<p>If you are accessing Gmail you may need to either enable <atarget="_new"href="https://support.google.com/mail/answer/185833?hl=en">an application password</a>,
<p>If the payload is a binary buffer then it will be converted to an attachment.
The filename should be set using <code>msg.filename</code>. Optionally <code>msg.description</code> can be added for the body text.</p>
<p>Alternatively you may provide <code>msg.attachments</code> which should contain an array of one or
more attachments in <ahref="https://nodemailer.com/message/attachments/"target="_new">nodemailer</a> format.</p>
<p>If required by your recipient you may also pass in a <code>msg.envelope</code> object, typically containing extra from and to properties.</p>
<p>If you have own signed certificates, Nodemailer can complain about that and refuse sending the message. In this case you can try switching off TLS.</p>
<p>If enabled the connection will use TLS when connecting to server. If disabled then TLS is used if server supports the STARTTLS extension. In most cases set this to enabled if you are connecting to port 465. For port 587 or 25 keep it disabled.</p>
<p>The subject is loaded into <code>msg.topic</code> and <code>msg.payload</code> is the plain text body.
If there is text/html then that is returned in <code>msg.html</code>. <code>msg.from</code> and <code>msg.date</code> are also set if you need them.</p>
<p>Additionally <code>msg.header</code> contains the complete header object including
<i>to</i>, <i>cc</i> and other potentially useful properties.</p>
<p>It can optionally mark the message as Read (default), Delete it, or leave unmarked (None).</p>
<p><b>Note</b>: For POP3, the default port numbers are 110 for plain TCP and 995 for SSL. For IMAP the port numbers are 143 for plain TCP and 993 for SSL.</p>
<p><b>Note</b>: With option 'STARTTLS' an established plain connection is upgraded to an encrypted one. Set to 'always' to always attempt connection upgrades via STARTTLS, 'required' only if upgrading is required, or 'never' to never attempt upgrading.</p>
<p>When <i>Secure connection</i> is checked, the connection will use TLS.
If not it is still possible to upgrade clear text socket to TLS socket by checking <i>Start TLS</i>.
If you do no specify your own certificate (path to file) then a pregenerated self-signed certificate is used. Any respectful client refuses to accept such certificate.</p>
<p>Authentication can be enabled (PLAIN or LOGIN). Add at least one user.</p>
<p>All options as described in <ahref="https://nodemailer.com/extras/smtp-server/"target="_new">nodemailer SMTP server</a> can be made here.</p>