{ "twitter": { "label": { "twitter-id": "Twitter ID", "search": "Search", "for": "for", "user": "User", "dmslabel": "DMs", "followers": "followed by", "tweetslabel": "tweets", "eventslabel": "events", "create": "Create your own application at", "copy-consumer": "From the 'Keys and tokens' section, copy the Consumer API keys", "consumer_key": "API key", "consumer_secret": "API secret key", "copy-accessToken": "Create a new 'Access token & access token secret' and copy them", "access_key": "Access token", "access_secret": "Access token secret", "enter-id": "Set your Twitter ID" }, "placeholder": { "for": "comma-separated words, @ids, #tags", "user": "comma-separated @twitter handles" }, "search": { "public": "all public tweets", "follow": "all tweets from people I follow", "user": "the tweets of specific users", "direct": "your direct messages", "events": "your twitter events" }, "tip": "Tip: Use commas without spaces between multiple search terms. Comma = OR, Space = AND.<br/>The Twitter API WILL NOT deliver 100% of all tweets.<br/>Tweets of who you follow will include their retweets and favourites.<br/><br/>Leave <b>for</b> blank to set using msg.payload.", "status": { "using-geo": "Using geo location: __location__", "tweeting": "tweeting", "failed": "failed" }, "warn": { "nousers": "User option selected but no users specified", "waiting": "Waiting for search term" }, "errors": { "ratelimit": "rate limit hit", "limitrate": "limiting rate", "streamerror": "stream error: __error__ (__rc__)", "unexpectedend": "stream ended unexpectedly", "invalidtag": "invalid tag property", "missingcredentials": "missing twitter credentials", "truncated": "truncated tweet greater than 280 characters", "sendfail": "send tweet failed: __error__", "nopayload": "no payload to tweet" } } }