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synced 2025-03-01 10:37:43 +00:00
Update README.md
Added links to npm packages Added links to related sites, services, and products. Changed link to Contribution Guide Updated install instruction
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,19 +4,21 @@ A collection of nodes for [Node-RED](http://nodered.org). See below for a list.
## Installation
Eventually, the nodes will be npm-installable, but we're not there yet. Until then:
Many of these nodes are available as an npm package. See the respective README.md for the npm package name.
To manually install using this repo:
1. cd into the `nodes` directory of Node-RED
2. Either:
- download the zip of the repository and extract it
- run `git clone https://github.com/node-red/node-red-nodes.git`
3. npm install any of the individual node dependencies
3. npm install in any of the node subfolders to install individual node's dependencies
This is all too manual, so the sooner we npm-enable this stuff the better
## Contributing
Please read the Contributing section of the main project [README](https://github.com/node-red/node-red/blob/master/README.md)
See the [Contributing Guide](https://github.com/node-red/node-red/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) of the node-red project.
The key points are:
- try to follow the conventions we use (all undocumented at the moment just to make it interesting)
@ -47,25 +49,31 @@ Copyright 2013 IBM Corp. under [the Apache 2.0 license](LICENSE).
### Analysis
**72-wordpos** - Analyses the payload and classifies the part-of-speech of each word. The resulting message has msg.pos added with the results. A word may appear in multiple categories (eg, 'great' is both a noun and an adjective).
**[72-wordpos](analysis/wordpos)** - Analyses the payload and classifies the part-of-speech of each word. The resulting message has msg.pos added with the results. A word may appear in multiple categories (eg, 'great' is both a noun and an adjective).
**74-swearfilter** - Analyses the payload and tries to filter out any messages containing bad swear words. This only operates on payloads of type string. Everything else is blocked.
**[74-swearfilter](analysis/swearfilter)** - Analyses the payload and tries to filter out any messages containing bad swear words. This only operates on payloads of type string. Everything else is blocked.
### Hardware
**37-rpi-piface** - Adds support for the PiFace interface module for Raspberry Pi.
**[37-rpi-piface](hardware/PiFace)** - Adds support for the [PiFace](http://www.piface.org.uk/) interface module for Raspberry Pi.
**78-ledborg** - A simple driver for the LEDborg plug on module for Raspberry Pi.
**[38-rpi-pibrella](hardware/Pibrella)** - Controls a [Pibrella](http://pibrella.com/) add-on board for a Raspberry-Pi.
**60-wemo** - Basic node to drive a WeMo socket and switch. Does not use discovery.
**[39-rpi-piliter](hardware/PiLiter)** - Controls a Pimorini Pi-LITEr 8 LED add-on board for a Raspberry-Pi.
**76-blinkstick** - Provides support for the BlinkStick USB LED device.
**[42-makey](hardware/makey)** - A Node-RED node to read from a [MakeyMakey](http://www.makeymakey.com/) input device.
**77-blink1** - Provides support for the Blink1 USB LED from ThingM.
**[60-wemo](hardware/wemo)** - Basic node to drive a [WeMo](http://www.belkin.com/us/Products/home-automation/c/wemo-home-automation/) socket and switch. Does not use discovery.
**78-digiRGB** - Provides support for the DigiSpark RGB USB LED.
**[76-blinkstick](hardware/blinkstick)** - Provides support for the [BlinkStick](http://www.blinkstick.com/) USB LED device.
**79-sensorTag** - Reads data from the Ti BLE SensorTag device.
**[77-blink1](hardware/blink1)** - Provides support for the [Blink1](http://blink1.thingm.com/) USB LED from ThingM.
**[78-ledborg](hardware/LEDborg)** - A simple driver for the [LEDborg](https://www.piborg.org/ledborg) plug on module for Raspberry Pi.
**[78-digiRGB](hardware/digiRGB)** - Provides support for the DigiSpark RGB USB LED.
**[79-sensorTag](hardware/sensorTag)** - Reads data from the Ti Bluetooh Low Energy (BLE) SensorTag device.
**100-heatmiser-in** - Writes settings for temperature and frost protection to Heatmiser thermostats.
@ -73,40 +81,64 @@ Copyright 2013 IBM Corp. under [the Apache 2.0 license](LICENSE).
**101-scanBLE** - Scans for a particular Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) device.
**145-BBB-hardware** - A collection of analogue & digital input & output nodes for the Beaglebone Black
**103-hue_discover** - Looks for a Philips Hue Bridge in the local network.
**104-hue_manag** - Implements some basic functionality for managing a Philips Hue wireless Lamp system.
**[145-BBB-hardware](hardware/BBB)** - A collection of analogue & digital input & output nodes for the [Beaglebone Black](http://beagleboard.org/black).
### IO
**[18-stomp](io/stomp)** - A Node-RED node to publish and subscribe to and from a [STOMP server](https://stomp.github.io/implementations.html#STOMP_Servers).
**26-rawserial** - Only really needed for Windows boxes without serialport npm module installed.
Uses a simple read of the serial port as a file to input data. You **must** set the baud rate etc externally *before* starting Node-RED. This node does not implement pooling of connections so only one instance of each port may be used - so in **or** out but **not** both.
**39-wol** - Sends a Wake-On-LAN magic packet to the mac address specified. You may instead set msg.mac to dynamically set the target device mac to wake up.
**[39-wol](io/wol)** - Sends a Wake-On-LAN magic packet to the mac address specified. You may instead set msg.mac to dynamically set the target device mac to wake up.
**88-ping** - Pings a machine and returns the trip time in mS. Returns false if no response received within 3 seconds, or if the host is unresolveable. Default ping is every 20 seconds but can be configured.
**[88-ping](io/ping)** - Pings a machine and returns the trip time in mS. Returns false if no response received within 3 seconds, or if the host is unresolveable. Default ping is every 20 seconds but can be configured.
**88-emoncms** - Adds node to post to an [Emoncms](http://emoncms.org/) server.
### Social
**55-dweetio** - Uses [dweetio](https://dweet.io/) to send/receive messages.
**[56-twilio](social/twilio)** - Uses [Twilio](https://www.twilio.com/) service to send/receive text messages.
**[57-nma](social/nma)** - Sends alerts to Android devices via the [Notify-My-Android](http://www.notifymyandroid.com/) app.
**57-notify** - Uses [Growl](http://growl.info/) to provide a desktop popup containing the payload. Only useful on the local Apple machine.
**[57-prowl](social/prowl)** - Uses [Prowl](http://www.prowlapp.com/) to push the payload to an Apple device that has the Prowl app installed.
**[57-pushbullet](social/pushbullet)** - Uses [PushBullet](https://www.pushbullet.com/) to push the payload to an Android device that has the [PushBullet](https://www.pushbullet.com/) app installed.
**[57-pushover](social/pushover)** - Sends alerts via [Pushover](https://pushover.net/).
**69-mpd** - MPD music control nodes. Output node expects payload to be a valid mpc command. Currently only simple commands that expect no reply are supported. Input node creates a payload object with Artist, Album, Title, Genre and Date.
**57-notify** - Uses Growl to provide a desktop popup containing the payload. Only useful on the local machine.
**79-snapchat** - Downloads [SnapChat](https://www.snapchat.com/) images from the account specified.
**57-prowl** - Uses Prowl to push the payload to an Apple device that has the Prowl app installed.
**[92-xmpp](social/xmpp)** - Connects to an XMPP server to send and receive messages.
**57-pushbullet** - Uses PushBullet to push the payload to an Android device that has the PushBullet app installed.
**92-xmpp** - Connects to an XMPP server to send and receive messages.
**114-pusher** - Publish-Subscribe to a [Pusher](http://pusher.com/) channel/event.
### Storage
**67-leveldb** - Uses LevelDB for a simple key value pair database.
**[67-leveldb](storage/leveldb)** - Uses LevelDB for a simple key value pair database.
**68-mysql** - Allows basic access to a MySQL database. This node uses the **query** operation against the configured database. This does allow both INSERTS and DELETES. By it's very nature it allows SQL injection... *so be careful out there...*
**[68-mysql](storage/mysql)** - Allows basic access to a MySQL database. This node uses the **query** operation against the configured database. This does allow both INSERTS and DELETES. By it's very nature it allows SQL injection... *so be careful out there...*
**69-ddbout** - Support output to Amazon DynamoDB.
**110-postgres** - PostgreSql I/O node.
**[sqlite](storage/sqlite)** - Supports read and write to a local sqlite database.
### Time
**79-suncalc** - Uses the suncalc module to generate an output at sunrise and sunset based on a specified location. Several choices of definition of sunrise and sunset are available,
**[79-suncalc](time)** - Uses the suncalc module to generate an output at sunrise and sunset based on a specified location. Several choices of definition of sunrise and sunset are available,
### Misc
Reference in New Issue
Block a user