module.exports = function(RED) { "use strict"; var PushOver = require('pushover-notifications'); var util = require('util'); var fs = require('fs'); function PushoverNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.title = n.title; this.device = n.device; this.priority = n.priority; this.sound = n.sound; this.html = n.html; if (this.sound === '') { this.sound = null; } var credentials = this.credentials; if ((credentials) && (credentials.hasOwnProperty("pushkey"))) { this.pushkey = credentials.pushkey; } else { this.error("No Pushover api token set"); } if ((credentials) && (credentials.hasOwnProperty("deviceid"))) { this.deviceid = credentials.deviceid; } else { this.error("No Pushover user key set"); } var pusher = false; if (this.pushkey && this.deviceid) { pusher = new PushOver({ user: this.deviceid, token: this.pushkey, onerror: function(err) { util.log('[57-pushover.js] Error: '+err); } }); } var node = this; this.on("input",function(msg) { var title = node.title || msg.topic || "Node-RED"; var pri = node.priority || msg.priority || 0; var dev = node.device || msg.device; var sound = node.sound || msg.sound || null; var url = node.url || msg.url || null; var url_title = node.url_title || msg.url_title || null; var html = node.html || false; var attachment = msg.attachment || null; if (isNaN(pri)) {pri=0;} if (pri > 2) {pri = 2;} if (pri < -2) {pri = -2;} if (!msg.payload) { msg.payload = ""; } if (typeof(msg.payload) === 'object') { msg.payload = JSON.stringify(msg.payload); } else { msg.payload = msg.payload.toString(); } if (pusher) { var pushmsg = { message: msg.payload, title: title, priority: pri, retry: 30, expire: 600, html: html }; if (dev) { pushmsg.device = dev; } if (typeof(sound) === 'string') { pushmsg.sound = sound; } if (typeof(url) === 'string') { pushmsg.url = url; } if (typeof(url_title) === 'string') { pushmsg.url_title = url_title; } if (html) { pushmsg.html = 1; } if (typeof(attachment) === 'string') { // Treat attachment as a path fs.readFile(attachment,function(err, data) { if (err) { node.error("[57-pushover.js] Error: File Read Error: "+err); return; } pushmsg.file = { data: data }; pushMessage(pushmsg); }); return; } else if (attachment instanceof Buffer) { // Is it base64 encoded or binary? var attachmentString = attachment.toString(); var attachmentBuffer = Buffer.from(attachmentString,'base64'); if (attachmentString === attachmentBuffer.toString('base64')) { // If converts back to same, then it was base64 so set to binary // attachment = attachmentBuffer; } // Unset these temporary values attachmentBuffer = attachmentString = undefined; // attach the buffer pushmsg.file = { data: attachment }; } else if (attachment) { node.error("[57-pushover.js] Error: attachment property must be a path to a local file or a Buffer containing an image"); return; } pushMessage(pushmsg); } else { node.warn("Pushover credentials not set."); } }); function pushMessage(pushmsg) { pusher.send( pushmsg, function(err, response) { if (err) { node.error(err); } else { try { response = JSON.parse(response); if (response.status !== 1) { node.error("[57-pushover.js] Error: "+response); } } catch(e) { node.error("[57-pushover.js] Error: "+response); } } }); } } RED.nodes.registerType("pushover",PushoverNode,{ credentials: { deviceid: {type:"text"}, pushkey: {type: "password"} } }); }