#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook --- # Configure Raspberry Pi to log to RAM, with occasional SD card sync # to reduce SD card writes # Usage: ansible-playbook -e 'log2ram_size=80M' install_log2ram.yml - hosts: all gather_facts: true gather_subset: min become: true vars: log2ram_repo_url: http://packages.azlux.fr log2ram_gpg: https://azlux.fr/repo.gpg log2ram_keyring: /usr/share/keyrings/azlux-archive-keyring.gpg log2ram_apt_repository: "deb [signed-by={{ log2ram_keyring }}] {{ log2ram_repo_url }}/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }} {{ ansible_distribution_release }} main" log2ram_size: 40M log2ram_use_rsync: true log2ram_mail: true log2ram_path_disk: /var/log log2ram_use_z2lr: true log2ram_comp_alg: lz4 log2ram_log_disk_size: 100M tasks: - name: Add rsync as pre-requisite apt: name: rsync when: log2ram_use_rsync - name: Add gpg key shell: cmd: > curl -fsSL {{ log2ram_gpg }} | gpg --dearmor --yes -o {{ log2ram_keyring }} creates: "{{ log2ram_keyring }}" - name: Add apt repository apt_repository: repo: "{{ log2ram_apt_repository }}" filename: log2ram register: log2ram_apt_repo - name: Update apt cache apt: update_cache: true when: log2ram_apt_repo is changed - name: Install log2ram apt: name: log2ram notify: Restart log2ram - name: Set config options lineinfile: path: /etc/log2ram.conf regexp: "{{ item.regexp }}" line: "{{ item.line }}" backrefs: true loop: - {regexp: '^SIZE=(.*)$', line: 'SIZE={{ log2ram_size }}'} - {regexp: 'USE_RSYNC=(.*)$', line: 'SIZE={{ log2ram_use_rsync }}'} - {regexp: '^MAIL=(.*)$', line: 'SIZE={{ log2ram_mail }}'} - {regexp: '^PATH_DISK=(.*)$', line: 'PATH_DISK="{{ log2ram_path_disk }}"'} - {regexp: '^ZL2R=(.*)$', line: 'ZL2R={{ log2ram_use_z2lr|lower }}'} - {regexp: '^COMP_ALG=(.*)$', line: 'COMP_ALG={{ log2ram_comp_alg }}'} - {regexp: '^LOG_DISK_SIZE=(.*)$', line: 'LOG_DISK_SIZE={{ log2ram_log_disk_size }}'} notify: Restart log2ram handlers: - name: Restart log2ram systemd: name: log2ram state: restarted