* 61-email: fix useTLS and its span in HTML. Removes unused code in 61-email.js. Adds description on how to test the entity
* 61-email: fix useTLS and its span in HTML. Removes unused code in 61-email.js. Adds description on how to test the entity
* Add new UI elements to Email In node
Locale for en-US
Added Auth type and Token field to Email IN
Dynamically appear based on selection
Minor UI changes. Exposing only XOAuth2. Picks up raw access token from input message specified.
Only works for IMAP
Token formatted by node for Exchange and GMail, won't work on other providers.
Only works on trigger, not timer
Add POP XOAUTH2 capability
Add SMTP XOAUTH2 capability
Add option to pass SASL XAOUTH2 token rather than raw OAUTH2 token
* SASL Format
Added checkbox to turn off SASL formatting if the user wants to do this themselves
* XOAuth2 forces input
Using XOauth2 forces triggered node, and automatic trigger sets auth to basic;
XOAuth2 needs token from flow
* Error reporting
Password missing error only occurs if set to basic authentication.
Token missing only occurs if set to XOAuth2.
* Unit tests
Make sure basic authentication is selected by default, and that an additional input is created and timed triggers are turned off for XOauth2
* Cleanup and README
Remove old code, update readme
* XOauth2 IMAP Release
Prevent XOAuth2 being used for POP. Update PR Template.
Updated help file.
Bumped version to 1.19-beta
* Update POP3 dependency
Removed dependency to poplib.js, moved to node-pop3. Re-wrote checkPOP3 function asynchronously using the new library. Added some node.status changes to mimic IMAP behaviour.
Added checking for authentication type to allow XOauth2 tokens to be sent to POP server. Turned off UI restrictions for this functionality.
* XOAUTH2 POP3 Release
Updated help docs and version to reflect changes.
* Add new UI elements to Email Out node
Add option for XAouth2 for SMTP node
Exposing functionality for OAuth2 through Nodemailer. Added some error reporting if credentials are missing to match the Email-In node.
* XOAUTH2 SMTP Release
Updated help file to reflect changes.
* Unit Tests for Email Out
Modified tests to allow these unit tests to pass, but does not address the fault caused by the Node Test Helper - credentials only loaded after the flow has been loaded.
Co-authored-by: Dave Conway-Jones <dceejay@users.noreply.github.com>
* Email Mta Node added security and authentication
* Documentation updated
* Original formatting restored
* email-mta added note for port security
hide fields when not relevant