node-red-node-twitter ===================== Node-RED nodes to talk to Twitter. The Twitter API will **NOT** deliver 100% of all tweets. This does **NOT** give access to the Twitter Firehose. Tweets of who you follow will include their retweets and favourites. **Note** : This is the same node as is/was in the core of Node-RED. If you already have it installed you do NOT need this node. However it will be deprecated from the core in due course, at which point you will need to install it from here if still required. Install ------- Run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED install, usually this is ~/.node-red . npm install node-red-node-twitter Usage ----- Provides two nodes - one to receive messages, and one to send. ###Input Twitter input node. Can be used to search either: - the public or a user's stream for tweets containing the configured search term - all tweets by specific users - direct messages received by the authenticated user Use **space** for *and*, and **comma** , for *or* when searching for multiple terms. Sets the **msg.topic** to *tweets/* and then appends the senders screen name. Sets **msg.location** to the tweeters location if known. Sets **msg.tweet** to the full tweet object as documented by Twitter. **Note:** when set to a specific user's tweets, or your direct messages, the node is subject to Twitter's API rate limiting. If you deploy the flows multiple times within a 15 minute window, you may exceed the limit and will see errors from the node. These errors will clear when the current 15 minute window passes. ###Output Tweets the **msg.payload**. To send a Direct Message (DM) - use a payload like. D {username} {message} If **** exists and is a Buffer object, this node will treat it as an image and attach it to the tweet.