#!/usr/bin/env sh if dpkg -l log2ram ; then echo "Please run : apt remove log2ram" exit 1 fi if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ] then echo "Not apt installed. Remove will continue with this script..." systemctl stop log2ram.service log2ram-daily.timer systemctl disable log2ram.service log2ram-daily.timer rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/log2ram* rm /usr/local/bin/log2ram rm /etc/log2ram.conf rm /etc/logrotate.d/log2ram if [ -d /var/hdd.log ]; then rm -r /var/hdd.log fi echo "Log2Ram is uninstalled, removing the uninstaller in progress" rm /usr/local/bin/uninstall-log2ram.sh echo "##### Reboot isn't needed #####" else echo "You need to be ROOT (sudo can be used)" fi