"tip":"Tip: Use commas without spaces between multiple search terms. Comma = OR, Space = AND.<br/>The Twitter API WILL NOT deliver 100% of all tweets.<br/>Tweets of who you follow will include their retweets and favourites.<br/><br/>Leave <b>for</b> blank to set using msg.payload.",
"truncated":"truncated tweet greater than 140 characters",
"sendfail":"send tweet failed: __error__",
"nopayload":"no payload to tweet",
"oauthbroke":"something in twitter oauth broke.",
"oautherror":"<html><head></head><body><p>Something went wrong with the authentication process. The following error was returned:</p><p><b>__statusCode__</b>: __errorData__</p><p>One known cause of this type of failure is if the clock is wrong on system running Node-RED</p></body></html>",
"authorized":"<html><head></head><body><p>Authorised - you can close this window and return to Node-RED</p></body></html>"