2016-04-09 17:59:36 +01:00
* Copyright 2015 IBM Corp.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
"use strict"
var events = require('events');
var util = require('util');
var Client = require('node-ssdp').Client;
var xml2js = require('xml2js');
var request = require('request');
var http = require('http');
var url = require('url');
var Q = require('q');
var urn = 'urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1';
var postbodyheader = [
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>',
'<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" s:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">',
var postbodyfooter = ['</s:Body>',
var getenddevs = {};
getenddevs.path = '/upnp/control/bridge1';
getenddevs.action = '"urn:Belkin:service:bridge:1#GetEndDevices"';
getenddevs.body = [
'<u:GetEndDevices xmlns:u="urn:Belkin:service:bridge:1">',
var getcapabilities = {};
getcapabilities.path = '/upnp/control/bridge1';
getcapabilities.action = '"urn:Belkin:service:bridge:1#GetCapabilityProfileIDList"';
getcapabilities.body = [
'<u:GetCapabilityProfileIDList xmlns:u="urn:Belkin:service:bridge:1">',
var WeMoNG = function () {
this.devices = {};
util.inherits(WeMoNG, events.EventEmitter);
WeMoNG.prototype.start = function start() {
var _wemo = this;
_wemo._client = new Client();
_wemo._client.on('response', function (headers, statusCode, rinfo) {
var location = url.parse(headers.LOCATION);
var port = location.port;
request.get(location.href, function(err, res, xml) {
Added more error checking in the discovery section (#214)
* Replacing the original wemo node with the wemo-ng node
* Added install instructions
* Fix name of wemo out node
* Fix some jshint errors
More jshint fixes
fix jshint
last jshint fix
Fix last jshint error
* Adds proper url length detection
* fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Fix some jshint errors
More jshint fixes
fix jshint
last jshint fix
Fix last jshint error
load of tiny listing fixes, undef, unused, etc
fix slight wrinkle in new Wemo node
Fix wemo package name for npm.
Add contribution.md to node-red-nodes
to make it more obvious.
correct spelling in readme.md
revert .jshintrc
Added subtree and walker nodes. (#200)
Thanks @mikakaraila - very useful.
slight edits to snmp to pass jslint-ing
Bump underlying serial port nam version
correct BBB callback response to check exists
To Fix #198
* Adds proper url length detection
fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Added some more error checking in discovery
* Adds proper url length detection* fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Adds proper url length detection
* fix up the extra line added in the merge
Add line output mode for Daemon node
to address #202
Email rework (#195)
* Rework of Node-RED email nodes
tidy up email listing - no code changes
add latest email node dips
and update email node libs - bump version
update package version for nodes tests
add a few tests
geohash, smooth, base64, msgpack
correct path of source file
Thanks @Ltrlg
Fix typo in node-red-node-smooth (#205)
node-red-node-physical-web: Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising (#204)
* Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising
* Fixed comparison with bool
Don't use get_compass as it breaks get_orientation
add envelope to email node options
as part of node-red#875
Physical-web: Added status (found, updated and lost) as msg.topic (#206)
Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising
Added status (lost, updated, found) as msg.topic, if not already set
Added checkbox to allow duplicates or not.
* Re-added optional topic to avoid breaking compatibility
* Cleaner topic slection
add a v0.3 serial port to help with node5/6
let PI try to enable sensorTag access on install
Add cc and bcc options to email node
to close #209
updates to email node to better handle
different mail types. Still not great - but does the basics… To close
Better email node parsing (again)
Fix indent
fixed formating
* Fix heading in README.md
Fix node name in README.md
2016-06-24 11:06:59 +01:00
if (!err) {
xml2js.parseString(xml, function(err, json) {
if (!err) {
var device = { ip: location.hostname, port: location.port };
for (var key in json.root.device[0]) {
device[key] = json.root.device[0][key][0];
2016-04-09 17:59:36 +01:00
Added more error checking in the discovery section (#214)
* Replacing the original wemo node with the wemo-ng node
* Added install instructions
* Fix name of wemo out node
* Fix some jshint errors
More jshint fixes
fix jshint
last jshint fix
Fix last jshint error
* Adds proper url length detection
* fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Fix some jshint errors
More jshint fixes
fix jshint
last jshint fix
Fix last jshint error
load of tiny listing fixes, undef, unused, etc
fix slight wrinkle in new Wemo node
Fix wemo package name for npm.
Add contribution.md to node-red-nodes
to make it more obvious.
correct spelling in readme.md
revert .jshintrc
Added subtree and walker nodes. (#200)
Thanks @mikakaraila - very useful.
slight edits to snmp to pass jslint-ing
Bump underlying serial port nam version
correct BBB callback response to check exists
To Fix #198
* Adds proper url length detection
fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Added some more error checking in discovery
* Adds proper url length detection* fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Adds proper url length detection
* fix up the extra line added in the merge
Add line output mode for Daemon node
to address #202
Email rework (#195)
* Rework of Node-RED email nodes
tidy up email listing - no code changes
add latest email node dips
and update email node libs - bump version
update package version for nodes tests
add a few tests
geohash, smooth, base64, msgpack
correct path of source file
Thanks @Ltrlg
Fix typo in node-red-node-smooth (#205)
node-red-node-physical-web: Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising (#204)
* Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising
* Fixed comparison with bool
Don't use get_compass as it breaks get_orientation
add envelope to email node options
as part of node-red#875
Physical-web: Added status (found, updated and lost) as msg.topic (#206)
Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising
Added status (lost, updated, found) as msg.topic, if not already set
Added checkbox to allow duplicates or not.
* Re-added optional topic to avoid breaking compatibility
* Cleaner topic slection
add a v0.3 serial port to help with node5/6
let PI try to enable sensorTag access on install
Add cc and bcc options to email node
to close #209
updates to email node to better handle
different mail types. Still not great - but does the basics… To close
Better email node parsing (again)
Fix indent
fixed formating
* Fix heading in README.md
Fix node name in README.md
2016-06-24 11:06:59 +01:00
if (device.deviceType == "urn:Belkin:device:bridge:1") {
//console.log( device.ip + ' -' + device.deviceType);
var ip = device.ip;
var port = device.port;
var udn = device.UDN;
var postoptions = {
host: ip,
port: port,
path: getenddevs.path,
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'SOAPACTION': getenddevs.action,
'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset="utf-8"',
'Accept': ''
var post_request = http.request(postoptions, function(res) {
var data = "";
res.on('data', function(chunk) {
data += chunk;
res.on('end',function() {
xml2js.parseString(data, function(err, result) {
if(!err) {
var list = result["s:Envelope"]["s:Body"][0]["u:GetEndDevicesResponse"][0].DeviceLists[0];
xml2js.parseString(list, function(err, result2) {
if (!err) {
var devinfo = result2.DeviceLists.DeviceList[0].DeviceInfos[0].DeviceInfo;
for (var i=0; i<devinfo.length; i++) {
var light = {
"ip": ip,
"port": port,
"udn": device.UDN,
"name": devinfo[i].FriendlyName[0],
"id": devinfo[i].DeviceID[0],
"capabilities": devinfo[i].CapabilityIDs[0],
"state": devinfo[i].CurrentState[0],
"type": "light",
"device": device
var key = device.serialNumber + "-" + light.id;
if (!_wemo.devices[key]){
_wemo.devices[key] = light;
_wemo.emit('discovered', key);
} else {
_wemo.devices[key] = light;
2016-04-09 17:59:36 +01:00
Added more error checking in the discovery section (#214)
* Replacing the original wemo node with the wemo-ng node
* Added install instructions
* Fix name of wemo out node
* Fix some jshint errors
More jshint fixes
fix jshint
last jshint fix
Fix last jshint error
* Adds proper url length detection
* fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Fix some jshint errors
More jshint fixes
fix jshint
last jshint fix
Fix last jshint error
load of tiny listing fixes, undef, unused, etc
fix slight wrinkle in new Wemo node
Fix wemo package name for npm.
Add contribution.md to node-red-nodes
to make it more obvious.
correct spelling in readme.md
revert .jshintrc
Added subtree and walker nodes. (#200)
Thanks @mikakaraila - very useful.
slight edits to snmp to pass jslint-ing
Bump underlying serial port nam version
correct BBB callback response to check exists
To Fix #198
* Adds proper url length detection
fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Added some more error checking in discovery
* Adds proper url length detection* fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Adds proper url length detection
* fix up the extra line added in the merge
Add line output mode for Daemon node
to address #202
Email rework (#195)
* Rework of Node-RED email nodes
tidy up email listing - no code changes
add latest email node dips
and update email node libs - bump version
update package version for nodes tests
add a few tests
geohash, smooth, base64, msgpack
correct path of source file
Thanks @Ltrlg
Fix typo in node-red-node-smooth (#205)
node-red-node-physical-web: Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising (#204)
* Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising
* Fixed comparison with bool
Don't use get_compass as it breaks get_orientation
add envelope to email node options
as part of node-red#875
Physical-web: Added status (found, updated and lost) as msg.topic (#206)
Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising
Added status (lost, updated, found) as msg.topic, if not already set
Added checkbox to allow duplicates or not.
* Re-added optional topic to avoid breaking compatibility
* Cleaner topic slection
add a v0.3 serial port to help with node5/6
let PI try to enable sensorTag access on install
Add cc and bcc options to email node
to close #209
updates to email node to better handle
different mail types. Still not great - but does the basics… To close
Better email node parsing (again)
Fix indent
fixed formating
* Fix heading in README.md
Fix node name in README.md
2016-06-24 11:06:59 +01:00
var groupinfo = result2.DeviceLists.DeviceList[0].GroupInfos;
if (groupinfo) {
for(var i=0; i<groupinfo.length; i++) {
var group = {
"ip": ip,
"port": port,
"udn": device.UDN,
"name": groupinfo[i].GroupInfo[0].GroupName[0],
"id": groupinfo[i].GroupInfo[0].GroupID[0],
"capabilities": groupinfo[i].GroupInfo[0].GroupCapabilityIDs[0],
"state": groupinfo[i].GroupInfo[0].GroupCapabilityValues[0],
"type": "light group",
"lights": [],
"device": device
for(var j=0; j<groupinfo[i].GroupInfo[0].DeviceInfos[0].DeviceInfo.length; j++) {
var key = device.serialNumber + "-" + group.id;
if (!_wemo.devices[key]) {
_wemo.devices[key] = group;
_wemo.emit('discovered', key);
} else {
_wemo.devices[key] = group;
2016-04-09 17:59:36 +01:00
Added more error checking in the discovery section (#214)
* Replacing the original wemo node with the wemo-ng node
* Added install instructions
* Fix name of wemo out node
* Fix some jshint errors
More jshint fixes
fix jshint
last jshint fix
Fix last jshint error
* Adds proper url length detection
* fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Fix some jshint errors
More jshint fixes
fix jshint
last jshint fix
Fix last jshint error
load of tiny listing fixes, undef, unused, etc
fix slight wrinkle in new Wemo node
Fix wemo package name for npm.
Add contribution.md to node-red-nodes
to make it more obvious.
correct spelling in readme.md
revert .jshintrc
Added subtree and walker nodes. (#200)
Thanks @mikakaraila - very useful.
slight edits to snmp to pass jslint-ing
Bump underlying serial port nam version
correct BBB callback response to check exists
To Fix #198
* Adds proper url length detection
fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Added some more error checking in discovery
* Adds proper url length detection* fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Adds proper url length detection
* fix up the extra line added in the merge
Add line output mode for Daemon node
to address #202
Email rework (#195)
* Rework of Node-RED email nodes
tidy up email listing - no code changes
add latest email node dips
and update email node libs - bump version
update package version for nodes tests
add a few tests
geohash, smooth, base64, msgpack
correct path of source file
Thanks @Ltrlg
Fix typo in node-red-node-smooth (#205)
node-red-node-physical-web: Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising (#204)
* Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising
* Fixed comparison with bool
Don't use get_compass as it breaks get_orientation
add envelope to email node options
as part of node-red#875
Physical-web: Added status (found, updated and lost) as msg.topic (#206)
Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising
Added status (lost, updated, found) as msg.topic, if not already set
Added checkbox to allow duplicates or not.
* Re-added optional topic to avoid breaking compatibility
* Cleaner topic slection
add a v0.3 serial port to help with node5/6
let PI try to enable sensorTag access on install
Add cc and bcc options to email node
to close #209
updates to email node to better handle
different mail types. Still not great - but does the basics… To close
Better email node parsing (again)
Fix indent
fixed formating
* Fix heading in README.md
Fix node name in README.md
2016-06-24 11:06:59 +01:00
2016-04-09 17:59:36 +01:00
Added more error checking in the discovery section (#214)
* Replacing the original wemo node with the wemo-ng node
* Added install instructions
* Fix name of wemo out node
* Fix some jshint errors
More jshint fixes
fix jshint
last jshint fix
Fix last jshint error
* Adds proper url length detection
* fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Fix some jshint errors
More jshint fixes
fix jshint
last jshint fix
Fix last jshint error
load of tiny listing fixes, undef, unused, etc
fix slight wrinkle in new Wemo node
Fix wemo package name for npm.
Add contribution.md to node-red-nodes
to make it more obvious.
correct spelling in readme.md
revert .jshintrc
Added subtree and walker nodes. (#200)
Thanks @mikakaraila - very useful.
slight edits to snmp to pass jslint-ing
Bump underlying serial port nam version
correct BBB callback response to check exists
To Fix #198
* Adds proper url length detection
fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Added some more error checking in discovery
* Adds proper url length detection* fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Adds proper url length detection
* fix up the extra line added in the merge
Add line output mode for Daemon node
to address #202
Email rework (#195)
* Rework of Node-RED email nodes
tidy up email listing - no code changes
add latest email node dips
and update email node libs - bump version
update package version for nodes tests
add a few tests
geohash, smooth, base64, msgpack
correct path of source file
Thanks @Ltrlg
Fix typo in node-red-node-smooth (#205)
node-red-node-physical-web: Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising (#204)
* Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising
* Fixed comparison with bool
Don't use get_compass as it breaks get_orientation
add envelope to email node options
as part of node-red#875
Physical-web: Added status (found, updated and lost) as msg.topic (#206)
Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising
Added status (lost, updated, found) as msg.topic, if not already set
Added checkbox to allow duplicates or not.
* Re-added optional topic to avoid breaking compatibility
* Cleaner topic slection
add a v0.3 serial port to help with node5/6
let PI try to enable sensorTag access on install
Add cc and bcc options to email node
to close #209
updates to email node to better handle
different mail types. Still not great - but does the basics… To close
Better email node parsing (again)
Fix indent
fixed formating
* Fix heading in README.md
Fix node name in README.md
2016-06-24 11:06:59 +01:00
2016-04-09 17:59:36 +01:00
Added more error checking in the discovery section (#214)
* Replacing the original wemo node with the wemo-ng node
* Added install instructions
* Fix name of wemo out node
* Fix some jshint errors
More jshint fixes
fix jshint
last jshint fix
Fix last jshint error
* Adds proper url length detection
* fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Fix some jshint errors
More jshint fixes
fix jshint
last jshint fix
Fix last jshint error
load of tiny listing fixes, undef, unused, etc
fix slight wrinkle in new Wemo node
Fix wemo package name for npm.
Add contribution.md to node-red-nodes
to make it more obvious.
correct spelling in readme.md
revert .jshintrc
Added subtree and walker nodes. (#200)
Thanks @mikakaraila - very useful.
slight edits to snmp to pass jslint-ing
Bump underlying serial port nam version
correct BBB callback response to check exists
To Fix #198
* Adds proper url length detection
fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Added some more error checking in discovery
* Adds proper url length detection* fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Adds proper url length detection
* fix up the extra line added in the merge
Add line output mode for Daemon node
to address #202
Email rework (#195)
* Rework of Node-RED email nodes
tidy up email listing - no code changes
add latest email node dips
and update email node libs - bump version
update package version for nodes tests
add a few tests
geohash, smooth, base64, msgpack
correct path of source file
Thanks @Ltrlg
Fix typo in node-red-node-smooth (#205)
node-red-node-physical-web: Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising (#204)
* Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising
* Fixed comparison with bool
Don't use get_compass as it breaks get_orientation
add envelope to email node options
as part of node-red#875
Physical-web: Added status (found, updated and lost) as msg.topic (#206)
Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising
Added status (lost, updated, found) as msg.topic, if not already set
Added checkbox to allow duplicates or not.
* Re-added optional topic to avoid breaking compatibility
* Cleaner topic slection
add a v0.3 serial port to help with node5/6
let PI try to enable sensorTag access on install
Add cc and bcc options to email node
to close #209
updates to email node to better handle
different mail types. Still not great - but does the basics… To close
Better email node parsing (again)
Fix indent
fixed formating
* Fix heading in README.md
Fix node name in README.md
2016-06-24 11:06:59 +01:00
post_request.write(util.format(getenddevs.body, udn));
} else if (device.deviceType.indexOf('urn:Belkin:device') != -1) {
var socket = {
"ip": location.hostname,
"port": location.port,
"name": device.friendlyName,
"type": "socket",
"device": device
if (!_wemo.devices[device.serialNumber]) {
_wemo.devices[device.serialNumber] = socket;
} else {
_wemo.devices[device.serialNumber] = socket;
} else {
//other stuff
//console.log( device.ip + ' -' + device.deviceType);
2016-04-09 17:59:36 +01:00
} else {
Added more error checking in the discovery section (#214)
* Replacing the original wemo node with the wemo-ng node
* Added install instructions
* Fix name of wemo out node
* Fix some jshint errors
More jshint fixes
fix jshint
last jshint fix
Fix last jshint error
* Adds proper url length detection
* fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Fix some jshint errors
More jshint fixes
fix jshint
last jshint fix
Fix last jshint error
load of tiny listing fixes, undef, unused, etc
fix slight wrinkle in new Wemo node
Fix wemo package name for npm.
Add contribution.md to node-red-nodes
to make it more obvious.
correct spelling in readme.md
revert .jshintrc
Added subtree and walker nodes. (#200)
Thanks @mikakaraila - very useful.
slight edits to snmp to pass jslint-ing
Bump underlying serial port nam version
correct BBB callback response to check exists
To Fix #198
* Adds proper url length detection
fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Added some more error checking in discovery
* Adds proper url length detection* fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Adds proper url length detection
* fix up the extra line added in the merge
Add line output mode for Daemon node
to address #202
Email rework (#195)
* Rework of Node-RED email nodes
tidy up email listing - no code changes
add latest email node dips
and update email node libs - bump version
update package version for nodes tests
add a few tests
geohash, smooth, base64, msgpack
correct path of source file
Thanks @Ltrlg
Fix typo in node-red-node-smooth (#205)
node-red-node-physical-web: Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising (#204)
* Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising
* Fixed comparison with bool
Don't use get_compass as it breaks get_orientation
add envelope to email node options
as part of node-red#875
Physical-web: Added status (found, updated and lost) as msg.topic (#206)
Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising
Added status (lost, updated, found) as msg.topic, if not already set
Added checkbox to allow duplicates or not.
* Re-added optional topic to avoid breaking compatibility
* Cleaner topic slection
add a v0.3 serial port to help with node5/6
let PI try to enable sensorTag access on install
Add cc and bcc options to email node
to close #209
updates to email node to better handle
different mail types. Still not great - but does the basics… To close
Better email node parsing (again)
Fix indent
fixed formating
* Fix heading in README.md
Fix node name in README.md
2016-06-24 11:06:59 +01:00
console.error("failed to parse respose from " + location.href);
2016-04-09 17:59:36 +01:00
Added more error checking in the discovery section (#214)
* Replacing the original wemo node with the wemo-ng node
* Added install instructions
* Fix name of wemo out node
* Fix some jshint errors
More jshint fixes
fix jshint
last jshint fix
Fix last jshint error
* Adds proper url length detection
* fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Fix some jshint errors
More jshint fixes
fix jshint
last jshint fix
Fix last jshint error
load of tiny listing fixes, undef, unused, etc
fix slight wrinkle in new Wemo node
Fix wemo package name for npm.
Add contribution.md to node-red-nodes
to make it more obvious.
correct spelling in readme.md
revert .jshintrc
Added subtree and walker nodes. (#200)
Thanks @mikakaraila - very useful.
slight edits to snmp to pass jslint-ing
Bump underlying serial port nam version
correct BBB callback response to check exists
To Fix #198
* Adds proper url length detection
fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Added some more error checking in discovery
* Adds proper url length detection* fix up the extra line added in the merge
* Adds proper url length detection
* fix up the extra line added in the merge
Add line output mode for Daemon node
to address #202
Email rework (#195)
* Rework of Node-RED email nodes
tidy up email listing - no code changes
add latest email node dips
and update email node libs - bump version
update package version for nodes tests
add a few tests
geohash, smooth, base64, msgpack
correct path of source file
Thanks @Ltrlg
Fix typo in node-red-node-smooth (#205)
node-red-node-physical-web: Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising (#204)
* Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising
* Fixed comparison with bool
Don't use get_compass as it breaks get_orientation
add envelope to email node options
as part of node-red#875
Physical-web: Added status (found, updated and lost) as msg.topic (#206)
Added msg.advertising = true/false to enable/disable advertising
Added status (lost, updated, found) as msg.topic, if not already set
Added checkbox to allow duplicates or not.
* Re-added optional topic to avoid breaking compatibility
* Cleaner topic slection
add a v0.3 serial port to help with node5/6
let PI try to enable sensorTag access on install
Add cc and bcc options to email node
to close #209
updates to email node to better handle
different mail types. Still not great - but does the basics… To close
Better email node parsing (again)
Fix indent
fixed formating
* Fix heading in README.md
Fix node name in README.md
2016-06-24 11:06:59 +01:00
} else {
console.error("Failed to GET info from " + location.href);
2016-04-09 17:59:36 +01:00
//console.log("%j", devices);
}, 10000);
WeMoNG.prototype.get = function get(deviceID) {
return this.devices[deviceID];
WeMoNG.prototype.toggleSocket = function toggleSocket(socket, on) {
var postoptions = {
host: socket.ip,
port: socket.port,
path: "/upnp/control/basicevent1",
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'SOAPACTION': '"urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1#SetBinaryState"',
'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset="utf-8"',
'Accept': ''
var post_request = http.request(postoptions, function(res) {
var data = "";
res.on('data', function(chunk){
data += chunk
res.on('end', function(){
post_request.on('error', function (e) {
console.log("%j", postoptions);
var body = [
'<u:SetBinaryState xmlns:u="urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1">',
post_request.write(util.format(body, on));
WeMoNG.prototype.setStatus = function setStatus(light, capability, value) {
var setdevstatus = {};
setdevstatus.path = '/upnp/control/bridge1';
setdevstatus.action = '"urn:Belkin:service:bridge:1#SetDeviceStatus"';
setdevstatus.body = [
'<u:SetDeviceStatus xmlns:u="urn:Belkin:service:bridge:1">',
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><DeviceStatus><IsGroupAction>NO</IsGroupAction><DeviceID available="YES">%s</DeviceID><CapabilityID>%s</CapabilityID><CapabilityValue>%s</CapabilityValue></DeviceStatus>',
var postoptions = {
host: light.ip,
port: light.port,
path: setdevstatus.path,
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'SOAPACTION': setdevstatus.action,
'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset="utf-8"',
'Accept': ''
var post_request = http.request(postoptions, function(res) {
var data = "";
res.on('data', function(chunk) {
data += chunk;
res.on('end', function() {
post_request.on('error', function (e) {
console.log("%j", postoptions);
//console.log(util.format(setdevstatus.body, light.id, capability, value));
post_request.write(util.format(setdevstatus.body, light.id, capability, value));
//need to promisify this so it returns
WeMoNG.prototype.parseEvent = function parseEvent(evt) {
var msg = {};
msg.raw = evt;
var def = Q.defer();
xml2js.parseString(evt, function(err, res){
if (!err) {
var prop = res['e:propertyset']['e:property'][0];
if (prop.hasOwnProperty('StatusChange')) {
xml2js.parseString(prop['StatusChange'][0], function(err, res){
if (!err && res != null) {
msg.id = res['StateEvent']['DeviceID'][0]['_'];
msg.capability = res['StateEvent']['CapabilityId'][0];
msg.value = res['StateEvent']['Value'][0];
} else if (prop.hasOwnProperty('BinaryState')) {
msg.state = prop['BinaryState'][0];
if (msg.state.length > 1) {
var parts = msg.state.split('|');
msg.state = parts[0];
msg.power = parts[7]/1000;
} else {
console.log("unhandled wemo event type \n%s", util.inspect(prop, {depth:null}));
} else {
return def.promise;
// Based on https://github.com/theycallmeswift/hue.js/blob/master/lib/helpers.js
// TODO: Needs to be tweaked for more accurate color representation
WeMoNG.prototype.rgb2xy = function rgb2xy(red, green, blue) {
var xyz;
var rgb = [red / 255, green / 255, blue / 255];
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (rgb[i] > 0.04045) {
rgb[i] = Math.pow(((rgb[i] + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4);
} else {
rgb[i] /= 12.92;
rgb[i] = rgb[i] * 100;
xyz = [
rgb[0] * 0.4124 + rgb[1] * 0.3576 + rgb[2] * 0.1805,
rgb[0] * 0.2126 + rgb[1] * 0.7152 + rgb[2] * 0.0722,
rgb[0] * 0.0193 + rgb[1] * 0.1192 + rgb[2] * 0.9505
return [
xyz[0] / (xyz[0] + xyz[1] + xyz[2]) * 65535,
xyz[1] / (xyz[0] + xyz[1] + xyz[2]) * 65535
module.exports = WeMoNG;