module.exports = function(RED) { "use strict"; var PushBullet = require('pushbullet'); var fs = require('fs'); var when = require('when'); var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; function onError(err, node) { if (err && node) { if (node.emitter) { if (!node.emitter.emit('error', err)) { node.error(err); } } else { node.error(err); } } } function PushbulletConfig(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this, n); this.n = n; =; this._inputNodes = []; this.initialised = false; } RED.nodes.registerType("pushbullet-config", PushbulletConfig, { credentials: { apikey: {type: "password"} } }); PushbulletConfig.prototype.initialise = function() { if (this.initialised) { return; } this.emitter = new EventEmitter(); this.initialised = true; var self = this; var apikey = this.credentials.apikey; if (apikey) { try { var pusher = new PushBullet(apikey); // get 'me' info = when.promise(function(resolve, reject) {, me) { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(me); } }); }).otherwise(function(err) { onError(err, self); }); // get latest timestamp this.last = when.promise(function(resolve) { pusher.history({limit:1}, function(err, res) { if (err) { resolve(0); } else { try { resolve(res.pushes[0].modified); } catch(ex) { self.warn('Unable to get history.'); resolve(0); } } }); }); this.pusher = pusher; } catch(err) { onError(err, this); } } else { this.error("No credentials set for pushbullet config."); } this.on("close", function() { self._inputNodes.length = 0; }); } PushbulletConfig.prototype.onConfig = function(type, cb) { this.emitter.on(type, cb); } PushbulletConfig.prototype.setupStream = function() { var self = this; if (this.pusher) { var stream =; stream.setMaxListeners(100); var closing = false; var tout; stream.on('message', function(res) { if (res.type === 'tickle') { self.handleTickle(res); } else if (res.type === 'push') { self.pushMsg(res.push); } }); stream.on('connect', function() { self.emitter.emit('stream_connected'); }); stream.on('close', function() { self.emitter.emit('stream_disconnected'); if (!closing) { if (tout) { clearTimeout(tout); } tout = setTimeout(function() { stream.connect(); }, 15000); } }); stream.on('error', function(err) { self.emitter.emit('stream_error', err); if (!closing) { if (tout) { clearTimeout(tout); } tout = setTimeout(function() { stream.connect(); }, 15000); } }); stream.connect(); = stream; this.on("close",function() { if (tout) { clearTimeout(tout); } closing = true; try {; } catch(err) { } // Ignore error if not connected }); } }; PushbulletConfig.prototype.handleTickle = function(ticklemsg) { var self = this; if (this.pusher && ticklemsg.subtype === "push") { var lastprom = this.last; this.last = when.promise(function(resolve) { when(lastprom).then(function(last) { self.pusher.history({modified_after: last}, function(err, res) { if (err) { resolve(last); return onError(err); } for (var i=0; i 0) { msg.topic = "SMS: "+ incoming.notifications[0].title; msg.payload = incoming.notifications[0].body; } else { msg.topic = "SMS: "; msg.payload = ""; } msg.message = incoming; } else { this.error("unknown push type: " + incoming.type + " content: " + JSON.stringify(incoming)); return; } for (var i = 0; i < this._inputNodes.length; i++) { this._inputNodes[i].emitPush(msg); } }; PushbulletConfig.prototype.registerInputNode = function(/*Node*/handler) { if (! { this.setupStream(); } this._inputNodes.push(handler); }; function PushbulletOut(n) { RED.nodes.createNode(this, n); this.title = n.title; this.chan = n.chan; this.pushtype = n.pushtype; this.pusher = null; var self = this; var configNode; this.status({}); configNode = RED.nodes.getNode(n.config); try { this.deviceid = this.credentials.deviceid; } catch(err) { } if (configNode) { configNode.initialise(); this.pusher = configNode.pusher; configNode.onConfig('error', function(err) { self.error(err); }); } this.on("input", function(msg) { var title = self.title || msg.topic || "Node-RED"; var deviceid = (self.deviceid === '_msg_')? (msg.deviceid || ""): (self.deviceid || ""); var pushtype = self.pushtype || msg.pushtype || "note"; var channel = self.chan ||; if (typeof(msg.payload) === 'object') { msg.payload = JSON.stringify(msg.payload); } else if (msg.payload) { msg.payload = msg.payload.toString(); } if (['delete', 'dismissal', 'updatelist', '_rawupdate_'].indexOf(pushtype) === -1) { if (channel) { deviceid = { channel_tag : channel }; } else if (deviceid === "") { try { when( { if (me) { deviceid =; self.pushMsg(pushtype, deviceid, title, msg); } else { self.error("Unable to push",msg); } }); return; } catch(err) { self.error('Unable to push to "all".'); } } else if (!isNaN(deviceid)) { deviceid = Number(deviceid); } } self.pushMsg(pushtype, deviceid, title, msg); }); } RED.nodes.registerType("pushbullet", PushbulletOut, { credentials: { deviceid: {value: ""}, pushkey: {value: ""} } }); PushbulletOut.prototype.pushMsg = function(pushtype, deviceid, title, msg) { var self = this; if (this.pusher) { var handleErr = function(msg) { return function(err) { if (err) { self.error(msg); onError(err, self); } } } if (deviceid) { if (pushtype === 'note') { this.pusher.note(deviceid, title, msg.payload, handleErr('Unable to push note')); } else if (pushtype === 'address') { this.pusher.address(deviceid, title, msg.payload, handleErr('Unable to push address')); } else if (pushtype === 'list') { this.pusher.list(deviceid, title, JSON.parse(msg.payload), handleErr('Unable to push list')); } else if (pushtype === 'link') { this.pusher.push(deviceid, { type: 'link', title: title, body: msg.message, url: msg.payload }, handleErr('Unable to push link')); } else if (pushtype === 'file') { // Workaround for Pushbullet dep not handling error on file open if (fs.existsSync(msg.payload)) { this.pusher.file(deviceid, msg.payload, title, handleErr('Unable to push file')); } else { this.error('File does not exist!'); } } else if (pushtype === '_raw_') { this.pusher.push(deviceid, msg.raw, handleErr('Unable to push raw data')); } } if ( && { if (pushtype === 'delete') { this.pusher.deletePush(, handleErr('Unable to delete push')); } else if (pushtype === 'dismissal') { this.pusher.updatePush(, {dismissed: true}, handleErr('Unable to dismiss push')); } else if (pushtype === 'updatelist') { try { var data = JSON.parse(msg.payload); if ( && !== 'list') { this.warn('Trying to update list items in non list push'); } this.pusher.updatePush(, {items: data}, handleErr('Unable to update list')); } catch(err) { this.warn("Invalid list"); } } else if (pushtype === '_rawupdate_') { this.pusher.updatePush(, msg.raw, handleErr('Unable to update raw data')); } } } else { self.error("Pushbullet credentials not set/found."); } }; RED.httpAdmin.get('/pushbullet/:id/devices', RED.auth.needsPermission(''), function(req, res) { var config = RED.nodes.getNode(; var cred = RED.nodes.getCredentials(; var pb; if (config && config.pusher) { config.pusher.devices(function(err, chans) { if (err) { res.send("[]"); return onError(err, config); } res.send(JSON.stringify(filterdActiveDevices(chans.devices))); }); } else if (cred && cred.apikey) { pb = new PushBullet(cred.apikey); pb.devices(function(err, chans) { if (err) { res.send("[]"); return onError(err, config); } res.send(JSON.stringify(filterdActiveDevices(chans.devices))); }); } else if (req.query.apikey) { pb = new PushBullet(req.query.apikey); pb.devices(function(err, chans) { if (err) { res.send("[]"); return onError(err, config); } res.send(JSON.stringify(filterdActiveDevices(chans.devices))); }); } else { res.send("[]"); } }); function filterdActiveDevices(devices) { var activeDevices = []; for (var i=0; i 0) { if ( (this.credentials.filters.indexOf( > -1) || (this.credentials.filters.indexOf( > -1) || (! && ! { /* All */ this.send(msg); } } else { this.send(msg); } } catch(err) { this.send(msg); } } }