module.exports = function(RED) {
    "use strict";
    var fs = require('fs');
    var PNG = require('pngjs').PNG;
    var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
    var execSync = require('child_process').execSync;

    var hatCommand = __dirname+'/unihat';
    var allOK = true;

    try {
        var cpuinfo = fs.readFileSync("/proc/cpuinfo").toString();
        if (cpuinfo.indexOf(": BCM") === -1) {
            RED.log.warn("rpi-unicorn : "+RED._("node-red:rpi-gpio.errors.ignorenode"));
            allOK = false;
        else if (!fs.existsSync("/usr/share/doc/python-rpi.gpio") && !fs.existsSync("/usr/share/doc/python3-rpi.gpio")) {
            RED.log.warn("rpi-unicorn : "+RED._("node-red:rpi-gpio.errors.libnotfound"));
            allOK = false;
        else if (!(1 & parseInt ((fs.statSync(hatCommand).mode & parseInt ("777", 8)).toString (8)[0]))) {
            RED.log.warn("rpi-unicorn : "+RED._("node-red:rpi-gpio.errors.needtobeexecutable",{command:hatCommand}));
            allOK = false;
    catch(err) {
        RED.log.warn("rpi-unicorn : "+RED._("node-red:rpi-gpio.errors.ignorenode"));
        allOK = false;

    // the magic to make python print stuff immediately
    process.env.PYTHONUNBUFFERED = 1;

    function UnicornHatNode(n) {
        this.png = n.png;
        this.bright = n.bright || 20;
        this.items = {};
        var node = this;

        var pic = new Buffer(192);
        var ready = false;
        if (node.png) {
            if (node.png.split(",").length === 3) {
                var c = node.png.split(",");
                for (var i=0; i<192; i++) {
                    pic[i] = c[0];
                    pic[i+1] = c[1];
                    pic[i+2] = c[2];
                    i += 2;
                ready = true;
            else {
                try {
                    var file = fs.readFileSync(node.png);
                    new PNG().parse( file, function(error, data) {
                        if (error) {
                            node.warn("error reading : "+node.png);
                            ready = true;
                        else {
                            var pix =;
                            var j=0;
                            for (var i=0; i<192; i++) {
                                pic[i] = pix[j];
                                pic[i+1] = pix[j+1];
                                pic[i+2] = pix[j+2];
                                i += 2;
                                j += 4;
                            ready = true;
                catch(e) {
                    node.warn("error loading : "+node.png);
                    ready = true;
        else { ready = true; }

        function inputlistener(msg) {
            if (typeof msg.payload === "string") {
                var a,b,i,j,x,y;
                msg.payload = msg.payload.replace('"','');
                var s = msg.payload.toUpperCase().split(",");
                var doDraw = true;
                if (s.length === 1) {
                    if ((s[0] == "CLS") || (s[0] == "CLR") || (s[0] == "CLEAR")) {
                        node.items = {};
                    if ((s[0] == "DEL") || (s[0] == "DELETE")) {
                        node.items = {};
                else if (s.length === 2) {
                    if (s[0] === "BRIGHTNESS") {
                    if (s[0] === "ROTATE") {
                else if (s.length === 3) {
                    for (i=0; i<192; i++) {
                        pic[i] = s[0];
                        pic[i+1] = s[1];
                        pic[i+2] = s[2];
                        i += 2;
                else if (s.length % 5 === 0) { // handles pixel updates
                    if (msg.topic) {
                        node.items[msg.topic] = msg.payload;
                    else {
                        doDraw = false;
                        x = [];
                        y = [];
                        for (a = 0; a < s.length; a++) {
                            if (s[a] === "*") {
                                x[0] = 0;
                                x[1] = 7;
                            else if (s[a].indexOf("-") !== -1) {
                                x = s[a].split("-").sort();
                            else { x[0] = x[1] = s[a]; }
                            if (s[a+1] === "*") {
                                y[0] = 0;
                                y[1] = 7;
                            else if (s[a+1].indexOf("-") !== -1) {
                                y = s[a+1].split("-").sort();
                            else { y[0] = y[1] = s[a+1]; }

                            for (j = y[0]; j <= y[1]; j++) {
                                for (i = x[0]; i <= x[1]; i++) {
                                    pic[i*3+j*24] = s[a+2];
                                    pic[i*3+j*24+1] = s[a+3];
                                    pic[i*3+j*24+2] = s[a+4];

                            a += 4;
                else if (s.length === 192) {  // handle complete buffer refresh.
                    for (var h=0; h<192; h++) {
                        pic[h] = s[h];
                        pic[h+1] = s[h+1];
                        pic[h+2] = s[h+2];
                        h += 2;
                else {
                    if (node.items.hasOwnProperty(msg.topic)) { delete node.items[msg.topic]; }

                if (doDraw) {
                    var pixels = new Buffer(192);
                    for (var p in node.items) {
                        if (node.items.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
                            b = node.items[p].split(",");
                            x = [];
                            y = [];
                            for (a = 0; a < b.length; a++) {
                                if (b[a] === "*") {
                                    x[0] = 0;
                                    x[1] = 7;
                                else if (b[a].indexOf("-") !== -1) {
                                    x = b[a].split("-").sort();
                                else { x[0] = x[1] = b[a]; }
                                if (b[a+1] === "*") {
                                    y[0] = 0;
                                    y[1] = 7;
                                else if (b[a+1].indexOf("-") !== -1) {
                                    y = b[a+1].split("-").sort();
                                else { y[0] = y[1] = b[a+1]; }
                                for (j = y[0]; j <= y[1]; j++) {
                                    for (i = x[0]; i <= x[1]; i++) {
                                        pixels[i*3+j*24] = b[a+2];
                                        pixels[i*3+j*24+1] = b[a+3];
                                        pixels[i*3+j*24+2] = b[a+4];
                                a += 4;
            else { node.warn("Input not a string"); }

        if (allOK === true) {
            node.child = spawn(hatCommand, [node.bright]);

            node.on("input", inputlistener);

            node.child.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
                if (RED.settings.verbose) { node.log("out: "+data+" :"); }

            node.child.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
                if (RED.settings.verbose) { node.log("err: "+data+" :"); }

            node.child.on('close', function () {
                node.child = null;
                if (RED.settings.verbose) { node.log(RED._("rpi-gpio.status.closed")); }
                if (node.finished) {
                else { node.status({fill:"red",shape:"ring",text:"stopped"}); }

            node.child.on('error', function (err) {
                if (err.errno === "ENOENT") { node.error(RED._("rpi-gpio.errors.commandnotfound")); }
                else if (err.errno === "EACCES") { node.error(RED._("rpi-gpio.errors.commandnotexecutable")); }
                else { node.error(RED._("rpi-gpio.errors.error")+': ' + err.errno); }

            node.on("close", function(done) {
                if (node.tout) { clearTimeout(node.tout); }
                if (node.child != null) {
                    node.finished = done;
                else { done(); }

            var nowready = function() {
                node.tout = setTimeout( function() {
                    if (ready) { inputlistener({payload:"0"}); }
                    else { nowready(); }
                }, 100);
        else {