node-red-node-pi-sense-hat ========================== A Node-RED node to interact with a Raspberry Pi Sense HAT. ## Pre-requisites The Sense HAT python drivers need to be installed manually: ``` sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install sense-hat sudo pip-3.2 install pillow ``` See the driver documentation for more information. ## Install Run the following command in your Node-RED user directory (typically `~/.node-red`): npm install node-red-node-pi-sense-hat ## Usage ### Input Node This node sends readings from the various sensors on the Sense HAT, grouped into three sets; motion events, environment events and joystick events. #### Motion events Motion events include readings from the accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer, as well as the current compass heading. They are sent at a rate of approximately 10 per second. The `topic` is set to `motion` and the `payload` is an object with the following values: - `acceleration.x/y/z` : the acceleration intensity in Gs - `gyroscope.x/y/z` : the rotational intensity in radians/s - `orientation.roll/pitch/yaw` : the angle of the axis in degrees - `compass` : the direction of North in degrees #### Environment events Environment events include readings from the temperature, humidity and pressure sensors. They are sent at a rate of approximately 1 per second. The `topic` is set to `environment` and the `payload` is an object with the following values: - `temperature` : degrees Celsius - `humidity` : percentage of relative humidity - `pressure` : Millibars #### Joystick events Joystick events are sent when the Sense HAT joystick is interacted with. The `topic` is set to `joystick` and the `payload` is an object with the following values: - `key` : one of `UP`, `DOWN`, `LEFT`, `RIGHT`, `ENTER` - `state` : the state of the key: - `0` : the key has been released - `1` : the key has been pressed - `2` : the key is being held down