/** * Copyright 2015 IBM Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. **/ /*jshint expr: true*/ var sinon = require('sinon'); var should = require("should"); var proxyquire = require("proxyquire"); var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter var util = require('util'); var data = require("./data"); var path = require("path"); var helper = require('../../../test/helper.js'); // Mute "Starting/Stopping flows to stdout" //var flows = proxyquire('../../../.node-red/red/nodes/flows.js', { //var flows = proxyquire('../../../../../red/nodes/flows.js', { //util: { //log: function(msg) { //if(!/ing flows/.test(msg)) { //util.log(msg); //} //} //} //}); //var helper = require('../../../.node-red/test/nodes/helper.js'); //var helper = require('../../../../../test/nodes/helper.js'); var currentPB = null; var pushbulletStub = function() { var self = this; currentPB = this; this.streamEmitter = new EventEmitter(); this.streamObj = { on: function(key, cb){ self.streamEmitter.on(key, cb);}, close: function(){}, connect: function(){} } // funcs this.me = function(cb){ cb(null, data.me); }; this.history = function(opts, cb){ cb(null, getPushReply('note')); }; this.devices = function(){}; // pushes this.note = function(){}; this.file = function(){}; this.link = function(){}; this.list = function(){}; this.address = function(){}; this.push = function(){}; // websocket this.stream = function() { return this.streamObj; }; // modifiers this.deletePush = function(){}; this.updatePush = function(){}; }; function getReply() { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data.base)); } function getPushReply(name) { var r = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data.base)); r.pushes.push(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data[name]))) return r; } var pushbulletNode = proxyquire("../../../social/pushbullet/57-pushbullet.js", { "pushbullet": function(apikey) { currentPB.apikey = apikey; return currentPB; } }); describe('pushbullet node', function() { beforeEach(function(done) { currentPB = new pushbulletStub(); helper.startServer(done); }); afterEach(function(done) { helper.unload(); helper.stopServer(done); }); describe('loading and settings', function() { it('loads', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1"}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { done(); }); }); it('gets user info', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1"}]; var func = sinon.stub(currentPB, "me"); helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { func.yield(false, data.me); helper.getNode("n1").me.then(function(me) { me.should.have.property("email", "john.doe@noma.il"); done(); }); }); }); it('gets user info, fail', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1"}, {id:"n3", type:"pushbullet in", config: "n1"}]; var func = sinon.spy(currentPB, "me"); helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { var warn1 = sinon.spy(helper.getNode("n2"), "error"); var warn2 = sinon.spy(helper.getNode("n3"), "error"); func.yield(true, null); func.callCount.should.be.above(0); warn1.callCount.should.be.above(0); warn2.callCount.should.be.above(0); //helper.getNode("n1").me.should.have.property("email", "john.doe@noma.il"); done(); }); }); it('list devices', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1"}]; var func = sinon.stub(currentPB, "devices"); helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { helper.request().get("/pushbullet/n1/devices").end(function(err, res) { var devs = JSON.parse(res.text); devs.should.have.length(2); done(); }); var ret = getReply(); ret.devices = data.devices; func.yields(false, ret); }); }); it('gets last modified', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1"}]; var func = sinon.stub(currentPB, "history"); helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { func.yield(false, getPushReply('modified')); helper.getNode("n1").last.then(function(last) { last.should.equal(1234); done(); }); }); }); it('gets last modified with no history', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1"}]; var func = sinon.stub(currentPB, "history"); helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { func.yield(false, getReply()); helper.getNode("n1").last.then(function(last) { last.should.equal(0); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('backward compatiblity', function() { it('should be valid', function(done) { var flow = [{"id": "n1", "type": "pushbullet", "chan": "", "title": "topic"}, {id:"n3", type:"helper", wires: [["n1"]]}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{pushkey:"key", deviceid: "dev"}}, function() { var func = sinon.spy(currentPB, "note"); helper.getNode("n3").send({ payload: "my note", }); sinon.assert.calledWith(func, "dev", "topic", "my note"); done(); }); }); }); describe('defaults and msg optionals', function() { it('defaults', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1"}, {id:"n3", type:"helper", wires: [["n2"]]}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { var func = sinon.spy(currentPB, "note"); helper.getNode("n3").send({ payload: "my note", }); helper.getNode("n1").me.then(function(){ sinon.assert.calledWith(func, "john.doe@noma.il", "Node-RED", "my note"); done(); }); }); }); it('no overrides', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1", pushtype: "note", title: "title"}, {id:"n3", type:"helper", wires: [["n2"]]}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}, n2: {deviceid: "id"}}, function() { var func = sinon.spy(currentPB, "note"); helper.getNode("n3").send({ payload: "my note", }); sinon.assert.calledWith(func, "id", "title", "my note"); done(); }); }); it('channel', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1", pushtype: "note", title: "title", chan: "mychannel"}, {id:"n3", type:"helper", wires: [["n2"]]}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}, n2: {deviceid: "id"}}, function() { var func = sinon.spy(currentPB, "note"); helper.getNode("n3").send({ payload: "my note", }); sinon.assert.calledWith(func, {channel_tag: "mychannel"}, "title", "my note"); done(); }); }); it('channel from msg', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1", pushtype: "note", title: "title"}, {id:"n3", type:"helper", wires: [["n2"]]}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}, n2: {deviceid: "id"}}, function() { var func = sinon.spy(currentPB, "note"); helper.getNode("n3").send({ payload: "my note", channel: "mychannel" }); sinon.assert.calledWith(func, {channel_tag: "mychannel"}, "title", "my note"); done(); }); }); it('all optionals but defined in node', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1", pushtype: "link", title: "title"}, {id:"n3", type:"helper", wires: [["n2"]]}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}, n2: {deviceid: "id"}}, function() { var func = sinon.spy(currentPB, "push"); helper.getNode("n3").send({ deviceid: "over1", topic: "over2", pushtype: "note", payload: "payload" }); sinon.assert.calledWith(func, "id", {type: "link", body: undefined, title:"title", url: "payload"}); done(); }); }); it('all optionals', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1", pushtype: "", title: ""}, {id:"n3", type:"helper", wires: [["n2"]]}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}, n2: {deviceid: "_msg_"}}, function() { var func = sinon.spy(currentPB, "push"); helper.getNode("n3").send({ deviceid: "over1", topic: "over2", payload: "over3", pushtype: "link" }); sinon.assert.calledWith(func, "over1", {type: "link", body: undefined, title: "over2", url: "over3"}); done(); }); }); }); describe('output', function() { it('note', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1", pushtype: "note", title: "title"}, {id:"n3", type:"helper", wires: [["n2"]]} ]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}, n2: {deviceid: "id"}}, function() { var func = sinon.spy(currentPB, "note"); helper.getNode("n3").send({ payload: "my note", }); sinon.assert.calledWith(func, "id", "title", "my note"); done(); }); }); it('link', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1", pushtype: "link", title: "title"}, {id:"n3", type:"helper", wires: [["n2"]]} ]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}, n2: {deviceid: "id"}}, function() { var func = sinon.spy(currentPB, "push"); helper.getNode("n3").send({ payload: "http://link", message: "message" }); sinon.assert.calledWith(func, "id", {type: "link", title: "title", url: "http://link", body: "message"}); done(); }); }); it('list', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1", pushtype: "list", title: "title"}, {id:"n3", type:"helper", wires: [["n2"]]} ]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}, n2: {deviceid: "id"}}, function() { var func = sinon.spy(currentPB, "list"); helper.getNode("n3").send({ payload: ["a", "b", "c"], }); sinon.assert.calledWith(func, "id", "title"); func.getCall(0).args[2].should.have.length(3); done(); }); }); it('list string', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1", pushtype: "list", title: "title"}, {id:"n3", type:"helper", wires: [["n2"]]} ]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}, n2: {deviceid: "id"}}, function() { var func = sinon.spy(currentPB, "list"); helper.getNode("n3").send({ payload: '["a", "b", "c"]', }); sinon.assert.calledWith(func, "id", "title"); func.getCall(0).args[2].should.have.length(3); done(); }); }); it('address', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1", pushtype: "address", title: "title"}, {id:"n3", type:"helper", wires: [["n2"]]} ]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}, n2: {deviceid: "id"}}, function() { var func = sinon.spy(currentPB, "address"); helper.getNode("n3").send({ payload: "My Street 4", }); sinon.assert.calledWith(func, "id", "title", "My Street 4"); done(); }); }); it('file', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1", pushtype: "file", title: "title"}, {id:"n3", type:"helper", wires: [["n2"]]} ]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}, n2: {deviceid: "id"}}, function() { var func = sinon.spy(currentPB, "file"); var fn = path.join(__dirname, "data.js") helper.getNode("n3").send({ payload: fn, }); sinon.assert.calledWith(func, "id", fn, "title"); done(); }); }); it('should fail if file don\'t exist', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1", pushtype: "file", title: "title"}, {id:"n3", type:"helper", wires: [["n2"]]} ]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}, n2: {deviceid: "id"}}, function() { var func = sinon.spy(currentPB, "file"); var errfn = sinon.spy(helper.getNode("n2"), "error"); helper.getNode("n3").send({ payload: "hello", }); func.called.should.fail; errfn.callCount.should.be.above(0); done(); }); }); it('raw', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1"}, {id:"n3", type:"helper", wires: [["n2"]]} ]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}, n2: {deviceid: "id"}}, function() { var func = sinon.spy(currentPB, "push"); helper.getNode("n3").send({ pushtype: '_raw_', raw: {type: 'note', title: 'title', body: 'this is the note'} }); sinon.assert.calledWith(func, "id", {type: 'note', title: 'title', body: 'this is the note'}); done(); }); }); it('raw update', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1"}, {id:"n3", type:"helper", wires: [["n2"]]} ]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}, n2: {deviceid: "id"}}, function() { var func = sinon.spy(currentPB, "updatePush"); helper.getNode("n3").send({ pushtype: '_rawupdate_', raw: {items: [{checked:false, text: 'a'}]}, data: {iden: 'id'} }); sinon.assert.calledWith(func, "id", {items: [{checked:false, text: 'a'}]}); done(); }); }); }); describe('actions', function() { it('delete', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1", pushtype: "delete"}, {id:"n3", type:"helper", wires: [["n2"]]} ]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { var func = sinon.spy(currentPB, "deletePush"); helper.getNode("n3").send({ payload: "my note", data: { iden: "delid"} }); sinon.assert.calledWith(func, "delid"); done(); }); }); it('dismiss', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1", pushtype: "dismissal"}, {id:"n3", type:"helper", wires: [["n2"]]} ]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { var func = sinon.spy(currentPB, "updatePush"); helper.getNode("n3").send({ payload: "my note", data: { iden: "delid", dismissed: false } }); sinon.assert.calledWith(func, "delid"); done(); }); }); it('update list', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet", config: "n1", pushtype: "updatelist"}, {id:"n3", type:"helper", wires: [["n2"]]} ]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { var func = sinon.spy(currentPB, "updatePush"); helper.getNode("n3").send({ payload: [{}, {}, {}], data: { iden: "delid", type: "list" } }); sinon.assert.calledWith(func, "delid"); func.getCall(0).args[1].items.should.have.length(3); done(); }); }); }); describe('input', function() { it('handles stream push', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet in", config: "n1", wires: [["n3"]]}, {id:"n3", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { helper.getNode("n3").on("input", function(msg) { done(); }); currentPB.streamEmitter.emit("message", {type: "push", push: {type: "clip", body: "clipboard"}}) }); }); it('handles status', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet in", config: "n1", wires: [["n3"]]}, {id:"n3", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { var func = sinon.spy(helper.getNode("n2"), 'status'); currentPB.streamEmitter.emit("connect"); currentPB.streamEmitter.emit("close"); currentPB.streamEmitter.emit("error"); func.callCount.should.equal(3); done(); }); }); it('clipboard', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet in", config: "n1", wires: [["n3"]]}, {id:"n3", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { helper.getNode("n3").on("input", function(msg) { msg.should.have.property("pushtype", "clip"); msg.should.have.property("payload", "hello"); msg.should.have.property("data"); done(); }); currentPB.streamEmitter.emit("message", {type: "push", push: {type: "clip", body: "hello"}}); }); }); it('mirror', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet in", config: "n1", wires: [["n3"]]}, {id:"n3", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { helper.getNode("n3").on("input", function(msg) { msg.should.have.property("pushtype", "mirror"); msg.should.have.property("payload", "If you see this on your computer, mirroring is working!\n"); msg.should.have.property("data"); done(); }); currentPB.streamEmitter.emit("message", {type: "push", push: data.mirror}); }); }); it('dismissal', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet in", config: "n1", wires: [["n3"]]}, {id:"n3", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { helper.getNode("n3").on("input", function(msg) { msg.should.have.property("pushtype", "dismissal"); msg.should.have.property("payload", "pjgzwwocCCy"); msg.should.have.property("data"); done(); }); currentPB.streamEmitter.emit("message", {type: "push", push: data.dismissal}); }); }); it('unknown type', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet in", config: "n1", wires: [["n3"]]}, {id:"n3", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { var err = sinon.spy(helper.getNode("n1"), "error"); currentPB.streamEmitter.emit("message", {type: "push", push: {type: "push", push: {type: "unknown", data: "test"}}}); err.called.should.be.ok; done(); }); }); describe('tickle', function() { it('note', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet in", config: "n1", wires: [["n3"]]}, {id:"n3", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { helper.getNode("n3").on("input", function(msg) { msg.should.have.property("pushtype", "note"); msg.should.have.property("payload", "body"); msg.should.have.property("topic", "title"); msg.should.have.property("data"); done(); }); var func = sinon.stub(currentPB, "history"); currentPB.streamEmitter.emit("message", {type: "tickle", subtype: "push"}); func.yields(false, getPushReply('note')); }); }); it('link', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet in", config: "n1", wires: [["n3"]]}, {id:"n3", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { helper.getNode("n3").on("input", function(msg) { msg.should.have.property("pushtype", "link"); msg.should.have.property("payload", "url"); msg.should.have.property("topic", "title"); msg.should.have.property("data"); done(); }); var func = sinon.stub(currentPB, "history"); currentPB.streamEmitter.emit("message", {type: "tickle", subtype: "push"}); func.yields(false, getPushReply('link')); }); }); it('address', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet in", config: "n1", wires: [["n3"]]}, {id:"n3", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { helper.getNode("n3").on("input", function(msg) { msg.should.have.property("pushtype", "address"); msg.should.have.property("payload", "address"); msg.should.have.property("topic", "title"); msg.should.have.property("data"); done(); }); var func = sinon.stub(currentPB, "history"); currentPB.streamEmitter.emit("message", {type: "tickle", subtype: "push"}); func.yields(false, getPushReply('address')); }); }); it('file', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet in", config: "n1", wires: [["n3"]]}, {id:"n3", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { helper.getNode("n3").on("input", function(msg) { msg.should.have.property("pushtype", "file"); msg.should.have.property("payload", "fileurl"); msg.should.have.property("topic", "filename"); msg.should.have.property("data"); done(); }); var func = sinon.stub(currentPB, "history"); currentPB.streamEmitter.emit("message", {type: "tickle", subtype: "push"}); func.yields(false, getPushReply('file')); }); }); it('list', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet in", config: "n1", wires: [["n3"]]}, {id:"n3", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { helper.getNode("n3").on("input", function(msg) { msg.should.have.property("pushtype", "list"); msg.should.have.property("topic", "title"); msg.should.have.property("payload").with.length(3); msg.should.have.property("data"); done(); }); var func = sinon.stub(currentPB, "history"); currentPB.streamEmitter.emit("message", {type: "tickle", subtype: "push"}); func.yields(false, getPushReply('list')); }); }); it('delete', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet in", config: "n1", wires: [["n3"]]}, {id:"n3", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { helper.getNode("n3").on("input", function(msg) { msg.should.have.property("pushtype", "delete"); msg.should.have.property("payload", "pjgzwwocCCy"); msg.should.have.property("data"); done(); }); var func = sinon.stub(currentPB, "history"); currentPB.streamEmitter.emit("message", {type: "tickle", subtype: "push"}); func.yields(false, getPushReply('delete')); }); }); it('dismissed', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet in", config: "n1", wires: [["n3"]]}, {id:"n3", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}}, function() { helper.getNode("n3").on("input", function(msg) { msg.should.have.property("pushtype", "dismissal"); msg.should.have.property("payload", "xXxXxXxXxXxsjArqXRsaZM"); msg.should.have.property("data"); done(); }); var func = sinon.stub(currentPB, "history"); currentPB.streamEmitter.emit("message", {type: "tickle", subtype: "push"}); var rep = getPushReply('note'); rep.pushes[0].dismissed = true; func.yields(false, rep); }); }); it('filter', function(done) { var flow = [{id:"n1", type:"pushbullet-config"}, {id:"n2", type:"pushbullet in", config: "n1", wires: [["n3"]]}, {id:"n3", type:"helper"}]; helper.load(pushbulletNode, flow, {n1:{apikey:"invalid"}, n2:{filters:['a', 'b']}}, function() { var counter = sinon.spy(); helper.getNode("n3").on("input", function(msg) { counter(); }); var func = sinon.stub(currentPB, "history"); currentPB.streamEmitter.emit("message", {type: "tickle", subtype: "push"}); var msg0 = getPushReply('link'); msg0.pushes[0].source_device_iden = 'a'; func.onCall(0).yields(false, msg0); currentPB.streamEmitter.emit("message", {type: "tickle", subtype: "push"}); var msg1 = getPushReply('link'); msg1.pushes[0].source_device_iden = 'b'; func.onCall(1).yields(false, msg1); currentPB.streamEmitter.emit("message", {type: "tickle", subtype: "push"}); var msg2 = getPushReply('link'); msg2.pushes[0].source_device_iden = 'c'; func.onCall(2).yields(false, msg2); currentPB.streamEmitter.emit("message", {type: "tickle", subtype: "push"}); var msg3 = getPushReply('link'); delete msg3.pushes[0].source_device_iden; delete msg3.pushes[0].target_device_iden; func.onCall(3).yields(false, msg3); setTimeout(function() { counter.callCount.should.equal(3); done(); }, 100); }); }); }); }); });