module.exports = function(RED) { "use strict"; //The Server Definition - this opens (and closes) the connection function EmoncmsServerNode(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.server = n.server; =; } RED.nodes.registerType("emoncms-server",EmoncmsServerNode,{ credentials: { apikey: {type:"text"} } }); function Emoncms(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.emonServer = n.emonServer; var sc = RED.nodes.getNode(this.emonServer); this.baseurl = sc.server; this.apikey = sc.credentials.apikey; this.nodegroup = n.nodegroup || ""; this.datatype = n.datatype || ""; var node = this; var http; if (this.baseurl.substring(0,5) === "https") { http = require("https"); } else { http = require("http"); } this.on("input", function(msg) { // setup the data for the URI if (this.datatype == "legacy"){ this.url = this.baseurl + '/input/post.json?'; if (typeof(msg.payload) !== "string") { this.url += 'json=' + JSON.stringify(msg.payload); } else { if (msg.payload.indexOf(':') > -1) { this.url += 'json={' + msg.payload + '}'; } else { this.url += 'csv=' + msg.payload; } } } else if (this.datatype == "fulljson"){ this.url = this.baseurl + '/input/post?'; this.url += 'fulljson=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(msg.payload)); } else if (this.datatype == "json"){ this.url = this.baseurl + '/input/post?'; this.url += 'json={' + encodeURIComponent(msg.payload) + '}'; } else if (this.datatype == "CSV"){ this.url = this.baseurl + '/input/post?'; this.url += 'csv=' + msg.payload; } else { node.error("ERROR : No valid data type set - " + this.datatype); node.status({fill:"red",shape:"ring",text:"No valid data type set"}); return; } // setup the node group for URI. Must have a node group or exit var nodegroup = this.nodegroup || msg.nodegroup; if (typeof nodegroup === "undefined") { node.error("ERROR: A Node group must be specified - " + nodegroup); node.status({fill:"red",shape:"ring",text:"No Nodegroup"}); return; } else { this.url += '&node=' + nodegroup; } // setup the API key for URI. this.url += '&apikey=' + this.apikey; // check for a time object and setup URI if valid if (typeof msg.time === "undefined") { // node.warn("WARN: Time object undefined, no time set"); } else { if (!isNaN(msg.time)) { this.url += '&time=' + msg.time; } else { if (isNaN(Date.parse(msg.time))) { // error condition as msg.tme has some value that is not understood node.warn("WARN: Time object not valid, no time set - " + msg.time); } else { this.url += '&time=' + Date.parse(msg.time)/1000; //seconds } } delete msg.time; // clean it up for the error msg } var URIsent = this.url; msg.payload = ""; msg.urlsent = decodeURIComponent(URIsent); var request = http.get(this.url, function(res) { msg.topic = "http response"; msg.rc = res.statusCode; res.setEncoding('utf8'); var body = ""; res.on('data', function(chunk) { body += chunk; }); res.on('end', function() { // need to test for JSON as some responses are not valid JSON try { msg.payload = JSON.parse(body); } catch (e) { msg.payload = body; } if (msg.payload.success) { node.status({fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"Success RC="+ msg.rc}); } else if (msg.payload === 'ok') { node.status({fill:"green",shape:"dot",text:"ok RC="+ msg.rc}); } else if (msg.payload === 'Invalid API key') { node.error(msg); node.status({fill:"red",shape:"ring",text:"Invalid API key RC="+ msg.rc}); } else { msg.warning = "ERROR: API Call Failed"; node.error(msg); node.status({fill:"red",shape:"ring",text:"API Failed RC="+ msg.rc}); } }); }).on('error', function(e) { msg.warning = e node.error(msg); node.error(e,msg); node.status({fill:"red",shape:"dot",text:"HTTP Error"}); }); request.setTimeout(1000, function() { node.error("timeout: " + msg); node.status({fill:"red",shape:"ring",text:"HTTP Timeout"}); }); }); } RED.nodes.registerType("emoncms",Emoncms); function Emoncmsin(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this,n); this.emonServer = n.emonServer; var sc = RED.nodes.getNode(this.emonServer); this.baseurl = sc.server; this.apikey = sc.credentials.apikey; this.feedid = n.feedid var node = this; var http; if (this.baseurl.substring(0,5) === "https") { http = require("https"); } else { http = require("http"); } this.on("input", function(msg) { this.url = this.baseurl + '/feed/value.json'; this.url += '&apikey='+this.apikey; var feedid = this.feedid || msg.feedid; if (feedid !== "") { this.url += '&id=' + feedid; } http.get(this.url, function(res) { msg.rc = res.statusCode; msg.payload = ""; res.setEncoding('utf8'); res.on('data', function(chunk) { msg.payload += chunk; }); res.on('end', function() { if (msg.rc === 200) { try { msg.payload = JSON.parse(msg.payload); } catch(err) { // Failed to parse, pass it on } node.send(msg); } }); }).on('error', function(e) { node.error(e,msg); }); }); } RED.nodes.registerType("emoncms in",Emoncmsin); }