncryptPassword(password, L"EAS Password"); } void CheckInit() { #define DoCheckInit(field) do{ if (field.empty()) throw exception("Field " #field " not initialised"); } while(0) DoCheckInit(profileName); DoCheckInit(outlookVersion); DoCheckInit(accountName); DoCheckInit(displayName); DoCheckInit(email); DoCheckInit(server); DoCheckInit(username); if (encryptedPassword.empty()) DoCheckInit(password); #undef DoCheckInit } static void CHECK_H(HRESULT hr, const char *ident) { if (FAILED(hr)) throw CustomException(hr, ident, _com_error(hr).ErrorMessage()); } static void CHECK_L(LSTATUS status, const char *ident) { if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) throw CustomException(status, ident); } static string WideToString(const wstring &s) { std::string result; for (auto i = s.begin(); i != s.end(); ++i) result += (char)*i; return result; } void OpenProfileAdmin() { if (!lpServiceAdmin2) { VERBOSE(L"OpenProfileAdmin: 1\n"); // Get the profile admin CHECK_H(MAPIAdminProfiles(0, &lpProfAdmin), "MAPIAdminProfiles"); CHECK_H(lpProfAdmin->AdminServices((LPTSTR)WideToString(profileName).c_str(), nullptr, NULL, 0, &lpServiceAdmin), "AdminServices"); CHECK_H(lpServiceAdmin->QueryInterface(IID_IMsgServiceAdmin2, (LPVOID*)&lpServiceAdmin2), "AdminServices2"); VERBOSE(L"OpenProfileAdmin: 2\n"); } } void CreateMessageService() { VERBOSE(L"CreateMessageService: 1\n"); CHECK_H(lpServiceAdmin2->CreateMsgServiceEx((LPTSTR)"EAS", (LPTSTR)displayName.c_str(), 0, 0, &service), "CreateMsgServiceEx"); // Delete any existing ost VERBOSE(L"CreateMessageService: Deleting existing OST\n"); DeleteFile(path.c_str()); VERBOSE(L"CreateMessageService: Deleted existing OST: %.8X\n", GetLastError()); // Configure the service SPropValue msprops[6]; msprops[0].ulPropTag = PR_PST_CONFIG_FLAGS; msprops[0].Value.l = 2; msprops[1].ulPropTag = PR_PROFILE_OFFLINE_STORE_PATH_W; msprops[1].Value.lpszW = (LPWSTR)path.c_str(); msprops[2].ulPropTag = PR_DISPLAY_NAME_W; msprops[2].Value.lpszW = (LPWSTR)displayName.c_str(); msprops[3].ulPropTag = PR_PROFILE_SECURE_MAILBOX; msprops[3].Value.bin.cb = (ULONG)encryptedPassword.size(); msprops[3].Value.bin.lpb = &encryptedPassword[0]; msprops[4].ulPropTag = PR_RESOURCE_FLAGS; msprops[4].Value.l = SERVICE_NO_PRIMARY_IDENTITY | SERVICE_CREATE_WITH_STORE | SERVICE_SINGLE_COPY; msprops[5].ulPropTag = 0x67060003; msprops[5].Value.l = accountId; VERBOSE(L"CreateMessageService: 2\n"); CHECK_H(lpServiceAdmin2->ConfigureMsgService(&service, 0, SERVICE_UI_ALLOWED, 6, msprops), "ConfigureMSGService"); VERBOSE(L"CreateMessageService: 3\n"); } void GetEntryId() { IProfSect *profSect = nullptr; LPSPropValue vals = nullptr; try { VERBOSE(L"GetEntryId: 1\n"); // Open the profile section CHECK_H(lpServiceAdmin2->OpenProfileSection(const_cast(&service), NULL, MAPI_FORCE_ACCESS, &profSect), "ProfSect"); VERBOSE(L"GetEntryId: 2\n"); // Get the entry id SizedSPropTagArray(1, props); props.cValues = 1; props.aulPropTag[0] = PR_ENTRYID; ULONG count = 0; CHECK_H(profSect->GetProps((LPSPropTagArray)&props, 0, &count, &vals), "GetProps"); VERBOSE(L"GetEntryId: 3\n"); entryId.resize(vals[0].Value.bin.cb); entryId.assign(vals[0].Value.bin.lpb, vals[0].Value.bin.lpb + entryId.size()); // Clean up profSect->Release(); MAPIFreeBuffer(vals); VERBOSE(L"GetEntryId: 4, size=%d, value=%s\n", entryId.size(), ToHex(entryId).c_str()); } catch (...) { if (profSect) profSect->Release(); MAPIFreeBuffer(vals); throw; } } void OpenAccountsKey() { if (hKeyAccounts != nullptr) return; wchar_t keyPath[MAX_PATH]; // Open the accounts key swprintf_s(keyPath, ARRAYSIZE(keyPath), KEY_ACCOUNTS, outlookVersion.c_str(), profileName.c_str()); CHECK_L(RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, keyPath, &hKeyAccounts), "OpenAccountsKey"); } void OpenAccountKey(const wstring &accountId) { OpenAccountsKey(); // Open the subkey CHECK_L(RegOpenKey(hKeyAccounts, accountId.c_str(), &hKeyNewAccount), "OpenAccountKey"); } void FetchAccountKey() { OpenAccountsKey(); // Get the NextAccountID value DWORD size = sizeof(accountId); CHECK_L(RegQueryValueEx(hKeyAccounts, VALUE_NEXT_ACCOUNT_ID, nullptr, nullptr, (LPBYTE)&accountId, &size), "GetNextAccountId"); } void AllocateAccountKey() { FetchAccountKey(); wchar_t keyPath[MAX_PATH]; // Create the subkey swprintf_s(keyPath, ARRAYSIZE(keyPath), L"%.8X", accountId); CHECK_L(RegCreateKey(hKeyAccounts, keyPath, &hKeyNewAccount), "CreateAccountKey"); } wstring RegReadAccountKey(const wstring &name) { wchar_t buffer[4096]; DWORD size = sizeof(buffer); CHECK_L(RegQueryValueEx(hKeyNewAccount, name.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, (LPBYTE)buffer, &size), "RegReadAccountKey"); return buffer; } vector RegReadAccountKeyBinary(const wstring &name) { vector buffer(4096); DWORD size = (DWORD)buffer.size(); CHECK_L(RegQueryValueEx(hKeyNewAccount, name.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, (LPBYTE)&buffer[0], &size), "RegReadAccountKey"); buffer.resize(size); return buffer; } void WriteAccountKey(const wstring &name, const wstring &value) { CHECK_L(RegSetValueEx(hKeyNewAccount, name.c_str(), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)value.data(), (DWORD)value.size() * 2), "WriteAccountKey"); } void WriteAccountKey(const wstring &name, const void *value, size_t size) { CHECK_L(RegSetValueEx(hKeyNewAccount, name.c_str(), 0, REG_BINARY, (LPBYTE)value, (DWORD)size), "WriteAccountKey"); } void WriteAccountKey(const wstring &name, DWORD value) { CHECK_L(RegSetValueEx(hKeyNewAccount, name.c_str(), 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&value, sizeof(value)), "WriteAccountKey"); } class OlkHelper : public IOlkAccountHelper { private: long refCount; const Account &account; IUnknown* unkSession; public: OlkHelper(const Account &account, LPMAPISESSION session) : refCount(0), account(account), unkSession(nullptr) { CHECK_H(session->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (LPVOID*)&unkSession), "Session::QueryInterface"); } virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID riid, _COM_Outptr_ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvObject) override { return S_OK; } virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) override { ++refCount; return refCount; } virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) override { --refCount; return refCount; } virtual STDMETHODIMP PlaceHolder1(LPVOID) override { return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP GetIdentity(LPWSTR pwszIdentity, DWORD * pcch) override { if (!pcch) return E_INVALIDARG; HRESULT hRes = S_OK; if (account.profileName.size() > *pcch) { *pcch = (DWORD)account.profileName.size(); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } hRes = StringCchCopyW(pwszIdentity, *pcch, account.profileName.c_str()); *pcch = (DWORD)account.profileName.size(); return hRes; } virtual STDMETHODIMP GetMapiSession(LPUNKNOWN * ppmsess) override { VERBOSE(L"GetMapiSession: 1\n"); CHECK_H(unkSession->QueryInterface(IID_IMAPISession, (LPVOID*)ppmsess), "GetMapiSession"); return S_OK; } virtual STDMETHODIMP HandsOffSession() override { return S_OK; } }; void CreateAccount() { VERBOSE(L"CreateAccount\n"); AllocateAccountKey(); // Write the values VERBOSE(L"CreateAccount: Setting registry keys\n"); WriteAccountKey(R_ACCOUNT_NAME, accountName); WriteAccountKey(R_DISPLAY_NAME, displayName); WriteAccountKey(R_SERVER_URL, server); WriteAccountKey(R_USERNAME, username); WriteAccountKey(R_EMAIL, email); if (!emailOriginal.empty()) WriteAccountKey(R_EMAIL_ORIGINAL, emailOriginal); if (syncOneMonth) WriteAccountKey(R_ONE_MONTH, (DWORD)1); if (!showReminders) WriteAccountKey(R_SHOW_REMINDERS, (DWORD)0); WriteAccountKey(L"clsid", L"{ED475415-B0D6-11D2-8C3B-00104B2A6676}"); WriteAccountKey(R_PASSWORD, &encryptedPassword[0], encryptedPassword.size()); WriteAccountKey(L"Service UID", &service, sizeof(service)); // Delivery Store EntryID WriteAccountKey(L"EAS Store EID", &entryId[0], entryId.size()); // Mini uid GUID miniUid; CHECK_H(CoCreateGuid(&miniUid), "miniUid"); WriteAccountKey(L"Mini UID", miniUid.Data1); } void AppendAccountId(const wchar_t *value) { byte buffer[4096]; DWORD bufferSize = sizeof(buffer); CHECK_L(RegQueryValueEx(hKeyAccounts, value, nullptr, nullptr, buffer, &bufferSize), "QueryAccountId"); if (bufferSize >= sizeof(buffer) - sizeof(DWORD)) throw exception("AppendAccountId buffer too small"); // Append the account id *(DWORD *)(&buffer[bufferSize]) = accountId; CHECK_L(RegSetValueEx(hKeyAccounts, value, 0, REG_BINARY, buffer, bufferSize + sizeof(DWORD)), "AppendAccountId"); } void CommitAccountKey() { // Increment the account id DWORD nextAccountId = accountId + 1; CHECK_L(RegSetValueEx(hKeyAccounts, VALUE_NEXT_ACCOUNT_ID, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&nextAccountId, sizeof(nextAccountId)), "CommitAccountKey"); VERBOSE(L"CommitAccountKey: %d\n", accountId); // Add the account to the mail, store and addressbook entries AppendAccountId(KEY_OLKMAIL); AppendAccountId(KEY_OLKADDRESSBOOK); AppendAccountId(KEY_OLKSTORE); } std::vector EncryptPassword(const std::wstring &password, const wchar_t *descriptor) { const byte FLAG_PROTECT_DATA = 2; DATA_BLOB plainTextBlob; DATA_BLOB cipherTextBlob; int bytesSize = (int)(password.size() * sizeof(wchar_t)); plainTextBlob.pbData = (BYTE*)password.data(); plainTextBlob.cbData = bytesSize + 2; if (!CryptProtectData(&plainTextBlob, descriptor, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN, &cipherTextBlob)) { throw std::exception("Encryption failed."); } std::vector cipherText(cipherTextBlob.cbData + 1); memcpy(&cipherText[1], cipherTextBlob.pbData, cipherTextBlob.cbData); cipherText[0] = FLAG_PROTECT_DATA; LocalFree(cipherTextBlob.pbData); return cipherText; } void PatchMessageStore() { LPMAPISESSION session = nullptr; LPMDB msgStore = nullptr; IOlkAccount *account = nullptr; try { VERBOSE(L"PatchMessageStore: Deleting existing OST 1\n"); // Delete existing store DeleteFile(path.c_str()); VERBOSE(L"PatchMessageStore: Deleted existing OST 1: %.8X\n", GetLastError()); // Logon CHECK_H(MAPILogonEx(0, (LPTSTR)WideToString(profileName).c_str(), NULL, 0, &session), "MAPILogonEx"); #if 0 OlkHelper helper(*this, session); CHECK_H(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_OlkAccountManager, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IOlkAccountManager, (LPVOID*)&lpAccountManager), "IOLKAccountManager"); CHECK_H(lpAccountManager->Init(&helper, 0), "IOLKAccountManager::Init"); DWORD count; DWORD *order; CHECK_H(lpAccountManager->GetOrder(&CLSID_OlkMail, &count, &order), "IOLKAccountManager::GetOrder"); _RPT1(_CRT_WARN, "ACCOUNTS: %d\n", count); // Create the registry entry for the account //CHECK_H(lpAccountManager->EnumerateAccounts(CLSID_OlkMail, )) ACCT_VARIANT var; var.dwType = PT_LONG; var.Val.dw = accountId; CHECK_H(lpAccountManager->FindAccount(PROP_ACCT_ID, &var, &account), "IOLKAccountManager::FindAccount"); CHECK_H(lpAccountManager->SaveChanges(accountId, 0), "SaveChanges"); #endif // Delete existing store VERBOSE(L"PatchMessageStore: Deleting existing OST 2\n"); DeleteFile(path.c_str()); VERBOSE(L"PatchMessageStore: Deleted existing OST 2: %.8X\n", GetLastError()); if (entryId.size() == 0) throw exception("entryId not initialised"); VERBOSE(L"PatchMessageStore: OpenMsgStore\n"); // Open the msg store to finalise creation CHECK_H(session->OpenMsgStore(0, (ULONG)entryId.size(), (LPENTRYID)&entryId[0], nullptr, MDB_NO_DIALOG | MDB_WRITE | MAPI_DEFERRED_ERRORS, &msgStore), "OpenMsgStore"); } catch (...) { if (account) account->Release(); if (msgStore) msgStore->Release(); if (session) { session->Logoff(0, 0, 0); session->Release(); } initializedMAPI = -1; throw; } // Clean up if (account) account->Release(); if (msgStore) msgStore->Release(); session->Logoff(0, 0, 0); session->Release(); } }; int __cdecl wmain(int argc, wchar_t **argv) { Account account; // Main try { if (argc < 7 || argc > 9) { fwprintf(stderr, L"EASAccount: [1 month] [reminders]\n"); exit(3); } account.profileName = argv[1]; account.outlookVersion = argv[2]; account.LoadFromAccountId(argv[3]); LOG(L"ADDING SHARE: %ls#%ls\n", account.username.c_str(), argv[4]); account.username = account.username + L"#" + argv[4]; account.emailOriginal = account.email; account.email = argv[5]; account.accountName = account.email; account.displayName = argv[6]; account.syncOneMonth = true; if (argc > 7) account.syncOneMonth = !wcscmp(argv[7], L"1"); account.showReminders = true; if (argc > 8) account.showReminders = !wcscmp(argv[8], L"1"); try { account.LOG_VERBOSE(L"Creating account"); // Create the account account.Create(); account.LOG_VERBOSE(L"Created account"); } catch (...) { account.LOG_VERBOSE(L"Handling exception"); throw; } } catch (const CustomException &e) { if (!strcmp(e.what(), "AdminServices") && e.status == 0x80040111) { LOG(L"Profile does not exist: %ls\n", account.profileName.c_str()); } else { LOG(L"Exception: %s\n", e.message.c_str()); } return 1; } catch(const exception &e) { LOG(L"Exception: %s\n", e.what()); return 2; } return 0; }